Remediați problemele dispozitivelor mobile iOS
Aceste soluții se concentrează pe cum să remediați diverse probleme de sistem legate de dispozitivele dvs. iOS, cum ar fi un ecran negru al morții, blocat în bucla de pornire, dispozitivul care nu răspunde etc.

Pot face downgrade iOS fără computer?
Doriți să știți cum să faceți downgrade iOS fără computer? Citiți acest ghid de experți și familiarizați-vă cu cea mai bună soluție pentru a face downgrade iPhone fără pierderi de date.
Cum să remediați iOS Downgrade blocat?
iPhone-ul dvs. este blocat în modul de recuperare în timp ce încercați să downgradeți iOS 12? Nu vă faceți griji – am venit cu 3 soluții ușoare pentru a repara iPhone-ul blocat la downgrade iOS.
Cum să dezinstalezi iOS Beta de pe iPhone?
Ați făcut upgrade la o versiune beta instabilă a iOS și nu puteți face downgrade pentru iOS? Citiți mai departe și aflați cum să dezinstalați iOS Beta pe iPhone fără pierderi de date.
Cum să anulați o actualizare pe iPhone/iPad?
Doriți să știți dacă puteți anula o actualizare iOS? Citiți mai departe și parcurgeți două soluții pas cu pas despre cum să anulați o actualizare pe iPhone cu/fără pierdere de date.
Top 5 instrumente de downgrade iOS 13 2022
Căutați cel mai bun instrument iOS Downgrade de acolo? Am comparat funcționarea celor mai bune șase opțiuni de software de downgrade iOS în această postare informativă.
Cum să faceți downgrade de la iOS 15 la iOS 14
Astăzi, mulți dintre noi se întreabă cum să facem downgrade de la iOS 15 beta la iOS 14 în mod convenabil. Deci, puteți face acest lucru fără probleme cu diverse instrumente online. Doriți să faceți downgrade de la iOS 15 la iOS 14? Acest articol este aici pentru a vă învăța cum să faceți downgrade de la iOS 15 la iOS 14 cu sau fără iTunes. Doar verifica-le acum.
Cum să descărcați și să instalați iOS 15 Beta
Te întrebi cum să instalezi iOS 15 pe dispozitivul tău Apple? Ei bine, iată un ghid pas cu pas bine elaborat și tot ce trebuie să știți despre instalarea iOS 15 pe dispozitivul dvs. Apple.
Cum să recuperez datele de pe iPhone în modul DFU?
Vrei să știi cum îți poți recupera datele în modul DFU de pe iPhone? Citiți mai jos pentru a afla totul.
Cum se face backup pentru iPhone/iPad/iPod în modul DFU?
Dacă preocuparea dvs. este crearea unei copii de rezervă DFU a dispozitivelor iOS, atunci ați ajuns la locul potrivit. Vă vom oferi un ghid pentru copierea iPhone-ului în modul DFU.
Cum să restaurați iPhone/iPad/iPod din modul DFU
Doriți să vă restaurați iPhone/iPad/iPod-ul din modul DFU, acest articol vă va ghida pentru a restaura dispozitivele iOS din modul DFU cu sau fără utilizarea iTunes.
Cum să-mi pun iPad-ul și să ies din modul DFU?
Doriți să vă puneți iPad-ul în modul DFU și să ieșiți din acesta? Atunci acest articol este o citire obligatorie pentru tine. Continuăm să citiți acest ghid creat special pentru utilizatorii noștri.
Cum să remediați videoclipurile YouTube care nu pot funcționa prin WiFi după actualizarea iOS 15/14
Acest articol vă arată cum să remediați problema videoclipurilor YouTube care nu pot funcționa prin WiFi după actualizarea iOS 10.2.
iPhone-urile fără port vor deveni realitate în 2022?
iPhone-ul fără port este discutat în această oră. Ei bine, iPhone 12 a fost în știri de ceva vreme. Fiecare iPhone este precedat de mii de bloguri și articole de știri ale bloggerilor de tehnologie și fanilor Apple. Deci, ce este despre iPhone 12 că devine din ce în ce mai popular chiar înainte de lansare?
Va scădea prețul iPhone-ului pentru 2022?
Gama iPhone 2020 va include un iPhone 2020 mai ieftin cu conectivitate 4G. Discutăm motivele pentru care prețurile iPhone 12 să urce sau să scadă, să aflăm.
Interdicția Wechat va afecta afacerea Apple în 2022?
În acest articol, interzicerea WeChat iOS ar putea avea un impact asupra afacerilor Apple în China, de asemenea, am discutat despre numeroasele zvonuri în acest sens. Să aflăm.
