Malangizo a Mitundu Yosiyanasiyana ya Android

Dziko la Android limadziwika kwambiri chifukwa cha mitundu yosiyanasiyana yamitundu ndi mitundu. Zopangidwa ndi opanga osiyanasiyana, mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya Android iyenera kugwiridwa mosiyanasiyana. Onani malangizo athunthu apa.

Njira Yambanso Ayiwala Samsung Akaunti Achinsinsi

Phunzirani zomwe Samsung nkhani ID ndi chochita ngati mwataya achinsinsi kapena Samsung ID.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Momwe Mungalowe ndi Kugwiritsa Ntchito Njira Yochira ya Samsung

Nkhaniyi ikukamba za mmene kulowa ndi ntchito Samsung kuchira akafuna ndi mmene ntchito Samsung kuchira akafuna kuti achire deta.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Momwe Mungasinthire Android 6.0 ya Samsung

Chaka chatha google idatulutsa mtundu watsopano wa android wotchedwa Marshmallow 6.0. kotero lero tikambirana za momwe kusintha Samsung android 6.0 marshmallow.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Momwe Mungasewere Flash pa Mafoni a Samsung

Werengani za ntchito zotsatirazi ndipo inu mukudziwa momwe kusewera kung'anima pa Samsung Mafoni a m'manja.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 11 Samsung MP3 Players ndi Mapulogalamu

M'nkhaniyi tiona zabwino mp3 wosewera mpira mapulogalamu Samsung mafoni.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Osewera 10 apamwamba a Samsung Music

Kwa iwo amene akufuna kugwiritsa ntchito wosewera nyimbo wosiyana osati Samsung choyambirira stock player, mwina 10 awa angathandize.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
An Ultimate Guide kwa Samsung zida bwana

Kodi mumamudziwa Gear Manager? Apa muphunzira masitepe a mmene ntchito Gear bwana pa Samsung foni yanu.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Zinthu Simudziwa Zokhudza Samsung Bwezerani Code

Kodi mukudziwa za Samsung Bwezerani Code? Ngati simutero, musadandaule! Nazi zinthu zofunika muyenera kudziwa za Samsung Bwezerani Code.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Samsung Password Kubwezeretsa kwa Mafoni Anzeru ndi Malaputopu

Mutuwu makamaka kulankhula za knowledges za Samsung achinsinsi kuchira mafoni anzeru ndi Malaputopu.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Zinthu 4 Zomwe Muyenera Kudziwa Zokhudza Samsung Task Manager

Kodi nthawi zina mumafuna kudziwa zomwe zikuchitika pafoni yanu? Monga Task Manager.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Mapulogalamu 6 Apamwamba Oyimba Kanema a Samsung Mafoni Amakono

Kodi mumadziwa mapulogalamu ena oyimbira mavidiyo amafoni am'manja a samsung? Ngati simutero, musadandaule, nazi zambiri zamapulogalamu anu.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 10 Samsung Video Apps

Tiyeni tiwone zina mwazabwino kwambiri zamakanema mapulogalamu a Samsung anzeru mafoni.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Samsung Kies Driver , Kuti Koperani izo?

Pali nkhani zofunika kwambiri maulalo amene akutchulidwa kuonetsetsa kuti owerenga akhoza kukopera madalaivala mosavuta ndi wokhutira.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Kodi Download Samsung Android mapulogalamu

Nkhaniyi ndi gwero pakati kukusonyezani mmene download Samsung Android mapulogalamu wirelessly kapena kudzera Samsung Kies ndi kukusonyezani mmene download Samsung Android USB dalaivala

Alice MJ Mar/08/2022
Samsung Kusangalala Solution, A Samsung mapulogalamu Mukufuna Chotsani

Werengani mautumiki otsatirawa ndipo mudzadziwa pulogalamu ya Samsung yomwe mukufuna kuchotsa.Idzakuuzani chifukwa chochotsera ndikukuphunzitsani momwe mungachotsere.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
3 Solutions Track and Lock Samsung Lost Phone

Phunzirani momwe mungayang'anire ndi kutseka Samsung yanu ikatayika kapena kubedwa.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Upangiri Wofunikira Pakujambula Zithunzi pa Samsung Galaxy J2/J3/J5/J7

Phunzirani momwe mungajambulire mu Samsung J5, J7, J3, J2 ndi zida zina za Android mu bukhuli. Talemba mayankho achangu komanso osavuta kuti tijambule zithunzi.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Kodi Muzu Samsung Way J5 popanda PC?

Phunzirani momwe muzu Samsung J5 mu bukhuli mabuku. Tatchula njira zosiyanasiyana kuchotsa Samsung J5 marshmallow ndi popanda PC pomwe pano.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Ultimate Guide Yokonzanso Zida za Samsung Galaxy J5/J7

Phunzirani momwe mungakhazikitsirenso Samsung Galaxy J5 ndi J7 mu phunziro ili la stepwise. Tatchula njira 4 zosiyanasiyana zochitira Samsung J7 hard reset ndi kubwezeretsanso zofewa.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Mapulogalamu Apamwamba Osintha Zithunzi a Samsung Note 8

Mukufuna kujambula chithunzi chabwino ndi Samsung Note 8? Werengani malangizo athu kuti akupatseni zosankha zabwino kwambiri zosinthira zithunzi za Samsung Note 8, zida za android.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Samsung Galaxy S9 vs iPhone X: Chabwino n'chiti?

