Dàta cùl-taic eadar Fòn & PC

Tha e na chleachdadh math cùl-taic a dhèanamh de dhàta iOS no Android gus casg a chuir air call dàta. Ach how? Bheir an cuspair seo molaidhean gu leòr dhut gus an dàta iOS no Android agad a chuir air ais gu h-ionadail no gu PC.

A h-uile dad a bu chòir dhut fios a bhith agad mu fhacal-faire cùl-taic iPhone

Na dhìochuimhnich mi am facal-faire cùl-taic iPhone agam? A bheil thu airson am facal-faire cùl-taic iPhone a dhèanamh recovery? Tha an artaigil seo ag innse dhut mar a dh’ fhuasglas tu duilgheadas facal-faire cùl-taic iPhone.

Seumas Davis Mar/08/2022
[ùrachadh iOS 14 / 13.7] Mar a dh ’fhuasglas tu cùl-taic iTunes gun a bhith ag ath-nuadhachadh

Ged nach urrainn dhut cùl-taic iPhone a thoirt air ais às deidh ùrachadh, is dòcha gu robh thu air ceasnachadh a bheil iTunes lethbhreac glèidhidh air ais nach eil co-chòrdail le iOS 14. Gheibh thu na fuasglaidhean a thaobh seo.

Seumas Davis Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a bheir thu air falbh faidhlichean cùl-taic iPhone

Am bheil e comasach undelete iPhone faidhlichean cùl-taice? 'S e am freagairt THA. Leugh an iùl seo gus ionnsachadh mar a undelete iPhone lethbhreac glèidhidh ann an Windows no Mac OS ann an 2 ceumannan.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
[Fuasgladh] Dh’ fhàillig duilgheadas seisean cùl-taic iTunes

Tha mearachd “Dh’ fhàillig seisean cùl-taic iTunes” gu math neònach. Ionnsaich a h-uile dad mu sheiseanan cùl-taic iTunes agus diofar dhòighean gus a’ mhearachd fhuasgladh gus an urrainn dhut leantainn air adhart a ’cruthachadh cùl-taic gun bhriseadh sam bith.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a nì thu cùl-taic de iPhone ann am modh ath-bheothachaidh

Tha an iùl seo ag innse dhuibh mar a lethbhreac glèidhidh agad iPhone modh ath-bheothachadh ann an dòigh shìmplidh. Lean e agus faodaidh tu a dhèanamh leat fhèin ann am mionaidean.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
5 Bathar-bog cùl-taic iPhone as fheàrr ann an 2022 (feumar a leughadh)

Anns an aiste seo, tha sinn a 'dol a thoirt sùil air còig de na backups as fheàrr softwares airson iPhones a tha a h-uile iPhone neach-cleachdaidh a bu chòir a bhith còmhla riutha.

Bhavya Kaushik Mar/31/ 2022
Mar a nì thu cùl-taic de dh’ aplacaidean agus dàta app air iPhone

Anns an aiste seo, tha sinn a 'dol a thoirt sùil air cuid de na dòighean as fheàrr a chleachdadh gus lethbhreac glèidhidh iPhone aplacaidean agus app dàta.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
5 Fuasglaidhean air Mar a nì thu cùl-taic de dhealbhan iPhone

Tha uimhir de chleasan ann as urrainn dhut a chleachdadh gus dealbhan iPhone a chuir air ais gus casg a chuir air call maireannach den dàta cudromach agad. Na caill na dealbhan cuimhneachail agad a-rithist.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a bheir thu air ais iPad gun iTunes

Ma tha thu airson ais iPad gun iTunes, faodaidh tu feuchainn Dr.Fone ath-nuadhachadh do iPad gun iTunes furasta.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Ro-innleachdan gus cùl-taic a dhèanamh den dàta iPhone 13 agad

A bheil thu airson cùl-taic a dhèanamh de iPhone 13 data? A bheil thu airson ionnsachadh mar a nì thu cùl-taic den iPhone 13 data? Leugh an artaigil seo gus sealladh fhaighinn air innleachdan èifeachdach gus cùl-taic a dhèanamh de dhàta iPhone 13 gu furasta

Seumas Davis Am Màrt/31/2022
3 dòighean dearbhte airson teachdaireachdan teacsa a shàbhaladh air iPhone

Leugh an iùl fiosrachail seo gus ionnsachadh mar a shàbhaileas tu teachdaireachdan teacsa air iPhone (iPhone XS Max air a thoirt a-steach). Tha trì dòighean surefire air an liostadh gus teachdaireachdan a shàbhaladh bho iPhone ann an dòigh ceum air cheum.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Dèan cùl-taic de na h-aplacaidean Jailbreak agad agus tweaks bho Cydia

A bheil thu airson cùl-taic a dhèanamh den inneal Jailbroken agad? Seo mar a nì thu seo gu furasta bho Cydia.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a bheir thu air ais cùl-taic gu iPhone 13

A bheil thu an dùil iPhone ùr 13? Ma tha, an uairsin ionnsaich diofar dhòighean air cùl-taic iPhone 13 a thoirt air ais bhon t-seann inneal iOS. Feuch Dr.Fone-Phone lethbhreac glèidhidh.

Selena Lee Mar/31/2022
3 Dòighean gus teachdaireachdan iPhone a shàbhaladh

Ciamar a lethbhreac glèidhidh teachdaireachdan air iPhone? Tha an aiste seo a 'sealltainn dhut 3 dòighean gus lethbhreac glèidhidh iPhone teachdaireachdan furasta. Leugh air adhart agus tagh an dòigh air leth freagarrach airson lethbhreac glèidhidh iPhone teachdaireachdan.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Ceartachadh sgiobalta ‘Gun àite gu leòr airson cùl-taic iPhone ath-nuadhachadh’

Faigh an rabhadh ‘Gun àite gu leòr airson cùl-taic iPhone ath-nuadhachadh’air an iPhone agad? Innsidh an artaigil seo dhut mar a shocraicheas tu nach eil àite gu leòr ann gus cùl-taic iPhone ath-nuadhachadh.