Tot ce trebuie să știți despre aplicațiile Calendar pentru iPhone
În acest articol, discutăm despre cele mai bune aplicații de calendar pentru iPhone 2020, împreună cu diferitele caracteristici unice ale aplicației Apple Calendar.
iPhone 12 Pro va veni cu 6 GB RAM
Câtă memorie RAM va avea iPhone 12? Există atât de multă așteptare cu privire la RAM-ul iPhone 12 în rândul utilizatorilor de iPhone. Ei bine, acest articol vă oferă o prezentare generală a iPhone 12 Pro despre care se zvonește că va avea 6 GB RAM.
Aveți probleme cu fotografiile și videoclipurile neclare de pe iPhone? Îl poți repara!
Știți că importanța videoclipurilor și imaginilor de pe telefonul dvs. nu poate fi subliniată? Deci, ce se întâmplă dacă încercați să remediați videoclipurile și imaginile neclare de pe iPhone? Iată un articol excelent care poate repara videoclipurile și fotografiile neclare de pe iPhone.
Top 10 remedieri pentru aplicațiile iPhone 13 care nu se deschid
Uneori, în timp ce utilizați iPhone 13, se poate întâmpla ca aplicațiile dvs. să nu mai funcționeze din numeroase motive. Acest articol va compune diverse soluții care vă pot viza cu ușurință problemele legate de aplicațiile pentru iPhone.
iPad-ul nu se conectează la Wi-Fi? 10 soluții!
Remedieri rapide dacă iPad-ul nu se va conecta la Wi-Fi. Descărcați și instalați Dr.Fone System Repair (iOS). Un instrument cu un singur clic pentru a remedia toate problemele de conexiune iPad.
Cum să remediați problema aplicațiilor care nu vor actualiza pe iPhone 13
Uneori, aplicațiile refuză să se actualizeze pe iPhone și, dacă vă confruntați cu aplicațiile nu vor actualiza problema pe iPhone 13, înseamnă câteva lucruri. Aflați ce înseamnă când aplicațiile nu se vor actualiza pe iPhone 13 și cum să remediați rapid problema.
Cum să recuperezi albumul „fotografii șterse recent” lipsă pe iPhone?
înghițiți-vă emoțiile, deoarece suntem aici pentru a vă oferi modalitățile potrivite pentru a recupera fotografiile lipsă de pe iPhone. Trebuie doar să înțelegeți cu răbdare metodologiile pentru fiecare metodă scrisă mai jos. Așadar, luați o pastilă și începeți.
Patru sfaturi pentru sincronizarea și nesincronizarea calendarului iPhone
Întâlnirea cu calendarul iPhone nu se sincronizează? Nu vă faceți griji, această postare prezintă 4 sfaturi utile pentru sincronizarea calendarelor iPhone.
iMessage nu se sincronizează între Mac și iPhone 13? Repară acum!
Ați rămas cu o eroare de sincronizare în care iMessage nu se sincronizează între Mac și iPhone 13? Nu vă faceți griji! V-am acoperit cu remediile prezentate mai jos.
Ghid esențial pentru a remedia eroarea 1 la restaurarea iPhone
Remediați eroarea iPhone 5 1 de pe dispozitiv, urmând acest ghid cuprinzător. Am enumerat diverse soluții pentru a remedia erorile iPhone 1 fără probleme.
Eroare iTunes 17? Cum să o remediați la restaurarea iPhone-ului
Eroarea iTunes 17 pop-up în iTunes la restaurarea iPhone-ului? Iată cum să o remediați.
Soluții rapide pentru a remedia verificarea iPhone pentru actualizare blocată
Dacă iPhone-ul este blocat la verificarea problemei actualizării și nu aveți idee ce să faceți, atunci citirea acestui ghid vă va face să înțelegeți modalitățile de a remedia situația.
[Remediat] Poșta vocală iPhone nu se redă
Acest articol va aborda problema care a devenit răspândită pe multe dispozitive iOS.
Un ghid complet pentru a remedia eroarea iTunes 23
Acest articol analizează mai îndeaproape codul de eroare iTunes 23 și cum poate fi remediat folosind diferite metode.
5 moduri de a remedia eroarea iTunes 1671 sau eroarea iPhone 1671
Actualizarea la iOS 10 poate afișa uneori eroarea 1671, acest articol prezintă cum să remediați eroarea iTunes 1671 sau eroarea iPad 1671.
4 soluții pentru a remedia eroarea iTunes 39
Acest articol explorează motivul din spatele erorii iTunes 39 și cum o putem rezolva.
iPhone blocat pe ecranul de încărcare? Iată soluția adevărată!
Dacă vă confruntați cu probleme precum iPhone blocat pe ecranul de încărcare sau iPhone blocat pe ecranul roșu al bateriei, acest articol vă va ajuta să depășiți această problemă.