Fananizani iPhone X ndi Samsung Galaxy S9 munkhani iyi. Tabwera ndi kufananitsa kwakuya kwa Samsung Galaxy S9 vs iPhone X kwa owerenga athu.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Kodi Download, kwabasi, yochotsa ndi Kusintha Samsung Kies Mac

Nkhaniyi ikusonyeza inu malangizo a mmene download, kukhazikitsa, Sinthani ndi yochotsa Samsung Kies kwa Mac.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
The Ultimate Samsung S9 Malangizo ndi zidule Muyenera kudziwa

Dziwani zambiri zaupangiri ndi zanzeru za S9 mu bukhuli ndikugwiritsa ntchito bwino chipangizo chanu. Tabweretsanso woyang'anira chipangizo cha S9.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
PC Suite ya Samsung - Tsitsani PC Suite Yaulere ya Samsung Galaxy

Nkhanizi zikufotokoza za kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka ma PC suite okhudzana ndi mafoni a samsung, ndi ma pc suites abwino kwambiri omwe amapezeka pa mafoni a samsung. Tsitsani pulogalamu yabwino kwambiri ya PC ya Samsung kuti muyese.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Momwe mungasungire Samsung S10/S20/S21 ku PC

Anthu ambiri amafunitsitsa kubwerera kamodzi Samsung S10 awo atsopano kuti zosayembekezereka zingachitike m'tsogolo. Chabwino, nkhaniyi ikufotokoza mwatsatanetsatane mmene kubwerera Samsung S10 kuti kompyuta mu o

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Zinthu 5 Zomwe Muyenera Kudziwa Zokhudza Samsung Auto Backup

Kodi mukudziwa Samsung galimoto kubwerera? Nazi zinthu 5 za inu!

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
3 Njira zosunga zobwezeretsera Mauthenga pa Samsung S9/S20

Werengani malangizowa kuti mudziwe momwe mungasungire mameseji pa Samsung S9/S20. Mayankho atatu a stepwise atchulidwa kuti mauthenga osunga zobwezeretsera pa S9/S20 pomwe pano.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Njira 4 Zosungira Zithunzi ndi Zithunzi pa Galaxy S9/S20【Dr.fone】

Sungani zithunzi pa S9/S20 ndipo nthawi zonse sungani deta yanu yotetezeka komanso yothandiza. Muupangiri uwu, njira zinayi zosiyanasiyana zosungira zithunzi za Galaxy S9/S20 zikukambidwa.

Bhavya Kaushik Mar / 31/2022
Momwe Mungasungire ndi Kubwezeretsa Samsung Galaxy S9/S20 Edge pa PC?

Phunzirani mmene kubwerera Samsung S9 kuti PC mu positi. Ife kutchulidwa awiri osiyana Samsung kubwerera kamodzi mapulogalamu PC pomwe pano kubwerera S9 kuti PC mu pitani limodzi.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Kutsitsa kwa Samsung Kies: Mtundu Uliwonse womwe Mukufuna!

Choncho, nkhaniyi ikunena za kupereka owerenga ndi kwa tsiku zokhudza Samsung Kies.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Nazi Zonse Zomwe Muyenera Kudziwa Zokhudza Samsung Smart Switch Backup (ndi Njira Yake Yabwino Kwambiri)

Dziwani zambiri za ntchito ndi zazikulu za Samsung Smart Switch zosunga zobwezeretsera mu bukhuli. Yalembanso njira yabwino yosungira ya Smart Switch.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Njira 4 Zosungira Ma Contacts pa Samsung Galaxy S9/S20

Nkhaniyi imayambitsa 4 njira zosiyanasiyana zosunga zobwezeretsera o Samsung S9/S9 Kudera, kuphatikiza kuthandizira kulumikizana kwanu ku SIM khadi, ku Sd khadi, ku Gmail, komanso kuthandizira kulumikizana pa S9 ndi dr.fon

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
4 Njira Choka deta kuchokera iCloud kuti Samsung S10/S20

Ndiye potsiriza mwatsimikiza kusintha kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Samsung Galaxy S10? Koma bwanji kuti deta onse iCloud kuti Samsung S10? Izi positi wafufuza 4 njira kusamutsa deta kuchokera iCloud kuti Samsung S10. Khalani omasuka

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Momwe Mungasamutsire Mbiri Ya WhatsApp ku Samsung Galaxy S8/S20

Macheza a WhatsApp ndi ofunika kwambiri kwa ife. Tsatirani kalozerayu kusamutsa mbiri ya WhatsApp kupita ku Samsung Galaxy S8 yatsopano pafoni yakale mwachangu.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Top 3 Njira kusamutsa WhatsApp Chats kuchokera iPhone kuti Samsung S9/S20

Phunzirani momwe mungasinthire mbiri ya macheza a WhatsApp kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku S9 mu bukhuli. Talemba 3 njira kusamutsa mauthenga WhatsApp kuchokera iPhone kuti S9.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Njira 4 Zothandiza Zosamutsa WhatsApp kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Samsung S10/S20

Mukatha kupeza Samsung S10 yatsopano, mauthenga onse a WhatsApp pa iPhone yanu yakale sangakulole kuti mukhale otsimikiza. Tsatirani ine kuphunzira onse pitani limodzi ndi njira wamba kusamutsa WhatsApp

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Momwe mungasinthire WhatsApp kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Samsung S20/S20+

Nkhaniyi ikubweretsa 3 njira anzeru kusamutsa mauthenga WhatsApp kuchokera iPhone kuti Samsung S20/S20+.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungasamutsire WhatsApp kuchokera ku iCloud kupita ku Android (Samsung S20 Yothandizidwa)?