Seumas Davis Am Màrt/31/2022
iPhone Backup Extractor : Thoir a-mach agus faigh air ais dàta iPhone

Tha an artaigil seo ag innse mar a chleachdas tu inneal-tarraing cùl-taic iPhone gus dàta iPhone a tharraing. Tha e cuideachd ag innse dhut a h-uile rud a dh'fheumas tu fios mu iPhone lethbhreac glèidhidh extractor.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a lorgas tu àite cùl-taic iPhone agus cuir às do chùl-taic

Tha an aiste seo a 'sealltainn dhut mar a lorg iPhone lethbhreac glèidhidh location agus mar a sguabadh às iPhone backups a shaoradh àite.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Dòighean Glic gus cùl-taic a dhèanamh de iPhone le agus às aonais iTunes

Ionnsaich mar a lethbhreac glèidhidh iPhone gu iTunes ann farsaing seo iùl. Diofar cheum air cheum fuasglaidhean gus lethbhreac glèidhidh iPhone le agus às aonais iTunes air an toirt seachad cuideachd.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a chì thu faidhlichean cùl-taic iPhone air Mac agus Windows

Mar a chì thu cùl-taic iPhone air Mac agus Windows? Roinnidh sinn sealladh cùl-taic iPhone dhut gus cùl-taic iPhone fhaicinn gu dìreach bho iTunes no iCloud.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
2 dhòigh air cùl-taic iPhone a tharraing a-steach Windows 10/8

Dè ma dh’ fheumas mi dàta a chumail air iPhone agus cuideachd gum feum mi cùl-taic iPhone a tharraing a-steach Windows 10/8? Tha dòighean 2 ann airson cùl-taic iPhone a thoirt a-mach gun chall dàta.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a lorgas tu agus atharraich an t-àite cùl-taic iTunes air Win

Faigh eòlas air an àite cùl-taic iTunes ann Windows 10 le bhith a’ leughadh na dreuchd seo. Leigidh e fios dhut cuideachd mar a dh’ atharraicheas tu suidheachadh cùl-taic iTunes ann Windows 10.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Rud a dh’ fheumas tu a bhith eòlach air Mobilesync

Chan eil feum air barrachd USB! Le MobileSync, faodar faidhlichean, pasganan, teacsaichean a ghluasad thairis air Wi-Fi. Bithear a’ stòradh cùl-taic ann am pasgan MobileSync. Tha MobileSync air a dhealbhadh gus fòn Android a riaghladh.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
[Fuasgladh] Chan urrainn dhomh àite cùl-taic an iPhone agam a lorg air Mac

Chan urrainn dhuinn àite cùl-taic an iPhone a lorg air Mac? Seo iùl mionaideach air diofar dhòighean cùl-taic agus mar a lorgas tu far a bheil na cùl-taic sin air do macOS.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Feumar ionnsachadh mu SMS Backup Plus

Tha SMS Backup Plus na inneal math Android airson cùl-taic de SMS a chruthachadh. Leugh an lèirmheas mionaideach seo air cùl-taic SMS a bharrachd agus cuid de na roghainnean eile aige airson cùl-taic SMS agus logaichean gairm

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Dè cho fada ’s a bheir e mo iPhone gu Backup?

A bheil thu airson faighinn a-mach dè cho fada ’s a bheir e gus cùl-taic a dhèanamh de iPhone? Thoir sùil air an iùl mhionaideach seo air ùine cùl-taic iPhone agus mar as urrainn dhut am pròiseas cùl-taic a luathachadh gus an ùine iomlan a ghiorrachadh.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a nì thu cùl-taic de bhideothan iPhone 13

Ionnsaich mu na dòighean èifeachdach air bhideothan iPhone 13 a stòradh no a chuir air ais gu sgiobalta. Tha dr.Fone-Phone Manager (iOS) na inneal math airson bhideothan iPhone 13 a ghluasad no a chuir air ais.

Selena Lee Mar/31/2022
3 dòighean air cùl-taic a dhèanamh den iPhone agad gu Mac Catalina

Sàbhail an dàta iOS agad le cùl-taic cunbhalach iPhone air Catalina. Faodaidh tu cuideachd a 'cleachdadh Dr.Fone- Phone lethbhreac glèidhidh iOS agus Android dàta a shàbhaladh gu furasta.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Tip & Trick airson Mar a nì thu cùl-taic de iPhone gu Mac

Tha an aiste seo ag innse fiosrachadh mu mar a lethbhreac glèidhidh iPhone (iPhone XS gabhail a-steach) gu Mac gun iTunes, le iTunes, far a lorg iPhone lethbhreac glèidhidh faidhl agus moladh iPhone lethbhreac glèidhidh extractor airson Mac.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
4 Dòighean gus lethbhreac glèidhidh iPhone caraidean le no às aonais iTunes

Ag iarraidh a dhèanamh an iPhone caraidean backup? Innsidh an artaigil seo dhut mar a nì thu cùl-taic de cheanglaichean iPhone agus mar as urrainn dhut fiosan às-mhalairt bho iPhones (iPhone XS a-steach) gu sgiobalta.

Seumas Davis Am Màrt/31/2022
3 dòighean riatanach airson cùl-taic a dhèanamh de iPhone/iPad gu furasta

Ionnsaich mar a nì mi cùl-taic de mo iPhone anns an stiùireadh ceum air cheum seo. Chaidh trì fuasglaidhean eadar-dhealaichte a thoirt seachad gus teagasg mar a nì thu cùl-taic iPhone (iPhone XS Max air a ghabhail a-steach) agus iPad gu furasta.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a bheir thu air ais cùl-taic iCloud gu iPhone 13

Nam biodh tu air cùl-taic iCloud ath-nuadhachadh don iPhone agad 13? A bheil fios agad mar a nì thu an gnìomhachd seo? Ceum gu sgiobalta a-steach don artaigil seo gus faighinn a-mach na dòighean èifeachdach airson a choileanadh.

Seumas Davis Am Màrt/31/2022
4 dòighean air lethbhreac glèidhidh iPhone/iPad gu Computer

A bheil thu airson ionnsachadh mar a nì thu cùl-taic iPhone gu coimpiutair no nach eil thu cinnteach dè an dòigh as freagarraiche? An uairsin leugh na 4 dòighean a leanas gus dàta iPhone / iPad a chuir air ais gu aon chuid den PC no Mac agad.

Seumas Davis Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a shocraicheas tu “Gun stòradh iCloud gu leòr” Problem?

Bidh iCloud Storage a’ ruith a-mach gu math luath, leis nach fhaigh luchd-cleachdaidh ach 5 GB de àite stòraidh an-asgaidh. Thoir sùil air diofar fhuasglaidhean gus dèiligeadh ri 'chan eil gu leòr iCloud stòraidh' gus an urrainn dhut do iCloud àite stòraidh a bharrachadh gu furasta.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a nì thu cùl-taic de dhàta air iPhone glaiste XS/X/8/7/SE/6s/6

Ghlas mi mi fhìn a-mach à iPhone agus tha mi airson cùl-taic a dhèanamh de dhàta air iPhone glaiste, a bheil dòigh ann cùl-taic a dhèanamh de iPhone glaiste? Tha an iùl seo airson cùl-taic a dhèanamh de dhàta glaiste iPhone!