Top 8 sfaturi pentru a remedia problema neagră a camerei iPhone
Remediați problema ecranului negru al camerei iPhone urmând acest ghid. Am oferit o soluție pas cu pas pentru a remedia camera iPhone care nu funcționează ecranul negru.
Cum să remediați mesajele iPhone care nu se sincronizează cu Mac
Mesajele dvs. iPhone nu se sincronizează cu Mac? Iată 5 soluții despre cum să remediați această problemă ca un profesionist.
Cum să remediați eroarea iTunes descarcă software pentru iPhone?
Știți cum să remediați eroarea iTunes în descărcare software pentru iPhone? Vă vom ajuta astăzi cu cele mai bune soluții pentru a remedia această eroare.
Ghid complet pentru a remedia eroarea de activare a iPhone-ului după actualizarea iOS 15
În acest articol, vă vom oferi o descriere detaliată și informativă despre tot ce trebuie să știți despre eroarea de activare a iPhone-ului, inclusiv cauzele și soluțiile acesteia.
c10 moduri de a remedia supraîncălzirea iPhone-ului după actualizarea iOS 15/14/13/12/11
Doar deschideți căutarea Google și puneți „iPhone supraîncălzit” ca cuvinte cheie de căutare. Veți găsi milioane de postări, reclamații și articole care discută această problemă.
Probleme cu calendarul iPhone
Vom discuta unele dintre cele mai comune probleme ale calendarului iPhone în acest articol, împreună cu soluțiile acestora.
7 moduri de a rezolva eroarea iTunes 21 sau eroarea iPhone 21 în timp ce restaurați iPhone
De ce iPhone-ul tău are problema cu eroarea 21? Acest articol vă spune 7 moduri de a scăpa de eroarea iTunes 21 sau eroarea iPhone 21.
8 moduri de a remedia eroarea iPhone 4013 sau eroarea iTunes 4013
Acest articol descrie cum să remediați eroarea iPhone 4013, cunoscută și sub numele de eroare iTunes 4013, care este una dintre cele mai frecvente erori de iPhone întâlnite.
Soluții complete pentru a remedia eroarea iTunes 3014 la restaurarea iPhone
Aici vă vom spune de ce iPhone-ul dvs. întâlnește eroarea iTunes 3014 și șase soluții despre cum să remediați eroarea iTunes 3014 la restaurare.
Cum să remediați eroarea iTunes 4005 când restaurați iPhone
În acest articol, vă vom arăta cum să remediați eroarea iTunes 4005 sau eroarea iPhone 4005 prin care au trecut cu siguranță toți utilizatorii de iPhone, iPad și iPod.
Faceți cunoștință cu iTunes Error 14 sau iPhone Error 14 pentru iOS 15? Remediați-l cu ușurință acum!
Acest articol va prezenta ce este eroarea iPhone 14 și șase moduri de a remedia cu ușurință eroarea iPhone 14.
Cum să remediați iPhone-ul repornește în continuare?
Aflați cum să rezolvați problema de repornire a iPhone-ului în acest ghid. Am oferit mai multe soluții de ce iPhone-ul meu continuă să repornească chiar aici.
10 soluții pentru a repara iPhone-ul fără probleme de serviciu
Te confrunți cu iPhone fără probleme de service? apoi mai jos este soluția detaliată pentru a rezolva problema rețelei iPhone 6.
8 probleme și soluții comune pentru căști iPhone
Acest articol prezintă câteva probleme foarte frecvente cu căștile cu care a trebuit să se confrunte un utilizator de iPhone și cele mai simple soluții la fiecare dintre aceste probleme.
10 sfaturi pentru a repara iPhone-ul blocat în modul căști ca un profesionist
Aflați cum să rezolvați problema iPhone blocat în modul căști în acest ghid. Am enumerat 10 soluții în pas pentru a remedia problema modului căștilor iPhone.
Probleme obișnuite cu volumul iPhone și cum să le remediați
Există, de fapt, o mulțime de probleme de volum cu care ați putea avea de confruntat pe iPhone. Din fericire pentru dvs., cele mai multe dintre ele pot fi rezolvate.
4 soluții pentru a repara iPhone-ul se oprește în mod aleatoriu
iPhone-ul meu se oprește brusc și nu am idee ce să fac? Ei bine, ține-ți deoparte toate grijile și citește acest articol pentru a te ajuta în cel mai bun mod.
Soluții complete pentru a remedia eroarea iTunes 9 sau eroarea iPhone 9
Cei mai mulți dintre voi au întâmpinat eroarea iTunes 9 sau eroarea iPhone 9. Acest articol prezintă ce este eroarea iTunes 9 și cum să remediați eroarea iTunes 9 sau eroarea iPhone 9.