Nkhaniyi ikutiuza momwe kusamutsa WhatsApp kuchokera iCloud kuti Android mafoni, kuphatikizapo Samsung S20 mndandanda.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Kodi Samsung Galaxy S22 Ikhoza Kumenya iPhone Nthawi Ino?

Samsung ndi Apple nthawi zonse akhala akupikisana kwambiri. Nkhaniyi ifananiza Samsung Galaxy S22 ndi iPhone 13 Pro Max ndi zomwe amapereka kwa ogwiritsa ntchito awo okhulupirika.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Njira 4 Zopukuta Samsung [S22 Kuphatikizidwa]

Kodi mukugwiritsa ntchito Samsung S21 ndipo mukufuna kusamukira ku Samsung S22 Ultra? Ngati inde, ndiye muyenera kukhala ndi nkhawa zomwe zilipo pa foni yanu yakale. Nkhaniyi adzapereka njira zambiri mmene misozi Samsung.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
6 Yogwira Ntchito Njira Choka Contacts kuchokera iPhone kuti Samsung S10/S20

Mukuyang'ana kusamutsa ojambula onse kuchokera ku iPhone yakale kupita ku Samsung S10 yanu yatsopano? Chabwino, wamba njira kusamutsa iPhone kulankhula sangakhale odalirika. Apa ife kufufuza 6 njira zabwino kusamutsa iPhone kulankhula kwa

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Sinthani kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Samsung Galaxy Note 8/S20

Phunzirani kuchita iPhone kuti Samsung Way Dziwani 8 kutengerapo mu stepwise njira. Talemba kalozera wozama wosamutsa iPhone kupita ku Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Sinthani kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Samsung S10/S20: Zonse Zomwe Muyenera Kudziwa

Nkhaniyi ikuyang'ana njira zosinthira kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Samsung S10 ndikudina kamodzi, ndi Smart Switch, komanso chida chobwezeretsa iTunes. Pezani njira yomwe mumakonda yosinthira kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Sams

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Ultimate Upangiri Wosamutsa kuchokera ku Xiaomi kupita ku Samsung S10/S20

Mwamaliza ndi Xiaomi Mix/Redmi/Note kapena Mi 5/4, ndipo mukufuna kusinthira ku Samsung Galaxy S10 mu 2019? Kusuntha kwabwino! Musanayambe kusangalala ndi zokongola za Samsung S10, muyenera kuphunzira kusamutsa d

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Kodi kusamutsa Contacts ndi Data kuchokera Android kuti Samsung S8/S20?

Phunzirani momwe mungasinthire deta ya Android ku S8 pogwiritsa ntchito njira zitatu zosiyana. Tapereka kalozera stepwise kuchita Samsung S8 kutengerapo m'njira zingapo.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Kusamutsa Chilichonse kuchokera Old Samsung foni kuti Samsung S8/S20

Choka deta kuchokera Samsung kuti Way S8 popanda kuvutanganitsidwa ntchito njira foolproof. Tapereka phunziro lakuya la kukhazikitsa Samsung S8 ndi S8 kuphatikiza.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Momwe mungasinthire zithunzi kuchokera ku Samsung kupita ku Samsung (Galaxy S20 Kuphatikizidwa)

Kodi mwakwezedwa posachedwa kukhala chipangizo chatsopano cha Samsung Galaxy S9? Ngati inde, ife otsimikiza mukuyang'ana njira kusamutsa zithunzi latsopano Samsung chipangizo.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
The Ultimate Guide kwa Samsung kuti iPhone Choka

Ngati inunso mukufuna Samsung kuti iPhone kutengerapo koma nkhawa mmene kuchita. Tikufuna kubweretsa mayankho awa kuti ntchito yanu ikhale yosavuta. Pitirizani kuwerenga nkhaniyi, kuti mudziwe za S

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Sinthani ku Gulu la Galaxy S20: Momwe Mungasamutsire Zambiri kuchokera ku Samsung kupita ku S20/S20+/S20 Ultra?

Ogwiritsa ntchito onse a Samsung omwe asinthira ku Galaxy S9 ayenera kuwerenga bukuli kuti adziwe momwe angasamutsire kuchokera ku Samsung yakale kupita ku S9 mwachangu.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Momwe mungasamutsire Data kuchokera ku Huawei kupita ku Samsung S20/S20+/S20 Ultra?