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a bheir thu air ais iPhone bho chùl-taic iPad

Ag iarraidh iPhone a thoirt air ais bho iPad backup? Na gabh dragh. Chan fheum thu ùine a chaitheamh airson a thoirt air ais le iTunes. Tha an iùl seo ag innse dhut a dhèanamh ann an 3 ceumannan.

Selena Lee Giblean/28/2022
Top 4 Dòighean gus lethbhreac glèidhidh iPhone caraidean le no às aonais iTunes

Log gairm iPhone air chall? Na gabh dragh. Faodaidh tu liosta gairm iPhone fhaighinn air ais gu dìreach bho chùl-taic iPhone no iTunes, a ’toirt a-steach fiosan a’ tighinn a-steach, a-mach agus air chall.

Selena Lee Giblean/28/2022
Mar a nì thu cùl-taic de iPhone gu draibh cruaidh taobh a-muigh gu furasta

A bheil thu fhathast fo imcheist cùl-taic iPhone gu draibh cruaidh a-muigh? Faigh na fuasglaidhean as fheàrr airson cùl-taic iPhone gu draibh cruaidh bhon taobh a-muigh às an seo.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
Mar a nì thu cùl-taic de fhaidhlichean iPad gu draibh cruaidh taobh a-muigh

A bheil thu airson cùl-taic a dhèanamh de iPad gu draibh cruaidh taobh a-muigh? An seo thig inneal cùl-taic iPad, a leigeas leat ceòl, bhidio, dealbhan agus faidhlichean eile air iPad a chuir air ais thuige gu furasta.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a gheibh mi lethbhreac-glèidhidh dhen luchd-aithne agam gu Cunntas Google?

Mar a nì thu cùl-taic de cheanglaichean gu cunntas Google? Thoir sùil air an iùl seo gus tuigse fhaighinn air a’ phròiseas mionaideach mu bhith a’ cur taic ri caraidean gu cunntas Google air gach cuid iOS agus Android.

Alice MJ Am Màrt/31/2022
Mar a nì thu lethbhreac de mheòrachain guth bho iPhone X/8/7/6S/6 (Plus) chun choimpiutair agad

Seo 3 dòighean a chuidicheas tu gus meòrachain guth a ghluasad bho iPhone gu coimpiutair gun duilgheadas sam bith. Lean gus meòrachain guth iPhone a ghluasad chun choimpiutair agad no Mac.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
5 cleasan airson dealbhan a ghluasad bho iPhone gu PC le / às aonais iTunes

A bheil thu anns a 'phròiseas airson dealbhan a ghluasad bhon iPhone agad gu PC gun iTunes? Leugh an sgrìobhadh seo airson a h-uile fiosrachadh gus dealbhan a ghluasad le / às aonais iTunes.

Seumas Davis Giblean/28/2022
3 dòighean air dealbhan a ghluasad bho iPhone gu Laptop (Win & Mac)

Mura h-eil thu cinnteach ciamar a ghluaiseas tu dealbhan bho iPhone gu Laptop, dìreach leugh an artaigil gus am freagairt fhaighinn airson an dà chuid OS, Windows agus Mac.

Bhavya Kaushik Giblean/28/2022
3 prìomh dhòighean air ceòl a ghluasad bho iPhone gu coimpiutair

Ionnsaich mar a ghluaiseas ceòl bho iPhone gu coimpiutair anns an iùl seo. Tha sinn air trì fuasglaidhean eadar-dhealaichte a thoirt seachad airson òrain a ghluasad bho iPhone gu coimpiutair.

Seumas Davis Giblean/28/2022
4 dòighean air gluasad iPhone X/8/7/6S/6 (Plus) Camera Roll gu Computer

Beachd sam bith air mar as urrainn dhut iPhone Camera Roll a ghluasad gu coimpiutair no Mac? Tha an artaigil seo sa mhòr-chuid ag innse dhut dòigh gu math furasta air iPhone Camera Roll a ghluasad gu PC.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
4 dòighean as fheàrr air ceòl a ghluasad bho fhòn gu coimpiutair

A bheil thu fhathast fo imcheist ceòl a ghluasad bho fhòn gu coimpiutair? Faigh na dòighean as fheàrr air ceòl a ghluasad bho fhòn gu coimpiutair san artaigil seo.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
3 dòighean air dealbhan a thoirt a-steach bho iPhone gu Windows 10 Gu sgiobalta

Cha leig thu leas a dhol nas fhaide gus dealbhan a thoirt a-steach bho iPhone gu Windows 10, oir tha sinn air liosta de na 3 dòighean as fheàrr air dealbhan iPhone a ghluasad gu soirbheachail.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu podcastan a chaidh a cheannach agus nach deach an ceannach bho iPhone gu coimpiutair

Chan eil fios agad ciamar a ghluaiseas tu na Podcasts as fheàrr leat bho iPhone gu coimpiutair airson backup? Lean na ceumannan san artaigil seo.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
3 Dòighean gus Caraidean a ghluasad bho iPhone gu Computer le / às aonais iTunes

Ionnsaich mar a ghluaiseas caraidean bho iPhone gu coimpiutair le bhith a 'leantainn stepwise tutorial. Tha trì fuasglaidhean air an toirt seachad gus fiosan a chopaigeadh bho iPhone gu PC.

Bhavya Kaushik Giblean/28/2022
Mar as urrainn dhut dealbhan a ghluasad bho fhòn gu coimpiutair

Ionnsaich mar a ghluaiseas dealbhan bho fòn gu coimpiutair ann an trì dòighean eadar-dhealaichte. Tha sinn air trì fuasglaidhean ceum air cheum a thoirt seachad airson do dhealbhan a riaghladh san dreuchd seo.

Bhavya Kaushik Giblean/28/2022
Top 5 Dòighean airson Gluasad Videos bho iPhone gu Mac

Ionnsaich mar a ghluaiseas bhideothan bho iPhone gu Mac le bhith a 'leughadh seo fiosrachail iùl. Tha sinn air an liostadh dòighean ceum air cheum a thoirt a-steach bhideothan bho iPhone gu Mac.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu dealbhan bho iPhone gu Computer?