5 soluții rapide pentru a repara iPhone-ul nu se va opri
Aflați cum să remediați iPhone-ul nu va dezactiva problema în această postare informativă. Am enumerat 5 soluții diferite pentru a remedia problema înghețată a iPhone-ului.
iPhone-ul nu se va porni pe iOS 15? - Am încercat acest ghid și chiar am fost surprins!
Dacă iPhone-ul tău nu se pornește, atunci ai ajuns la locul potrivit. Citiți această postare informativă pentru a remedia problema care nu pornește sau încărcați iPhone.
Top 11 probleme FaceTime și remedierea lor
Acest articol prezintă câteva probleme foarte comune FaceTimee cu care a trebuit să se confrunte foarte utilizator și cele mai simple soluții la fiecare dintre aceste probleme.
Serverul de actualizare software iPhone nu a putut fi contactat[Rezolvat]
Serverul de actualizare a software-ului iPhone nu a putut fi contactat. Apare un pop-up în timpul încercării de a actualiza iOS prin iTunes și este supărător pentru toți clienții fideli iOS.
8 remedieri rapide pentru notificările care nu funcționează pe iPhone
Notificările nu funcționează pe iPhone? Iată soluții rapide și ușoare pentru notificările iPhone care nu funcționează.
8 sfaturi pentru a repara muzica nu se redă pe iPhone[2022]
De ce nu se redă muzica mea? Care este motivul pentru care iPhone-ul meu nu redă muzică? Să aflăm mai multe
Este posibil ca acest accesoriu să nu fie acceptat? Iată soluția adevărată!
Ce? Este posibil ca accesoriul să nu fie acceptat mesaj de eroare din nou pe dispozitivul dvs.? Atunci haideți să aflăm rapid soluțiile.
Top 10 sfaturi pentru a remedia Touch ID-ul nu funcționează pe iPhone 13/12/11
Doriți să remediați problema iPhone touch ID care nu funcționează? Iată 10 sfaturi pentru a rezolva problema.
Top 5 probleme cu WIFI iPhone care nu funcționează și cum să le rezolvi
Wi-Fi-ul tău nu funcționează pe iPhone? Dacă da, acest articol acoperă tot ce trebuie să știți despre problemele iPhone Wi-Fi și modalități de a le remedia.
Cum să rezolv problema iPhone Echo
Pentru a remedia problema ecou IPhone, trebuie să o duceți la un tehnician sau să rezolvați problema prin pașii simpli de mai jos.
7 moduri de a repara singur senzorul de proximitate iPhone
Acest articol vă arată 7 moduri de a repara singur senzorul de proximitate iPhone, în loc să îl duceți la un tehnician sau un dealer autorizat.
Top 8 lucruri pe care le poți face când butonul de volum al iPhone-ului este blocat
Remediați problema blocată cu butonul de volum al iPhone, urmând acest ghid informativ. Am enumerat 8 soluții diferite pentru problema butonului de volum blocat pe iPhone 6.
Cum să remediați logo-ul Apple intermitent iPhone/iPad
iPhone/iPad-ul dvs. luminează constant sigla Apple? Iată cum puteți remedia această problemă.
Trei moduri de a remedia problema căsuței vocale iPhone nu funcționează
Acest articol analizează în profunzime diferitele metode folosite pentru a rezolva o problemă a căsuței vocale iPhone care nu funcționează.
De ce bateria iPhone-ului se consumă atât de repede? Cum se remediază?
Bateriile iPhone SE, iPhone 6 și iPhone 6 plus se consumă rapid, prin urmare, aceste călătorii sunt utile pentru a remedia problema.
Cum se activează iPhone?[include iPhone 13]
Deci, dacă procesul simplu de activare eșuează, este recomandabil să contactați imediat rețeaua dvs. telefonică pentru a rezolva problema.
Cum să înlocuiți bateria iPhone
Dacă telefonul dvs. nu este acoperit de garanție și trebuie să înlocuiți bateria, următoarele moduri vă pot ajuta să rezolvați problemele atunci când o faceți singur.
8 soluții rapide pentru a repara iPhone-ul spune o problemă de căutare
Căutați soluții rapide împotriva problemelor de căutare ale iPhone-ului? Habar n-ai ce să faci, citește bine acest articol pentru a afla toate detaliile.
Ecranul meu iPhone are linii albastre. Iată cum să o remediați!
Vedeți linii roșii și albastre pe ecranul iPhone? Îngrijorat, ce să faceți și cum să corectați linia albastră pe ecranul iPhone 6? Obțineți soluția pentru a o remedia singur.