Nkhaniyi limatiuza njira zitatu kusamutsa deta Huawei kuti Samsung S20.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Njira 3 Zapamwamba Zosamutsa Zambiri kuchokera ku Pixel kupita ku Samsung S20/S20+/S20 Ultra

Mukufuna kudziwa pamwamba njira kusamutsa deta kuchokera Pixel kuti Samsung S20? Muli pamalo oyenera popeza sitikuwonetsani njira imodzi koma zitatu zosamutsa deta kuchokera ku Pixel kupita ku Samsung S20.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Kodi kusamutsa Text Mauthenga Samsung kuti Samsung S20 mndandanda?

Mauthenga ali ndi phindu lalikulu kwa ife, ndipo ngati mukusintha foni yanu yakale kukhala yatsopano ndipo mukufuna kuphunzira njira yosinthira mameseji kuchokera ku Samsung kupita ku Samsung S20, tsatirani izi.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
3 Njira Zanzeru Zosamutsa Mosavuta iPhone Yanu SMS ku Android (Samsung S20 Kuphatikiza)

Kodi mukuganiza zosintha kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Android? Kodi mukufuna kudziwa njira zingapo zosavuta kusuntha iPhone SMS kuti Android zipangizo? Samsung S20 imathandizidwa.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Momwe mungasamutsire kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Samsung Galaxy S20?

Kuti mudziwe Momwe Mungasamutsire kuchokera ku iPhone kupita ku Samsung Galaxy S20, nazi zina mwa njira zomwe zayesedwa komanso zoyesedwa.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungasunthire Zambiri Zamafoni Akale kupita ku Samsung Galaxy S21

Kodi muli ndi Samsung Galaxy S21 yatsopano? Yakwana nthawi yosunthira deta yakale ku chipangizo chatsopano. Apa, mupeza ena ogwira ndi yachangu masitepe kulanda mosavuta.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Zonse Zomwe Mukufuna Kudziwa Zokhudza Galaxy S22

Tsiku lokhazikitsa Galaxy S22 likuyembekezeka kukhala mu February. Nkhaniyi imatenga mwayi wofotokoza zambiri zofunika komanso mphekesera zokhudza foni. Mafunso ena omwe amafunsidwa pafupipafupi angayankhidwenso m'mawu awa.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
iPhone 13 VS Samsung S22: Ndi Foni Iti Ndiyenera Kugula?

Kodi mwasokonezeka pogula iPhone 13 vs. Samsung S22? Nkhaniyi ili ndi zofunikira zonse zopangira magawano momveka bwino pakati pa zipangizo, zomwe zingathandize ogwiritsa ntchito kugula foni yamakono yomwe akufuna.

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Samsung Galaxy S22: Chilichonse chomwe Mukufuna Kudziwa Zokhudza 2022 Flagships

Kodi ndinu okondwa kudziwa za Samsung Galaxy S22? Nkhaniyi iphatikiza chilichonse chofunikira chokhudzana ndi Samsung S22 chomwe chingakuthandizeni kupanga chisankho mwanzeru musanagule.

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Zinthu 8 Zapamwamba Zomwe Muyenera Kuziganizira Musanagule Foni Yatsopano + Bonus Tip

Kugula foni yatsopano ndi lingaliro losangalatsa chifukwa munthu ayenera kuyang'ana magwiridwe antchito abwino omwe amaperekedwa m'mafoni aposachedwa. Nkhaniyi ikhudza zinthu zonse zofunika kuchita musanagule foni yatsopano yomwe muyenera kuchita kuti muwononge ndalama zanu pafoni yoyenera.

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Zinthu 10 Zapamwamba Zomwe Muyenera Kuchita Mukapeza Samsung Galaxy S22 Yatsopano

Chinthu choyamba kuchita ndi chiyani mukapeza Samsung S22/S22 Ultra yanu mu February? Werengani za zinthu 10 zapamwamba zomwe muyenera kuchita mukagula Samsung S22 yatsopano kuti ikhale yogwira ntchito kwambiri komanso moyo wa batri.

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Malangizo ndi Zidule za Samsung S22: Zinthu Zabwino Zomwe Mungayesere Pa Samsung Galaxy S22 Yatsopano

Samsung S22 yadzaza ndi zabwino kwambiri zomwe Samsung ikupereka lero. S Pen yasinthidwa kuti ipereke mwayi watsopano, S22 imabwera ndi Android 12 yaposachedwa ndipo ili ndi malangizo ndi zidule zambiri zomwe mwina simungazidziwe. Nawa maupangiri ndi zanzeru 10 zapamwamba zaSamsung S22 kuti muyambitse ndi Samsung Galaxy S22 yanu yatsopano.

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Kodi kusamutsa Contacts kuchokera Android kuti Android ntchito Bluetooth?

Kodi kusamutsa kulankhula kuchokera Android foni ina Android foni ntchito Bluetooth? Nazi njira zotheka kusamutsa kulankhula kuchokera foni imodzi kupita kwina mwamsanga!