Tha an oideachadh seo air 9 cleasan riatanach a chruinneachadh gus dealbhan a ghluasad bho iPhone/iPad/iPod touch gu coimpiutair. Cuidichidh na cleasan obrachail 100% seo thu gus dealbhan iPhone a ghluasad gu coimpiutair a’ cleachdadh càball USB no w

Bhavya Kaushik Giblean/28/2022
Na 5 dòighean as fheàrr air faidhlichean a ghluasad eadar fòn-làimhe agus PC

San iùl seo, tha sinn air fuasgladh fhaighinn air do ùpraid le bhith a 'toirt seachad na prìomh 5 dòighean gus gluasad faidhlichean eadar fòn agus PC.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
4 dòighean as fheàrr air faidhlichean a ghluasad bho iPhone gu PC

Tha e furasta faidhlichean a ghluasad tro phost-d no WhatsApp. Ach nuair a thig e gu gluasad faidhlichean bho iPhone gu PC, tha sinn an seo gus do chuideachadh.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu leabharlann dhealbhan bho iPhone gu coimpiutair

Bheir an artaigil seo dhut mar as urrainn dhut Leabharlann Dealbhan a ghluasad bho iPhone gu coimpiutair ceum air cheum. Leugh e, agus faodaidh tu a dhèanamh leat fhèin.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
3 dòighean furasta air notaichean a shioncronachadh bho iPhone gu Mac

Ag iarraidh ionnsachadh mar a sioncronaich notaichean bho iPhone gu Mac? Anns an iùl fiosrachail seo, tha sinn air trì diofar fhuasglaidhean a chruthachadh airson notaichean a shioncronachadh bho iPhone gu Mac.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
6 Fuasglaidhean dearbhte airson dealbhan a ghluasad bho iPhone gu Mac

Am bu toil leat na cuimhneachain dhealbhan fada agad a ghluasad chun Mac? San artaigil seo innsidh sinn dhut na dòighean as fheàrr air dealbhan a chopaigeadh bho iPhone gu Mac.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
3 dòighean air teachdaireachdan teacsa a ghluasad bho iPhone gu coimpiutair

Ionnsaich mar a ghluaiseas teachdaireachdan teacsa bho iPhone gu coimpiutair le bhith a 'leughadh an iùl seo. Lean an stiùireadh ceum air cheum gus teachdaireachdan iPhone a ghluasad gu coimpiutair gun duilgheadas sam bith.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
5 Fuasglaidhean gus bhideothan a ghluasad bho iPhone gu PC / Mac

Leugh an iùl farsaing seo airson ionnsachadh mar a ghluaiseas tu bhideothan bho iPhone gu coimpiutair. Còig fuasglaidhean eadar-dhealaichte air an liostadh airson gluasad bhidio bho iPhone gu PC.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu bhideothan bho iPhone gu Laptop?

An-diugh is toil le cha mhòr a h-uile duine cuimhneachain a ghlacadh air an iPhone ann an cruth bhideothan. Ach is e an duilgheadas a th 'ann, tha tòrr stòraidh ann. Mar thoradh air an sin, thathas a 'toirt air aon a bhith a' gluasad bhideothan bho iPhone gu

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu bho iPhone gu coimpiutair ann an sia dòighean.

Chòmhdaich sinn na còig roghainnean as fheàrr airson iTunes bho iPhone gu gluasad PC, fhad ‘s a tha bathar-bog Dr.Fone a’ cumail an oir mar a tha e an-asgaidh, furasta a chleachdadh agus sàbhailte a chleachdadh.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
A 'coimhead airson Mar a ghluaiseas faidhlichean bho iPhone gu Mac?

A 'coimhead airson an dòigh as fheàrr air faidhlichean a ghluasad bho iPhone gu Mac? Is e an Dr.Fone - Manaidsear Fòn airson iOS as fheàrr an àite iTunes airson gluasad faidhle bho iPhone gu Mac. Faigh a-mach mar a chleachdas tu Finder gus f

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu faidhlichean bho iPhone gu Laptop gu sgiobalta?

Faigh a-mach mar as urrainn dhut faidhlichean a ghluasad bho iPhone gu laptop a’ cleachdadh Dr.Fone - Manaidsear Fòn (iOS) - am fuasgladh gluasad faidhle iPhone treas-phàrtaidh as fheàrr, mar a ghluaiseas tu faidhlichean a ’cleachdadh iTunes, mar a ghluaiseas tu faidhlichean

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu clàran dhealbhan bho iPhone gu PC?

Stiùireadh iomlan airson ceòl a ghluasad bho iPhone gu PC a 'cleachdadh iTunes, iCloud, agus Dr.Fone. Tha buannachdan agus eas-bhuannachdan aig gach dòigh.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu ceòl bho iPhone gu Mac?

Nach faigh sinn a-mach na diofar dhòighean air ceòl a ghluasad bho iPhone gu Mac, tha e a 'gabhail a-steach Dr.Fone, iTunes, iCloud, agus seirbheisean neòil eile, gach fear air a mhìneachadh ann an ceumannan mionaideach.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a bheir thu a-steach clàran dhealbhan bho iPhone gu Mac?

Anns an dreuchd seo, tha sinn air beachdachadh air na diofar dhòighean a thoirt a-steach clàran bho iPhone gu Mac a 'cleachdadh iTunes, iCloud, agus an-asgaidh, treas-phàrtaidh bathar-bog Dr.Fone le mòr furasta. Feuch sinn a-mach.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu dàta bho fhòn gu coimpiutair

Bidh fònaichean-làimhe a’ tighinn le glè bheag de stòradh. Mar thoradh air an sin, bidh feum air dàta a ghluasad bho fhòn gu coimpiutair. Dh’ falmhaich e stòradh an fhòn agus cruthaichidh e cùl-taic. Ma tha thu airson dàta fòn a chopaigeadh gu pc agus gu bheil thu a’ coimhead airson na dòighean ceart. Cùm a’ leughadh gus an lorg.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu faidhlichean bhon fhòn gu Laptop?