5 moduri de a remedia problema care nu funcționează ecranul tactil iPhone după actualizarea la iOS 15
Acest articol descrie cum să remediați problemele care nu funcționează cu ecranul tactil al iPhone, una dintre erorile actualizărilor iOS 14.
Cum să vă identificați iPhone-urile recondiționate
De unde știi că iPhone-ul pe care îl cumperi este de fapt nou sau este sau este recondiționat? Nu vă faceți griji, pagina vă va spune modalitățile de a vă verifica telefonul.
6 sfaturi pentru a repara iPhone/iPad Safari care nu funcționează pe iOS 15
Browserul tău Safari arată o eroare pe iPhone/iPad în timp ce te conectezi la internet? Apoi, urmați ghidul pentru a remedia problema cu Safari care nu funcționează.
5 moduri de a remedia eroarea iPhone 2009 sau eroarea iTunes 2009
Dacă aveți o problemă cu eroarea iPhone 2009 sau eroarea iTunes 2009, citiți acest articol, vă oferă 5 moduri de a vă permite să remediați cu ușurință eroarea iPhone 2009.
iPhone blocat pe ecranul de încărcare? Iată soluția adevărată!
Aflați cum să remediați problema iPhone blocat pe ecranul de încărcare urmând acest tutorial informativ. Am oferit pași simpli pentru a remedia problema blocării iPhone-ului pe ecranul de încărcare, care funcționează pentru iPhone XS/XR/
8 moduri de a repara ecranul alb al morții iPhone
iPhone-ul tău s-a blocat pe ecranul alb cu logoul Apple al morții? Mulți utilizatori de iPhone s-au confruntat cu aceeași problemă, dar în cele din urmă au rezolvat-o. Dar cum? Doar urmați aceste 8 moduri de a repara ecranul alb al morții iPhone.
7 soluții pentru a remedia difuzorul iPhone care nu funcționează
Te confrunți cu problema comună a difuzorului iPhone-ului care nu funcționează? Aveți idee cum să remediați difuzorul iPhone 6 care nu funcționează?
Apple Watch a rămas blocat pe logo-ul Apple? Iată soluția adevărată!
Ce se întâmplă când Apple Watch este blocat pe sigla Apple? Dacă acesta este cazul tău, nu-ți face griji, procesul explicat aici este ceea ce cauți.
Cum să reparați lumina de fundal iPhone
Deși este o apariție foarte rară, există unele persoane care au raportat probleme cu iluminarea de fundal a iPhone-ului. Această pagină vă va arăta modalitățile.
Modalități de a remedia eroarea iTunes 2005/2003 la restaurarea iPhone-ului
În acest articol, vom aborda eroarea iTunes 2005 și eroarea iTunes 2003, ce este și cum puteți remedia eroarea iTunes 2005 și eroarea 2003.
4 soluții pentru a remedia eroarea eșuată de actualizare a software-ului iPhone/iPad
Eroare de actualizare software eșuată a fost o problemă în timp ce încercam să descărcați cel mai recent firmware pe un iPhone/iPad. Deci, astăzi avem 4 remedii listate pentru dvs.
3 moduri de a dezactiva Găsește-mi iPhone-ul pe iPhone X/8/8 Plus/7/6/5/SE
Vreau să-mi vând iPhone-ul, dar nu știu cum să opresc găsirea iPhone-ului meu. Nu-ți face griji, avem toate răspunsurile pentru tine în acest articol.
Tastatura iPhone nu funcționează? Soluții complete pentru problemele cu tastatura iPhone
Unul dintre cele mai puternice decalaje este cel al tastaturii, care, dacă nu este rezolvată corespunzător, poate face dispozitivul inutil.
Cum să remediați eroarea iTunes 3004 la actualizarea iPhone-ului
Ați întâlnit eroarea iTunes 3004? Iată cum să scapi de el.
iPhone blocat la verificarea actualizării iOS 14? Iată soluția rapidă!
iPhone-ul blocat pe „Verificarea actualizării poate fi o problemă mare în timpul actualizării software-ului și vă va lăsa nebunește să scăpați de el.
Siri nu funcționează pe iPhone 13/12/11? Iată soluția adevărată!
Remediați problema Siri care nu funcționează pe dispozitivul dvs. urmând aceste sugestii alese manual. Am enumerat 8 moduri de a rezolva Siri care nu funcționează iPhone 11/X/8/7/6/6s.
iPod blocat pe logo-ul Apple: Iată soluția
În acest articol, vă vom oferi câteva modalități de a rezolva problema - iPod-ul blocat pe logo-ul Apple, dintre care unul va garanta nicio pierdere de date.
Cele mai întrebate probleme de apelare iPhone și cum să le rezolvi?
În acest articol, vom discuta câteva dintre problemele obișnuite ale iPhone-ului pe care le-ar putea întâlni un utilizator cu apelurile telefonice.