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Malangizo 6 Osamutsa Deta kuchokera pafoni imodzi kupita ku ina

Pambuyo pogula foni yatsopano, aliyense amasamutsa deta kuchokera ku foni yakale kupita ku yatsopano. Ngati muli ndi manja anu pa Samsung S22, nkhaniyi ikuthandizani kusamutsa deta kuchokera pafoni yanu yakale kupita ku S22.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Njira ziwiri zopezera Data kuchokera ku Samsung S5/S6/S4/S3 yokhala ndi Screen Yosweka

Phunzirani momwe mungachitire Way S5 wosweka chophimba deta kuchira m'njira ziwiri zosiyana. Tapereka mayankho ozama pakuchira kwa Samsung Galaxy S6.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Kodi Yamba Data kuchokera Samsung Internal Memory

Phunzirani njira yabwino, yosavuta, yachangu, komanso yotetezeka kwambiri yopezeranso deta yotayika kuchokera ku yosungirako yamkati ya Samsung

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Mauthenga Ochotsedwa pa Samsung Way S7

Phunzirani momwe mungabwezeretsere mauthenga omwe achotsedwa pa Galaxy S7 mu positi iyi. Tapereka phunziro stepwise kuti akatenge mauthenga anu otayika.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungatengere Mauthenga Ochotsedwa pa WhatsApp pa Samsung Way S7

Phunzirani mmene kupeza zichotsedwa mauthenga WhatsApp pa Samsung S7 mu phunziro ili. Tabwera ndi njira ziwiri zosiyana kuti achire deta yanu WhatsApp.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Zithunzi Zochotsedwa ku Samsung Way S7?

Yamba zichotsedwa zithunzi Samsung Way S7 posakhalitsa. Pitani ku phunziro lathu lodziwitsa ndikuphunzira momwe mungabwezeretse zithunzi zomwe zachotsedwa ku Samsung Way S7.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Mapulogalamu 9 apamwamba a Samsung Data Recovery mu 2022

Mukufuna kudziwa mndandanda wazinthu 10 zapamwamba za Samsung Data Recovery? Tiyeni tiwerenge nkhaniyi kuti tidziwe zambiri za iwo.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Zithunzi Zochotsedwa kuchokera ku Samsung Galaxy Core ndi Mafoni Ambiri a Samsung

Bukuli likusonyeza mmene achire fufutidwa zithunzi Galaxy Kore mu 3 mapazi pa kompyuta. Mukhozanso achire mauthenga ndi kulankhula.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Samsung Galaxy Recovery: Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Mafayilo Ochotsedwa pa Samsung Galaxy

Kodi ndingatani achire zichotsedwa owona wanga Samsung Way? Zedi! Mukhoza akatenge otaika kulankhula, SMS, zithunzi ndi kanema kuchokera Samsung Way ndi ziro khalidwe imfa.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Zomwe Zachotsedwa / Zotayika kuchokera ku Samsung Galaxy J2/J3/J5/J7

Kuchita Samsung J7 deta kuchira pambuyo kudutsa phunziro stepwise. Yankho losavuta la Samsung J7 chithunzi kuchira waperekedwa mu positi.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Zithunzi Zochotsedwa ku Samsung Way / Note

Mwangozi zichotsedwa zithunzi wanu Samsung Way / Dziwani? Sichitayika kwamuyaya ngati mukudziwa momwe mungawabwezere! Tiyeni tikusonyezeni mmene mungachitire.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Zida 4 Zapamwamba za Samsung Recovery za 2022

Phunzirani momwe mungapezerenso deta yanu mukataya mwangozi

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Kuchira kwa Khadi la Samsung SD: Bwezerani Zambiri kuchokera ku Samsung SD Card

Mukufuna yogwira Samsung SD khadi Kusangalala? zotsatirazi 2 njira kudzakuthandizani achire otaika deta yanu Samsung Sd khadi.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Deta Yochotsedwa / Yotayika kuchokera ku Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge

Akatenge deta yanu otaika ndi kuchita Samsung S7 deta kuchira. Tabwera ndi phunziro lalikulu la Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge data recovery pompano.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Samsung Photo Recovery: Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Zithunzi kuchokera ku Mafoni a Samsung ndi Mapiritsi

Kodi mwataya kapena mwangozi zichotsedwa zithunzi wanu Samsung chipangizo? Osadandaula! Apa anayesera-ndi-zoona Samsung Photo Kusangalala njira zingathandize kuwabwezera mu zochitika zosiyanasiyana imfa imfa.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Ma Contacts, SMS, Photos kuchokera ku Samsung S8/S8 Edge?

Kodi mukufuna kuti akatenge deta yanu anataya kubwerera? Werengani ndi kuphunzira mmene kuchita Samsung S8 deta kuchira kuchokera kukumbukira foni yanu mkati komanso Sd khadi.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Samsung Data Recovery: Momwe Mungabwezeretsere Mauthenga Ochotsedwa ndi Ma Contacts kuchokera ku Samsung

Kodi mwataya ena anu kulankhula ndi mauthenga anu Samsung chipangizo? Umu ndi momwe mungawabwezeretse.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Njira Yosavuta Yobwezeretsanso Deta Yochotsedwa ku Samsung Cell Phone

Ndikufuna kuti achire kulankhula, mauthenga, zithunzi ndi mavidiyo Samsung mafoni? Masitepe 4 kuti mubwezeretse zomwe zachotsedwa ndi katswiri wa Samsung Mobile Phone Data Recovery.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Kodi Yamba fufutidwa owona Samsung Tabuleti

N'chifukwa chiyani zichotsedwa deta pa Samsung piritsi anachira? Bukuli limatiuza chifukwa ndi mmene mukhoza achire kulankhula, SMS, zithunzi & kanema ku Samsung piritsi.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Pin yosunga zobwezeretsera ya Samsung: Zinthu Zomwe Muyenera Kuchita Pamene Samsung Chipangizo Chatsekedwa

Nkhaniyi akukuuzani zimene Samsung pini kubwerera ndi choti achite pamene Samsung chipangizo zokhoma popanda Samsung pini kubwerera.