Anns an aiste, bidh sinn gad thoirt air turas mu ghluasad faidhlichean bho fòn gu laptop a 'cleachdadh nan diofar dhòighean a tha a' gabhail a-steach Dr.Fone, File Explorer, agus Dropbox.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar as urrainn dhut meòrachain guth a ghluasad bho iPhone gu Mac

Faigh a-mach mar a ghluaiseas tu meòrachain guth bho iPhone gu Mac. Tha uallach air mòran dhaoine fa leth leis a’ ghnìomh a bhith a’ dèanamh lethbhreac de na meòrachain guth bhon iPhone aca chun Mac aca, agus tha mòran air a bhith sàraichte leis gu bheil an oidhirp aca air a bhith neo-sheasmhach. Lean air adhart leis an leughadh agus sinn a’ sealltainn dhut mar as urrainn dhut nota guth fhaighinn gu furasta bho iPhone gu Mac.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu dàta bho iPhone gu PC

A bheil thu an dùil dàta a ghluasad chun laptop agad bhon iPhone agad gun a bhith a’ cleachdadh iTunes? Nochdaidh an iùl seo dhut dòighean furasta air dàta a ghluasad bho iPhone gu PC. Ma tha thu airson susbaint an iPhone a chopaigeadh gu coimpiutair Mac no Windows PC, mar eisimpleir, cuidichidh an oideachadh seo thu gu mòr.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu dàta bho iPhone gu Laptop?

A' feuchainn ri faighinn a-mach ciamar a ghluaiseas tu dàta bho iPhone gu laptop? Chan fheum thu a h-uile càil obrachadh a-mach a thaobh sin oir tha sinn air faighinn a-mach mu dheidhinn. Dìreach thoir sùil air san artaigil seo.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu dealbhan bho iPhone gu Laptop.

A bheil thu airson faighinn a-mach mar a ghluaiseas tu dealbhan bho iPhone gu laptop? Leugh am post seo gus ionnsachadh mu mar as urrainn dhut dealbhan a ghluasad bhon iPhone agad gu coimpiutair sam bith.

Alice MJ An Cèitean/11/2022
Na fuasglaidhean as fheàrr air mar a ghluaiseas tu ceòl bho iPod (Touch) gu coimpiutair

Ma tha thu airson ceòl a ghluasad bho iPod touch gu coimpiutair gu furasta, faodaidh tu an inneal gluasad ciùil iPod seo fheuchainn. Tha e glè fheumail ceòl iPod a ghluasad gu PC.

Bhavya Kaushik Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu ceòl bho iPod Classic gu coimpiutair

Tha sinn a 'dol a dh'innse dhuibh diofar dhòighean a tha rim faotainn airson gluasad ceòl bho do iPod clasaigeach a' choimpiutair anns an aiste seo.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu ceòl bho iPod Nano gu coimpiutair

Tha diofar dhòighean air ceòl a ghluasad bho ipod nano gu coimpiutair no Mac a tha sinn gu bhith ag innse dhut tron ​​​​artaigil seo.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
5 dòighean as fheàrr air dealbhan a ghluasad bho iPad gu PC

Chan eil e doirbh tuilleadh dhealbhan a ghluasad bho iPad gu PC. Bheir am post seo a-steach dhut na 5 dòighean as fheàrr air do shon.Find an rud as fheàrr dhutsa!

Seumas Davis Giblean/28/2022
3 Dòighean airson Dealbhan a ghluasad bho iPad gu iMac

Tha e furasta dealbhan a ghluasad bho iPad gu Mac. Seo 3 dòighean gus sealltainn dhut mar a nì thu lethbhreac de dhealbhan bho Roll camara iPad agus Leabharlann Dealbhan gu Mac.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu Apps bho iPad gu coimpiutair

A bheil thu air smaoineachadh mu bhith a’ gluasad aplacaidean bho iPad gu computer?Ma tha thu a’ coimhead air a shon. tha e na àite ceart dhut am mion-fhiosrachadh bhon artaigil fhaicinn!

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
Dòighean èifeachdach air iBooks às-mhalairt gu PC agus Mac

A-nis, faodaidh tu iBooks a chleachdadh ge bith càite a bheil thu ag iarraidh, bho PC gu do Mac. Shealladh an iùl seo dhut na dòighean èifeachdach air ibooks às-mhalairt chun PC no Mac agad.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Na dòighean as fheàrr air ceòl a ghluasad bho iPod gu Mac gu furasta

A bheil thu airson ionnsachadh mar a ghluaiseas tu ceòl bho iPod gu Mac? Leugh an iùl fiosrachail agus mionaideach seo le fuasglaidhean ceum air cheum gus ceòl a chopaigeadh o iPod gu Mac.

Seumas Davis Giblean/28/2022
Mar as urrainn dhut leabhraichean a ghluasad bho iPad gu coimpiutair

Tha an dreuchd seo a 'toirt seachad fiosrachadh feumail airson luchd-cleachdaidh a' gluasad leabhraichean bho iPad a 'choimpiutair, agus tha e cuideachd a' toirt a-steach top 5 iPad gluasad aplacaidean airson taic.

Selena Lee Giblean/28/2022
Cuir thairis dealbhan bho iPod touch gu PC gu furasta

Tha an artaigil seo a 'mìneachadh mar as urrainn dhut dealbhan a ghluasad bhon iPod agad gu diofar innealan, ceum air cheum, Tha trì dòighean as fheàrr air dealbhan a ghluasad bho ipod touch gu pc.

Bhavya Kaushik Giblean/28/2022
Cuir thairis ceòl bho iPod le cruth Mac gu Windows PC

Tha sinn a 'dol a dh'innse dhuibh mar a ghluaiseas ceòl bho Mac Cruth iPod gu Windows PC. Dìreach cliog iPod agus tagh òrain airson gluasad gu PC le TunesGo iPod Transfer.

Selena Lee Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu bhideothan no filmichean bho iPad gu Mac

Mar a ghluaiseas bhideothan bho iPad gu Mac gun trouble? Le Image Capture agus Dr.Fone urrainn do chuideachadh gus crìoch a chur air a 'ghnìomh gu furasta.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
Mar as urrainn dhut ceòl a ghluasad bho iPod touch gu iTunes air Mac

Feum air ceòl a ghluasad bho iPod Touch gu iTunes air Mac? Bheir an artaigil seo 4 dòighean ceum air cheum gus ceòl a ghluasad bho iPod Touch gu iTunes air Mac.

Selena Lee Giblean/28/2022
Mar as urrainn dhut iPod a shioncronachadh gu coimpiutair ùr gun a bhith a’ call do cheòl

A bheil thu airson iPod a shioncronachadh gu coimpiutair ùr gun a bhith a’ sguabadh às dàta a chaidh a chur ris roimhe. Is e pìos cèic a th’ ann nuair a chleachdas tu na dòighean seo.

Seumas Davis Giblean/28/2022
Mar as urrainn dhut PDF a ghluasad bho iPad gu PC

Tha an dreuchd seo a’ toirt a-steach 3 dòighean airson PDF a ghluasad bho iPad gu PC. Tha na dòighean ainmichte uile feumail airson PDF a ghluasad bhon iPad agad gu coimpiutair.

