Perekam Layar iOS

Gampang ngrekam layar iPhone, iPad, utawa iPod.

  • Mirror piranti iOS ing layar komputer kanthi nirkabel.
  • Rekam game, video, lan liya-liyane.
  • Ndhukung piranti sing nganggo iOS 7.1 nganti iOS 12.
  • Ndhukung Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Kasedhiya kanggo:
ios screen recorder software

Rekam iPhone nggunakake PC

music icon

Rekam Audio

Jupuk audio sistem piranti sampeyan.

hd icon

Pangilon HD

Kaca piranti sampeyan ing wektu nyata tanpa lag.

recoder icon

1 Klik kanggo Miwiti

Mulai ngrekam kanthi cepet lan gampang.

flexible icon

Setelan Customized

Setel rekaman sampeyan miturut kabutuhan sampeyan.

Mirroring Nirkabel kanggo Kahanan Sembarang



Gunakake proyektor kanggo nuduhake layar piranti karo kamar sing kebak wong.

education icon


Rekam tugas lan enggo bareng kanthi nirkabel karo kabeh kelas.

game icon


Mirror lan ngrekam game seluler ing layar sing luwih gedhe.

business icon


Gunakake iPhone ing presentations ing karya.

developer icon


Gunakake pangilonan wektu nyata kanggo nampilake produk lan nggawe demonstrasi.

recoder icon


Rekam app, game, lan isi liyane saka iPhone.

Pengalaman ngrekam layar iOS paling lancar!

njamin Dr.Fone kang

Aman, cepet, lan prasaja.

fast icon


Miwiti ngrekam kanthi siji klik.

security icon

100% Aman

Ora ana risiko kanggo telpon utawa data.

ease icon

Gampang kanggo Gunakake

Prasaja, intuisi, proses.


Piranti sing Didhukung

iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPhone 4
iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad
iPod tutul
iPod touch 5, iPod touch 4

Requirements Sistem

Didhukung OS
Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP
1GHz (32 bit utawa 64 bit)
256 MB utawa luwih saka RAM (1024MB Dianjurake)
Ruang Hard Disk
200 MB lan ndhuwur papan free
iOS 12, iOS 11, iOS 10, iOS 9, iOS 8 lan iOS 7.1


Bisa iOS Screen Recorder ngakses videoku?

Ora. Video sampeyan disimpen ing komputer. Perekam Layar iOS ora bisa ngakses, utawa data liyane sing disimpen ing komputer utawa piranti seluler.

Apa aku kudu masang telpon menyang komputer utawa proyektor?

No. Make sure the computer or projector is on the same local area network as your phone and connect wirelessly.

Apa iOS Screen Recorder ndhukung piranti jailbreak?

Yes. iOS Screen Recorder supports both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices.


10 Ulasan

    Matur nuwun sanget!

    Thanks dadi luwih saka ngrekam lan kaca iPhone 5 kanggo komputer.

    Hasan, iPhone 5

    Produk sing trep banget lan gampang digunakake

    iOS Screen Recorder mbantu kula kanggo ngrekam game saka iPhone 6s, iku gampang banget kanggo nggunakake. Aku seneng.

    N. Socas, iPhone 6s


    Iku apik tenan sing iOS Screen Recorder bisa loro mirror lan ngrekam iPhone kanggo komputer.

    Joshua Brenne, iPhone

Tulis Review

Tips & Trik

ios screen recorder
horizontal icon

Perekam Layar iOS

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