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Momwe Mungachotsere Samsung S20/S20+ Lock Screen?

Apa, tiphunzira momwe munthu angatsegule chophimba cha Samsung S20 loko. Werengani nkhaniyi ndi chidwi chonse ndikuchotsa loko chophimba ngati zikukuvutani.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
3 Njira kuphatikiza Contacts mu Samsung / Android Mafoni

Mukhoza kuphatikiza chibwereza kulankhula wanu Samsung / Android mafoni kukhudzana mndandanda m'njira zitatu zotsatirazi.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Woyang'anira Wabwino wa Samsung Galaxy S8: Momwe Mungasamutsire Mafayilo ku Samsung Way S8/S20

Yesani yabwino Android bwana kwa Samsung Way S8 kusamalira, kusamutsa, kusintha ndi winawake music, photos, kulankhula, mapulogalamu pa Way S8.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Sinthani Zithunzi pa Samsung Way S8: Momwe Mungasamutsire Zithunzi ku Way S8

Nkhaniyi kukutsogolerani kusamutsa zithunzi Samsung Way S8 ndi S8 Plus, ndi kuchotsa zithunzi Way S8 ndi Samsung Choka chida.

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Top 5 Samsung Kies Njira

Nkhaniyi amatchula pamwamba 5 Samsung Kies njira zina ndi waukulu mbali. Werengani nkhaniyi ndikupeza yabwino kwambiri yoyendetsera foni yanu ya Android ndi piritsi.

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
4 Best Mungasankhe kuchita Samsung Fayilo Choka kwa Mac

Dziwani za 5 yabwino Samsung wapamwamba kutengerapo Mac zida kusuntha deta yanu pakati Android foni ndi Mac seamlessly. Fananizani ubwino ndi kuipa kwawo paulendo.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Sinthani Nyimbo pa Samsung Galaxy S8/S20

Bukuli likuwonetsani momwe mungasamalire ndi kusamutsa nyimbo, nyimbo ku Samsung Way S8 yokhala ndi Woyang'anira S8 ndi Choka mosavuta.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Kodi kusamutsa Photos kuchokera Samsung S20 kuti Mac

Ndikufuna kusamutsa zithunzi Samsung Way kuti Mac? Nazi pamwamba 3 njira kusamutsa Samsung Photos kuti Mac. Yang'anani iwo.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Kodi kusamutsa zithunzi / zithunzi kuchokera Samsung S10/S20 kuti Mac

Mudatenga zithunzi zambiri zabwino kwambiri pogwiritsa ntchito Samsung S10 yanu? Koma dikirani, momwe kusamutsa zithunzi zonse kuchokera Samsung Way S10 kuti Mac? Nkhaniyi ili ndi njira 4 zochitira. Dzithandizeni nokha.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Choka Zithunzi kuchokera Samsung Way Note 8/S20 kuti Mac

Ndi njira zingapo anafotokoza m'nkhaniyi, mukhoza kusankha yabwino njira kusamutsa zithunzi Samsung kuti Mac.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
5 Easy Mungasankhe kusamutsa Photos Kuchokera Samsung Dziwani 8/S20 kuti PC

Kodi kupeza njira yosavuta kusamutsa zithunzi Samsung cholemba 8 kuti PC?Apa ife kusonyeza njira android kusamutsa zithunzi easily.Pezani zambiri!

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Njira 4 Zosamutsa Zithunzi & Makanema kuchokera ku Galaxy S9 kupita Pakompyuta

Nkhaniyi ikuwonetsani momwe mungasinthire zithunzi ndi makanema kuchokera ku Way S9 kupita ku PC/Mac yanu kuti musunge zosunga zobwezeretsera. Kusamutsa TV owona S9 kuti kompyuta n'zosavuta. Ingotsatirani izi 4 njira kusamutsa

Daisy Rains Apr/28/2022
Ultimate Guide Pakuwongolera Zithunzi pa Samsung Galaxy S9/S20

Sinthani zithunzi pa S9 mosavutikira potsatira phunziroli. Tabwera ndi njira zosiyanasiyana zotumizira, kutumiza kunja, ndikuwongolera zithunzi pa S9.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Kodi Ndimayendetsa Bwanji Nyimbo pa Samsung S9/S20? [Ultimate Guide]

Did you also buy the new Samsung S9 and now fiddling your music? Well, this article is all about how to manage music on S9 and S9 plus intelligently.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Top 5 Samsung File Transfer Software and Apps

Having trouble trying to transfer files on your mobile? Well, then take a look at this article to explore different Samsung file transfer software and apps available for Android phones.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
The Ultimate Guide to Manage Contacts on S20/S9/S8

Manage your contacts on S9 or S8 and keep everything organized. In this post, we will teach you how to add, delete, edit, and manage contacts on S9 easily.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from Computer to Samsung S9/S20?