Selena Lee Giblean/28/2022
Mar as urrainn dhut notaichean a ghluasad bho iPad gu coimpiutair

Nach eil fios agad ach aon fhuasgladh airson notaichean a ghluasad bho iPad gu computer? Innsidh mi barrachd dhut notaichean a ghluasad. Tha e furasta ach bheir mi barrachd dhut!

t Bhavya Kaushik Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu bhideothan bho iPad gu PC

Tha cus bhideothan agam air an ipad agam ach chan eil mi airson an sguabadh às. You too? Innsidh an aiste seo dhuinn mar a ghluaiseas bhideothan bho iPad gu PC!

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu ceòl bho iPad Adhair chun choimpiutair

Tha mòran de luchd-cleachdaidh mar-thà eòlach air na dòighean air gluasad ceòl bho adhair iPad a 'choimpiutair bhuainn. A bheil thu? Lean sinn! Ionnsaich na dòighean as fhasa airson gluasad ceòl iPad.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
Mar a ghluaiseas tu ceòl bho iPod gu Computer?

Top 2 dòighean gus gluasad ceòl bho iPod gu coimpiutair, a 'cleachdadh làimhe dòigh no a' cleachdadh Wondershare TunesGo gus crìoch a chur air a 'ghnìomh ann am beagan diogan.

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
Mar a sioncronaich iPad gu coimpiutair ùr

Tha sinn an seo gus do chuideachadh le bhith ag obair a-mach an duilgheadas a thaobh mar a sioncronaich iPad a 'choimpiutair ùr agad! Bidh tu eòlas an dèidh a leughadh artaigil seo!

Daisy Raines Giblean/28/2022
4 dòighean air dealbhan a ghluasad bho iPad gu Laptop gu sgiobalta

Tha an aiste seo a 'toirt cunntas air diofar fhuasglaidhean air mar a ghluaiseas dealbhan bho iPad gu laptop. Feuch iad gus am faigh thu fois cinnteach nuair a tha feumalachdan agad.

Alice MJ Giblean/28/2022
How to Transfer Files from an iPad to PC

Transfer Files from iPad to PC,you don't have to transfer with iTunes,you can follow our tips to transfer files from ipad with other alternative ways!

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Contacts from PC to iPhone With or Without iTunes [iPhone 13 Included]

How to transfer contacts from PC to iPhone? This article tell you how to copy contacts from PC to iPhone with or without iTunes.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
3 Solutions to Transfer Videos from PC to iPhone Easily Including iPhone 12

Don’t know how to transfer videos from PC to iPhone? Read this informative guide and learn three different ways to transfer video from PC to iPhone easily.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
3 Methods to Transfer Photos from PC to iPad with and without iTunes

Still worrying how to transfer plenty of photos from your computer to iPad? This article offers you 3 easy ways to sync photos, albums from PC to iPad.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Samsung Kies Free Download for Windows 10

Learn how to install Kies Windows 10 in a trouble-free way. Our informative tutorial has provided a stepwise troubleshooting guide to run Kies for Windows 10.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Steps for Transfer Files from PC to iPhone 13/12/11/X

This article tells you how to transfer files from PC to iPhone easily and accurately without itunes with free iPhone Transfer tool to transfer iPhone files.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Videos from Mac to iPhone [iPhone 12 Included]

This article focuses on offering users easy ways to sync videos from Mac to iPhone.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
2 Ways to Transfer Photos from PC to iPhone Including iPhone 12 with/without iTunes

Transfer photos from computer to iPhone with a click. Learn how to transfer photos from PC to iPhone using the best methods. Keep reading.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How To Transfer Videos From PC to iPhone Camera Roll [iPhone 12 Included]

Is there a way to import a video to the camera roll? Simply follow the guide which shows you how to transfer videos from PC to iPhone Camera Roll with iTunes.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
Best Ways to Transfer Files to iPad from PC or Laptop

Want to transfer files from PC/Laptop to iPad? This guide will show you ways to transfer photos, songs, contacts, music, etc from PC to iPad.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
3 Ways to Transfer Photos from Laptop to iPhone Including iPhone 12 Quickly

Many people want to know solutions on how to transfer photos from laptop to iphone. Find in this article three of them to best satisfy your needs.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from Computer to iPad With and Without iTunes

If you want to know how to transfer music from computer to iPad, this post will show you two solutions to resolve the problem with and without iTunes.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from Computer to iPhone Including iPhone 12 with/without iTunes?

If you would like to take all songs you like with you, here's the right place for you. This guide shows you different ways to transfer music from computer to iPhone with or without iTunes.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
2 Methods to Transfer Music from Laptop to iPhone/iPad/iPod Including iPhone 12/12 Pro(Max)

Learn how to transfer music from laptop to iPhone with and without iTunes. Two simple solutions are provided on how to transfer songs from laptop to iPhone.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from Mac to iPhone X/8/7/6S/6 (Plus)

This article answers questions related to how to transfer music from iPhone to Mac and how to transfer music from iPhone to Mac.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from iPod to New Computer Without Losing Data

Are you puzzled to transfer music from iPod to new computer? Get the best solution as well as the free one to transfer songs from iPod to new PC here.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from iMac to iPod (iPod touch/ nano/shuffle Included)

This article introduces you the easiest ways to transfer music from Mac to iPod touch/iPod nano/iPod shuffle.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from Computer to iPod Touch

Whether you need to transfer music from computer to iPod with iTunes or without iTunes, here we introduce best 2 ways to transfer music from computer to ipod touch.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Sync iPhone with Multiple Computers without Losing Data

If you wish to sync iPhone with multiple computers, then it can certainly be a difficult task. Get best solutions to sync iPhone to multiple computers here.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photos or Pictures from Mac to iPad or iPad mini

Are you still puzzled to save your memories by transferring photos from Mac to iPad? I will tell you how easy it is from our guide!Click here to know more!

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Unsync iPhone from Computer

How to unsync iPhone from computer? In this article, we are going to show you that how you can unsync your iPhone from your old computer to new one.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
CopyTrans for Mac – the Best Tool to Transfer Music, Playlists, Videos, Photos

CopyTrans for Mac allows users to copy music, playlists, photos, and videos from iPod, iPhone, and iPad to iTunes, Mac, and vice versa.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Put Music on iPhone from Computer With/Without iTunes?