Cum să remediați eroarea ecranului albastru pe iPad
Ecranul iPad-ului tău a devenit albastru dintr-o dată? Iată ce faci.
Cum să remediați ecranul albastru al morții iPhone
iPhone-ul meu devine albastru, cum să repar ecranul albastru al morții iPhone? Nu vă faceți griji. Vă vom spune cum să remediați ecranul albastru al morții iPhone fără pierderi de date!
Top 18 probleme iPhone 7 și remedieri rapide
Aflați cum să remediați diverse probleme iPhone 7 în această postare extinsă. Am enumerat 18 probleme majore ale iPhone 7 cu soluțiile lor rapide și ușoare chiar aici.
6 moduri de a remedia eroarea iPhone 1009 în timp ce descărcați aplicații
Iată 6 moduri ușoare de a rezolva problema iPhone eroare 1009 odată pentru totdeauna. Aceleași soluții se aplică și pentru a rezolva codul de eroare 1009 iPhone/iPad.
Manual: Cum să resetați parola de mesagerie vocală pe iPhone AT & T sau Verizon
Ați uitat parola pentru mesageria vocală iPhone? Nu-ți face griji pentru asta. Există mai multe moduri disponibile de a reseta parola pentru mesageria vocală iPhone (AT & T și Verizon).
iPhone Wont Turn on Past the Apple logo? Here's What To Do.
Is your iPhone wont turn on past the Apple Logo? Here's how to fix the problem.
I can't Restore my iPhone because of iTunes Error 11
In this article we are going to take a critical look at the iTunes error 11 and even provide you with a few solutions that can help.
6 Ways to Fix iPhone 13 and iOS 15 Apps Crashing
What should I do about my iPhone 6 crashing? Will I ever be able to resolve my iPhone keeps crashing issue? Well, you are about to find out.
How to Fix the iOS Video Bug Causing iPhone to Freeze
A recent iOS Video Bug has been causing quite the alarm, which gets the iOS device to freeze complete. This article shows how to fix iOS video bug.
Tips & Tricks to Resurrect Your Dead iPhone
Got your iPhone completely dead? Read this extensive post to fix iPhone dead issue. We have listed 6 stepwise solutions to fix iPhone 6 dead right here.
How to Fix iPhone Reception Problems
The reception issues could be caused by your iPhone device or by your service provider.
What Should I Do If My iPhone Power Button Is Stuck?
Is your iPhone power button stuck? Read this informative post and fix the iPhone 6 power button stuck issue by following these stepwise solutions.
iPhone Microphone Problem: How to Fix It
This article shares you the way to fix all microphone problems on your iPhone. Just get in to read it now!
iPhone Digitizer: Do You Need to Replace It?
When your digitizer malfunctions or isn’t working you will probably need to replace it in most cases.
Top 7 Basic Solutions to Fix Common iPad Problems Easily
Fix various iPad problems in a fast and reliable way by following these basic solutions. We have listed simple solutions for various Apple iPad problems.
Had iPhone Error 6 While Restoring iPhone? Here Is The Real Fix!
Resolve the error 6 issue on your iOS device by following this informative guide. We have listed various stepwise solutions to overcome the iTunes error 6.
How to Get iPhone Ringer Problems Fixed
There is always a solution to this problem. Depends on whether or not the issue is hardware or software related, this issue can be fixed.
Full Solutions to Find My iPhone Problems
Find My iPhone is used more and more by users. There are lots of problems accured accordingly. You can check the solutions here to get the issue done.
How Can I Fix iPhone Error 29?
The iPhone error 29 happens when there are hardware changes done to the phone or any third party hardware components are installed. Look for ways to fix it.
Full Solutions to Fix iPhone Not Ringing Problems
Is your iPhone not ringing? Read on and learn how to resolve the iPhone not ringing for calls issue by following these simple and stepwise instructions.
Fix GPS Problems on Your iPhone
GPS is more and more important in daily life now. When encountering some problems, how do you fix them? Here are full solutions for you.
3 Ways to fix iPhone Error 27
This article describes how to deal with the iTunes error 27 message, or the iPhone error 27, which sometimes comes up while attempting a restore.
iPhone Not Charging? Here Is The Real Fix!
Learn how to fix iPhone 11 not charging issue in this informative post. We have come up with quick and easy solutions to fix iPhone 11 not charging problem.
2 ~ 3 X Faster Solution to Fix iPhone Black Screen
Learn what to do if your iPhone screen is black in a stepwise manner. We have come up with an in-depth solution to the iPhone black screen issue in this post.
Top 5 iPhone Camera Not Working Problems and Solutions
Is your iPhone camera not working? Well, then let us help you find the top 5 best solutions to take care of all camera not working on iPhone problems.