Want to transfer all your music from computer to new Galaxy S9 so you can enjoy music everywhere? This article introduces 3 different ways to transfer music to S9 from computer easily.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Best Samsung Galaxy S9/S20 Manager - Manage S9/S20 on Computer

Managing a device in an efficient manner makes it perform better. So, let’s learn how to manage Samsung Galaxy S9 on PC with detailed steps.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photos from Samsung S20 to PC?

In the past, Samsung owners used to have a tough time transferring photos from a phone to the PC. They had fewer options to do it, but now things have changed. Read here and learn how to transfer phot

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
3 Easy Ways to Move Photos to SD Card Samsung S20

Did you recently bought an SD card for your Samsung S20 and want to transfer data to it from the phone? Then today is your lucky day as we will demonstrate three easy ways to move photos to Samsung S2

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Sync iTunes to Android(Samsung S20 Supported)?

This article tells how to sync iTunes media to android directly and how to sync iTunes backup data to android(Samsung S20 Supported).

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photos from Samsung Galaxy S22 to Mac

You have your shiny new Samsung Galaxy S22 in hand and couldn’t be happier. Only, you have a Mac and you’re wondering how to transfer photos from Samsung Galaxy S22 to Mac. Here are 5 ways to transfer photos from Samsung Galaxy S22 to Mac easily!

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Photos From Samsung Phone to Chromebook

Are you wondering how to transfer photos from a Samsung phone to Chromebook? If yes, find out numerous techniques that are quick and fuss-free to transfer pictures.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
How to Fix Samsung Galaxy Sudden Death : Black Screen of Death

Let's get into details about the symptoms and how can recover your data or fix your Samsung galaxy from sudden death scenario.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Samsung Galaxy Screen Not Working [Solved]

Samsung Galaxy phones are notorious for their problematic screens, here are some steps on how you can get back data inside the phone.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Fix It: My Samsung Tablet Won't Turn On

Did your Samsung tablet suddenly turn off and cannot be switched on? Here, we guide you on how to fix Samsung tablet yoursel

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Is Your Samsung Galaxy Restarting Automatically?

Is your Samsung Galaxy constantly restarting? Here's how to fix this problem.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Fix Samsung Galaxy Black Screen

Here is an exhaustive guide on how to fix samsung galaxy black screen.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
[Solved] Samsung S10 Just Gone Dead. What to Do?

The last thing you want to see is Samsung S10 unresponsive. But this did happen in some cases. This article shared 6 reliable solutions to wake up dead Samsung S10. Check now.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Samsung Galaxy Frozen on Startup? Here Is the Solution

This article will introduce you to the best way you can resolve the freezing issue on Samsung Galaxy phones, and also how to avoid it in the future.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Samsung Galaxy S3 Won't Turn On [Solved]

Your Samsung Galaxy S3 won't turn on? Here's a cimple way to rescue the data on the device.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
8 Proven Fixes to Samsung Galaxy S10 Stuck at Boot Screen

Too early to give up if your Samsung S10 is stuck at the boot screen. Here are 8 solutions collected and tested by our technical team to fix Samsung S10 stuck at startup screen and related issues.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Top 7 Samsung Galaxy J7 Problems and How to Fix Them Easily

Get to know about some of the most common Samsung J7 problems and solutions in this informative post. Read on and fix various Samsung J7 problems right away.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Samsung Galaxy S10/S20 Won't Turn On? 6 Fixes to Nail it.

Your new Samsung Galaxy S10 won't turn on or charge? We did see similar issues reported by quite a number of Samsung S10 users. This article has collected 6 methods to fix Samsung Galaxy S10 not turni

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
TOP 4 MDM Unlock Tools for Samsung

This article will make you learn everything related to the Samsung MDM lock and how to remove it. Here are the top MDM removal tools you should know.

Selena Lee May/07/2022
How to download Samsung AllShare Play (link) and connect to PC

Do you know AllShare Play?Well, something that you have to when you own a Samsung smartphone.Here are the steps telling you how to connect to PC.

Selena Lee May/10/2022
How to Download, Install, Uninstall and Update Samsung Kies on PC

This article gives you a full tutorial on how to install, uninstall, connect and update Samsung Kies and fix the issues that you meets when using it.

James Davis May/10/2022
Top 20 alternatives to iTunes in 2022 - Get the best iTunes alternative

This article offers the best iTunes alternatives - 20 iTunes alternatives help you transfer and manage music, video, photos between computer and iPhone/iPad/iPod without iTunes.

James Davis May/11/2022
Huawei Unlock Secret Codes and SIM Unlocking

To unlock different hidden features, you can use secret Huawei codes. So this article will be dedicated to telling you all about this thing.

Alice MJ Mar/08/2022
How to Setup My Huawei Phone as A Wifi Hotspot

Learn how to turn your smartphone into a Huawei hotspot in this guide. Also, get to know about some of the best Huawei mobile hotspot wifi devices.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Practical Guide: Make Huawei Mobile Wifi Easy For You

This article introduces the best 3 Huawei Pocket Wifi and how to set up Huawei Pocket Wifi step by step.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Full Guide to CF Auto Root and Its Best Alternative

We are going to share full guide about cf auto root and the best alternative of the cf auto root through this guide today.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 6 Huawei Data Recovery Tools of 2022

This is an article that explains about Top 6 Huawei Data Recovery Tools of 2020

Alice MJ Mar/08/2022
How to Play WMV on Android Phone

Read this tutorial and choose your best way to convert WMV to Android, and enjoy to play WMV on your Android phone anywhere.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Play MP4 files on Android Phones

This tutorial shows how to convert MP4 to Android-friendly format quickly and easily transfer MP4 video to Android phone using Dr.Fone - Phone Manager (Android).