How to put music on iPhone from computer is a pretty common question. To know the answer, read the article carrying solutions with or without iTunes below.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Top 5 Ways to Transfer Photos from Computer to iPod Touch

We are going to share different ways for our readers to transfer photo from computer to ipod touch through this article.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music between Computer and iPhone

1 minute to learn how to transfer music from computer to iPhone and how to transfer music from iPhone to computer in this article.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Put Music to an iPhone from Another Computer Without Erasing iPhone Data

When putting music to an iPhone from a computer,you might worry about erasing data on your iPhone.This guide shows how to do it without losing iPhone data.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from Your Computer to iPhone without iTunes

Do you want to find an easy way to transfer music from computer to iPhone without iTunes? Here we provide you a full tutorial to resolve this problem.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
4 Tricks to Transfer Photos from Mac to iPhone Including iPhone 12 with/without iTunes

Wondering how to transfer photos from Mac to iPhone? Well, we in this article will talk about not 1 but 4 ways to import photos from Mac to iPhone.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Video from Laptop to iPhone?

Want to use an iPhone to kill your board time with interesting videos or movies? Have you already find some on your laptop? But how to transfer the videos from laptop to iPhone? Here we gave your solu

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Files from Mac to iPhone?

Find out the best way to transfer files from Mac to iPhone using iTunes and Catalina and the most comprehensive third-party solution to transfer files from Mac to iPhone - Dr.Fone - Phone Manager (iOS

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from Mac to iPhone?

In this post, we discussed how to transfer music from Mac to iPhone using the various methods, which spans from iCloud, iTunes, Dropbox to Dr.Fone software. So. let’s check out.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
The Easiest Way for File Transfer PC to Mobile

An comprehensive guide on how to file transfer PC to mobile for both Android and iPhone using File Explorer and Dr.Fone, along with the pros and cons of each.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Data from PC to iPhone

Are you wondering how to transfer data from PC to iPhone? We have put together this comprehensive tutorial to show you possible methods you can utilize to transfer data from Windows to iPhone.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photos from Samsung to PC?

The high-resolution cameras of Samsung phones are capable of capturing dynamic pictures. But these pictures occupy a lot of space. As a result, they are required to be transferred to a PC. Now, how to transfer photos from Samsung to pc is presented here.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Top 12 iPod Transfers - Pod to iTunes or Computer

Here we will introduce top 12 iPod transfers which can transfer iPod to iTunes or transfer iPod to computers easily.

Daisy Raines May/11/2022
How to Delete Auto Backup Pictures on Samsung

in this article we are going to tell you about deleting auto backup photos from Samsung devices

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Full Guide to Restore Android Phone

This article instructs you how to restore your Android Phone.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Download Wondershare MobileGo App Wirelessly

Encounter difficulties in downloading mobilego.apk file on your Android phone? Here we provide you with 4 easy ways.

h Alice MJ Mar/08/2022
Best 8 Android Backup Apps: How to Backup Android Files

This article shows you top 8 Android backup apps to backup apps, contacts, music, video, SMS and more from Android to SD card, cloud and PC.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
How to Backup Android to Mac- Top ways to backup Android files to Mac

This article will help you with step by step instruction to keep a backup for your data to Mac from the Android device and restore them when it is needed.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Best Android Backup Extractor and Backup Solution

Learn a hassle-free way to backup your data with the help of an Android extractor and its best alternative.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Top 15 Most Useful Samsung Backup Software and Apps

In this article, we will list top 9 Samsung backup software and 6 Samsung data backup Apps to help you easily backup data on Samsung devices.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Top 10 Samsung Cloud Backup Services to Preserve Your Data

we are going to tell your about Top 10 best available cloud services to samsung phone backup to cloud.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Samsung Message Backup - 5 Solutions to Make It Easy for You

This article intends to introduce you to the 5 top solutions for backing up the messages on your Samsung phone.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Samsung Kies 3: Everything You Need to Know About

Samsung Kies 3 is a tool for synchronizing a supported Android device, with your computer, allowing you to transfer data between the two.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
How to Make WiFi Settings Backup on Android Phone and Tablet

Don't know how to backup Android wifi? This article shows you how to backup Android WiFi password and do Android WiFi backup in 1 click.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
3 Ways to Backup Android to PC In Minutes

In this article we will learn three different ways to Backup Android to PC easily in a few minutes.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
5 Ways to Backup Android App and App Data Easily

With the number of apps currently available, it is important for Android device users to understand and adopt quick methods to initiate an Android app backup.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
How to Take A Full Backup of Android Phone With/Without Root

Take a full Android backup of your device right away. In this post, we have listed three ways to perform Android full backup with and without the root access.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Samsung Account Backup:Everything You Need to Know

Learn how do you set up a Samsung account and perform Samsung account backup restore in this post. We have also listed alternatives to Samsung backup account.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022 2
Top 5 Android Backup Software

This article shows you top 5 Android backup software to let you backup contacts, SMS, apps and more to computer without any hassle.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Four Methods to Backup Android SMS You'd Better Know

Planning on doing some major updates or refurbishment on your current device? Just make sure you perform Android SMS backup before anything else.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
[Solved] 4 Ways to Backup Everything on Samsung Galaxy S4

In this article we will show in detail four different ways to backup everything on Samsung Galaxy S4

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Top 5 Samsung Photo Backup Solutions

in this article we are going to tell you about different available ways to transfer your photos to your computer.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Samsung Backup: 7 Easy & Powerful Backup Solutions

Performing Samsung backup and restore is now easier than ever. In this extensive guide, you can read about the 7 best ways to backup Samsung devices in minutes.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
4 Methods to Backup Samsung Contacts

we are going to tell you about the different ways to backup samsung android mobile contacts.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Android SD Card Backup: A Full Guide to Backup SD Card on Android

This article shows you how to backup Android SD card to computer and how to backup Android files to SD card.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
4 Different Methods to Backup Samsung Galaxy to PC

Never lose your data and learn how to backup Samsung phone to PC. We have handpicked some of the best ways to help you backup your Samsung phone.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
6 Best Android Backup Softwares to Keep Your Data Safe

Mobile phones has been an important part of our daily life. There are many ways to save a backup of your Android phone. In this article, we will introduce you the top 6 Android data backup software fo

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
6 Methods to Backup Android Photos

We are going to share different ways that how you can backup photos on android mobiles through this guide.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
What's Rom/Firmware and How to Backup Android Rom/Firmware

This article focuses on telling you what is Android ROM and firmware and how to backup Android ROM and Firmware.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
3 Ways to Backup and Restore Android Phone Effortlessly

This article offers the best 3 solutions to backup and restore Android phone data. Find out the most suitable one to backup and restore android files.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
The Best Way for Backup Broken Screen Android Phone[Step-by-Step Guide]

This article tells you how to backup android phone with broken screen.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
3 Ways to Back up Samsung Gallery to Google Drive You Need Know

Have you used Google Drive as a backup for your Samsung photos and videos? Read this article to find easy ways to permanently backup Samsung gallery to Google Drive to save your data.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
8 Ways to Transfer Files from PC to Android - you'll like them

If you are not sure which method is suitable for you to transfer a file from PC to Android, then read our article below.