Top 5 iPhone Battery Problems and How to Fix Them
Learn how to fix iPhone 6s battery problems in this guide. We have considered different scenarios to fix iPhone battery problems in a stepwise manner.
Full Solutions to Fix iTunes/iPhone Error 3194
Are you searching for a solution for iPhone error 3194? Have you used tips on how to solve the error 3194 problems but nothing has given you a solution?
6 Solutions to Fix iPhone Blue Screen of Death
Learn how to fix the iPhone blue screen in 6 different ways. We have come up with stepwise instructions to resolve iPhone blue screen of death in this post.
iPhone Got Bricked? Here Is The Real Fix To Unbrick It!
Learn how to fix a bricked iPhone in this stepwise guide. We have discussed and compared various techniques to fix the iPhone bricked issue right here.
4 Ways to Fix iTunes Error 9006 or iPhone Error 9006
Learn how to fix error 9006 by reading this informative guide. We have listed four stepwise solutions to resolve the iTunes error 9006 without any trouble.
10 Tips to Fix iPhone Not Syncing Problems Quickly
Learn how to fix iPhone not syncing issue in this informative post. We have listed ten foolproof solutions for iPhone 6s won’t sync with iTunes problem.
iPad Stuck on Apple Logo? Here's How to Fix It!
Is your iPad stuck on Apple logo? Want to know how to fix iPad stuck on Apple screen? For all these answers keep reading.
Top 10 Tips to Fix iPhone Alarm Not Working Quickly
Are you getting bugged with your iPhone alarm not working? However, we have the quick fix to get your iPhone alarm no sound back in shape.
10 Things We Can Do To Save A Water Damaged iPhone
Have you dropped iPhone in water? Follow these 10 steps to fix iPhone water damage situation in no time. It will resolve the iPhone wet won’t turn on problem.
Had iTunes Error 54? Here's The Quick Fix!
Do you face the iTunes error 54 occasionally and have no idea on why does iPhone error 54 pop-ups?
10 Tips To Fix Common iPhone Bluetooth Not Working Issues
Why is Bluetooth not working on my iPhone? Are you looking out for solutions to counter Bluetooth not working on iPhone issue?
Encountered With iPhone Error 53? Here are the Real Fixes!
Resolve the error 53 on your iOS device by reading this comprehensive tutorial. We have listed a foolproof solution to fix the system error 53 right here.
Proven Solutions to Fix iPhone is Disabled Connect to iTunes in 2022
iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes? What is wrong? No worries, just go through the entire article to learn how to fix a disabled iPhone with workable solutions (not just iTunes solution).
iPhone Keeps Freezing? Here Is The Quick Fix!
What will you do if your iPhone keeps freezing? Don't know? Stay right here because we have it all covered for you if your iPhone 6 keeps freezing.
[2022] 4 Solutions to Fix iPhone Red Screen of Death
Resolve iPhone red screen issue by following these suggestions. We have listed 4 different ways to fix iPhone red screen or red Apple logo on screen.
5 Ways for iPhone Stuck In Recovery Mode on iOS 15/14/13.7
Is your iPhone stuck in recovery mode? In this article, we have listed 5 stepwise solutions used by most iOS veterans to fix iPhone or iPad stuck in recovery mode without any trouble.
[Video Guide] Is Your iPhone Stuck on Apple Logo? 4 Solutions Are Here!
iPhone users face this annoying issue of getting their iPhone stuck on Apple logo. In order to solve the problem, we will tell you why it happens and how to fix iPhone stuck on Apple logo.
iPhone Stuck on Connect to iTunes? Here's The Real Fix!
Is your iPhone stuck on connect to iTunes screen and won’t restore? Simply follow these stepwise solutions to fix the iPhone stuck on connect to iTunes screen.
iPhone Battery Draining Fast After Installing iOS 15/14. What to Do?
iPhone battery draining overnight? Need to do something about it? Get the best solutions right here!
How to Solve iPhone is not Ringing?
Your phone won’t ring even when the ‘mute’ option is not enabled and the settings are on full volume? Here’s how you can resolve this issue in iPhones.
How to Solve iPhone Hotspot Not Working?
Is your iPhone hotspot not working? Don’t panic, we have listed some interesting ways to fix it!
How to Solve iPhone Home Button Not Working?
Any technological device will take the brunt of constant usage and buttons will eventually stop responding. This is the case in the complaint of iPhone home button not working too. Here’s what you can do in such situations.
Complete Guide to Solve to Internet Not Working On iPhone [2022]
iPhone, a delightful piece of technology, but not without its problems. One issue that has created never-ending periods of irritation is when you connect to a Wi-Fi network, but there is no real network, or the Internet is not working on the iPhone.