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 10 Android Sync Managers to Sync Everything on Android Device

This article shows you top 10 Android sync manager software and apps to sync everything on your Android phone or tablet easily.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
5 Solutions to Backup and Restore Huawei Phones

This article attempts to provide solutions to backup and restore of Huawei Phones

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Top 4 Huawei Unlock Code Calculators to Make Huawei Unlocking Easy

Learn how to use the best Huawei unlock code calculator in this guide. We have come up with four best Huawei code calculator options.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Free Solution to Unlock Huawei E3131 Modem: 100% Working

Learn how to unlock Huawei E3131 modem in this comprehensive guide. Simply perform these instructions to generate Huawei E3131 unlock code.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Ways to Transfer Data from iOS Devices to Huawei Phones

The article tell you how to transfer data from iOS devices to HuaWei phones

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Contacts from Huawei to iPhone (iPhone 11/11 Pro Included)

How to transfer contacts from Huawei to iPhone? This webpage will show you the methods to transfer contacts from Huawei to iPhone.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer HuaWei to Samsung Galaxy S20?

Here we have bought an efficient solution for how to transfer files from Huawei to Samsung S8 effortlessly,including photos, contacts, videos and apps etc.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Samsung Galaxy S10 vs. Huawei P20: What's Your Final Choice?

Feel at a loss when facing the 2 excellent Android models: Samsung Galaxy S10 vs. Huawei P20? We've compared them from all aspects like price, display, performance, etc. in detail. to help make the wi

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
A Detailed Guide of Huawei Clone

Transfer old phone data to new Huawei phone with Huawei phone clone app. Also, transfer all data types from one phone to other with Dr.Fone.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Huawei Data Recovery: How to Recover Deleted Photos, Contacts from Huawei

Learn how to recover Huawei deleted files in this comprehensive guide. Now, you can easily get back Huawei deleted photos or any other kind of data.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Top 6 Huawei Data Transfer Apps/Software

Do you have a Huawei phone and want to transfer its data? Then you should learn how to do it using different Huawei data transfer app.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
My Huawei Phone Won’t Turn On (Solved)

Learn how to fix a Huawei phone that won’t turn on in this simple tutorial. The article will help make the most out of your Huawei device.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Two Ways to Unlock Huawei E303 Modem

This is an article about the ways to unlock Huawei E303 Modem

James Davis May/11/2022
20 Best Android App Market Alternatives

Where to download free Android apps? Are you looking for an alternative to the Google Play Store? Below are 20 of the best app markets available.

Alice MJ May/11/2022
How to Remove HTC Lock Screen if I Forgot Password, Pattern or PIN

This article describe the best ways you can use to remove the HTC Lock screen from your phone if you forgot the unlock pattern, Password or PIN.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
HTC One - How to Boot in HTC Recovery Mode

This is an article all about How to Boot in HTC Recovery Mode

James Davis Mar/08/2022
4 Ways to SIM Unlock HTC One Phones

Today, we will tell you about unlocking HTC One SIM using 4 different methods

James Davis Mar/08/2022
What to Do if Your HTC Phone Got Lost or Stolen

Learn how to find HTC phone in this tutorial. If you have HTC lost phone, then don’t worry. Simply follow our instructions to retrieve it easily.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Full Solution to Fix HTC One Battery Drain and Overheating Problems

Are you tired of a drained HTC One M8 battery? Don’t worry! Follow these expert suggestions and boost your HTC One M8 battery life right away.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Easily Get S-Off on HTC One M8?

Have you ever thought of getting S-Off HTC One M8? This article will show you how.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Your Complete Guide To Reset HTC One

Learn how to reset HTC phone in this comprehensive tutorial. We have provided a foolproof and safe technique for you to reset HTC phone in different ways.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Unlock HTC One Bootloader Easily

This article will tell you how to unlock HTC one bootloader and how to root HTC one using Dr Fone - Android Root

James Davis Mar/08/2022
HTC Unlock Secret Codes and SIM Unlocking

Did you know that you can key in secret codes to unlock hidden features of your HTC and get is unlocked from your SIM provider? Read more about them here.

Alice MJ Mar/23/2022
How to Restart Your Android Phone?

This article will tell us different ways of restarting Android phones

James Davis Apr/01/2022
HTC Data Recovery - How to Recover Deleted files on HTC One

Deleted files from your HTC One can be recovered, believe it or not. Performing an HTC data recovery is quick and painless if you really know how.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Three Methods To Transfer Photos From HTC to PC

Learn how to transfer photos from HTC to PC in this informative tutorial. Just follow these easy steps and transfer files from HTC one to PC in no time.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
HTC Transfer Tool: Step by Step Guide for HTC Users

Got a new HTC phone? Learn how to use HTC transfer tool app in this tutorial. Don't lose your data and upgrade your phone with HTC transfer tool in no time.

James Davis Apr/28/2022