James Davis Mar/21/2022
How to Transfer Photos from Samsung Phone to Tablet

If you have recently purchased a new tablet and want to know how to transfer photos from Samsung phone to tablet, here are two ways that can help you.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Files from Sony to Mac/Macbook

Here we will introduce top 2 ways to transfer files from sony to Mac. MobileTrans is an amazing and popular one-click to transfer Sony files to Mac..

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Motorola to Mac(Moto G5, Moto Z included)

Do you want to transfer data from Motorola to Mac? Here are top 2 easy ways to transfer Motorola to Mac, including Moto G5, Moto Z.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Backup and Transfer SMS, Messages from Android Phones to PC

Want to transfer text messages from Android to PC but find no way? Don't worry. This article tells you 2 ways to backup and transfer Android SMS (messages) to PC with tips on how to read Android SMS o

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Pictures from Computer to Android

This article mainly tells you how to transfer photos from computer to Android in a simple way. Now, go through it.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photos from Android to Mac

We have discussed what easy ways are out there to transfer photos Android to Mac. Check the three ways about how to transfer photos from Android to Mac.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
5 Ways to Transfer Photos from Mac to Android

Transfer photos from Mac to Android wirelessly and through a wired connection. Learn how to transfer photos from Mac to Android phones in 5 ways in this guide.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Access Android Phone from a Mac Computer

Read this informative guide to learn how to access Android phone on Mac like a pro. It includes 4 different working solutions to access Android files from Mac.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
3 Ways to Transfer Files from Samsung to PC

In this article, we will introduce you 3 effective ways to transfer contacts, photos, messages, and more from Samsung to PC seamlessly. So we can better backup and manage our data.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Easy methods to Transfer Photos from LG Phone to Computer

This article introduces two ways to transfer pictures from LG phone to computer. Read this article and choose either way to have a try.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
2 Methods to Transfer Music from Your Mac to Android

Transfer Music from Mac to Android is no longer difficult.Check this guide to know the best way to transfer music to Android.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Best 10 Tools to Transfer Data from Android to Mac

It may not be that easy to connect Android phone to Mac to transfer files. But smart Mac users always know many ways to connect Android to Mac for file transfer. How? Find answer in this article now.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
4 Ways to Transfer Files from Android to Mac without Hassle

If you are looking for the reliable software to transfer your data safely, then you must refer to this article. Here, we have mentioned the best data transfer tools which you can use without hassle.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
7 Ways to Transfer Files from Android to PC - Incredibly Easy

With the help of this article you will not only learn the best 4 ways to transfer files from your Android phone to your pc but also learn about the best 3 apps that can be used to transfer data betwee

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Videos from Android Phone to Mac

Learn how to transfer videos from Android to Mac in this guide. Three different step by step solutions are included to transfer videos from Samsung to Mac.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
4 Ways to Transfer Contacts from Samsung to PC With/Without Kies

In this article, we are going to explain different methods of transferring contacts to your PC.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
Top 4 Alternatives to Samsung Kies for Mac

Get to know about the four best alternatives to Samsung Kies Mac right here. Instead of using Kies for Mac, try these better and more advanced Samsung managers.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
8 Ways to Transfer Photos from Android to PC Easily

Learn how to transfer photos from Android to PC using USB and Wifi in this post. Eight different solutions are listed here to transfer photos from Android to PC

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
3 Ways to Send Files from Mac to Android Phone.

Wondering how to send files from Mac to Android? Use Bluetooth File Exchange to transfer files from Mac to Android or learn how to send files from Mac to Android via USB cable using Dr.Fone - Phone Manager for Android on macOS. Use ShareIt for 200 times faster transfers than Bluetooth.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Contacts from Android to PC

In this post, we’ve discussed the top three methods of creating backup contact android to PC, using the Dr.Fone software, convection contacts App way, and Google Drive.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Download Pictures from Motorola Phone to Computer?

There are several reasons why you make this decision. What is the bottom line? If you have a Motorola phone, you need to know how to download pictures from Motorola phone to computer.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
The Definitive Guide to Import Photos from Android to Windows 10: 5 Smart Ways

Your search for how to transfer Android photos to Windows 10 ends here with the definitive guide to best ways to copy, import, and download photos from Android to Windows using Dr.Fone Phone Manager, Microsoft Photos, OneDrive, Dropbox and File Explorer.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photos from Android to Laptop?

Send photos from Android to laptop easily and also transfer music, videos and apps with the best app to send photos from Android to laptop for beginners and advanced users both - Dr.Fone for Android. Find out how to use Google Photos and Google Drive to transfer photos from Android to laptop easily.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photos from Galaxy s6/s7/s8/s9/s10 to PC

Samsung galaxy series is known for Photo capture ability. You can take high-quality shots from various phones of this series. But the problem arises when phones’ storage is fully occupied. To sort out this issue you can transfer photos from galaxy to computer. Now how to transfer photos from galaxy to computer is presented here.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Phone Videos to Computer?

A mini-guide on how to transfer phone files to computer using Dr.Fone software, Dropbox, OneDrive, and even through File Explorer. Let's find out.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photo from Phone to Laptop?

Learn about the best way to transfer photos from phone to laptop easily using Dr.Fone Phone Manager over secure USB connection for quick and easy one-click transfer of photos from phone to laptop or using Dropbox and OneDrive to transfer photos from phone to laptop quickly wirelessly.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photos from Samsung to Laptop

Photos help us to freeze memories in time. However, after taking photos on your Samsung phone, you may need to move them to your laptop. There are several reasons for this including the shortage of storage space and making further edits.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Phone Files to Computer

It is not uncommon to want to move files from your phone memory to your computer. There are several reasons why you may need to do this. The most common reasons are a need for storage space and performing operations on the files.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
7 Ways to Transfer Files from Mac to Android - Easy & Efficient

Learn 7 ways to transfer files from Mac to Android with and without Android File Transfer.

James Davis Apr/28/2022