Fixed: Gmail Not Working on iPhone [6 Solutions in 2022]
If Gmail is not working on your iPhone, then this would be an ideal post. It has included 6 things that you can do if Gmail has stopped working on iPhone.
6 Ways to Solve iPhone Flashing Not Working
As shocking as it might seem, many people are complaining that the flashlight of the iPhone is not working properly and suddenly stopped. There could be various issues behind it, from firmware fixes to a hardware issue.
How to Fix iPhone Sim Not Supported Issue?
When it comes to the iPhone, sim not supported, is a common issue with many. If you are one of them you need to go through this resolute dossier on how to fix an issue of a sim card not supported on iPhone.
iPhone Front Camera Not Working? Here’s Every Possible Fix [2022]
Is your iPhone front camera not working? Read on to know about every possible fix for the front camera not working on iPhone 6, 7, 8, and other models.
How to Solve iPhone Screenshot Not Working?
While viewing any captivating news or noticing some program bugs in their smartphones, it is one of the most popular ways for users to take screenshots and save them for later use. However, several people might face problems like the iPhone screenshot, not working. There can be any reason for this problem.
How to Solve Google Maps not Working on iPhone?
If you are trying to find a specific location on your iPhone, or google maps is not working on your iPhone. The map can be frustrating, and it doesn't give you the right information. There are several reasons why Google Map doesn't work on iOS or iPhone.
Solved: iPhone Vibration Not Working [5 Simple Solutions in 2022]
Does your iPhone vibrate feature not working? Here are some of the most effective solutions that you can try to fix the iPhone vibration not working problem.
Yahoo Mail Not Working on iPhone? Here’s Every Possible Fix in 2022
Is Yahoo mail not working on iPhone anymore? Read this detailed post to troubleshoot the Yahoo mail not loading on iPhone in every possible way.
10 Best Fixes to Solve the Problem: iPhone Plays Music by Itself
iphone plays music by itself, iphone starts playing music by itself, iphone plays music on its own, iphone 7 playing music by itself, apple music starts playing by itself
7 Ways to Fix Apps Disappeared From iPhone
Are the iPhone apps missing on the home screen on your device? Read this post to know what to do if apps disappeared from iPhone in every possible way.
7 Solutions to Fix Face ID Problems on iOS 14/13.7
How to fix Face ID problems on iOS 14? Go through this quick post and get to know about 7 effective solutions you can try to resolve “face ID not working iOS 14” problem without much hassle.
7 Ways to Fix Google Calendar Not Syncing with iPhone
Are you facing an issue of Google calendar not syncing with iPhone or your shared Google calendar is not showing up on the iPhone? Just go through this dossier for the best fix.
8 Ways to Fix Facebook App Crashing on iPhone [2022]
Having an iPhone Facebook keeps crashing issue even after installing the latest iOS version? That is not the end of your fun with Facebook. This article gives you an insight on ways to solve the problem on iPhones.
Solution for Cannot Unlock iPhone With Apple Watch After Update
Upgrade to iOS 15 and want to unlock your iPhone with Apple watch but cannot do? Here we offer the solution. Check this article to find more.
Solutions for iPhone White Screen of Death After Upgrading To iOS 15
You updated your iPhone to iOS 14.5, got the dreaded white screen of death, and are now looking for ways to solve it. Good thing is, we have one for you.
Solutions for iPhone Stuck on Apple Logo After upgrade to iOS 15
My iPhone stuck on apple logo when I started to upgrade my iPhone to the latest iOS 14.5! Check this article to solve how to solve it.
Solution for iPhone Black Screen After Updating to iOS 15
Sometimes, an update does not go as expected, you may get black screen after updating to iOS 14.5. Here we offer solutions to help you get out of iPhone black screen.
All You should Know about iOS 14.5
What’s new in iOS 14.5? Check this article to see the new features of 14.5. And never worry about updating iOS to a latest version. We offer a solution here.
6 Ways to Fix iPhone Camera Blurry
Get rid of your iPhone camera blurry issue now with this ultimate guide where you can find various different solutions for your given problem.
10 Ways to Fix iPhone App not Updating
iPhone works smoothly when it is updated. But what will be the situation when iOS automatic app updates are not working? You can easily fix the issue using the trusted and tested solutions that are provided here.
8 Ways to Fix iPhone Calendar Not Syncing.
This article recommends the best way to solve the problem of iPhone calendar not syncing. Get to know other alternative ways of solving the issue if it occurs.
3 Ways to Fix Health App Not Tracking
Are you facing the issue of the Apple health app not tracking the steps? No worries, just go through this resolute dossier to fix the issue.
How to Fix Find My Friends App Missing on iPhone
Find my Friends app is missing on iPhone and you are wondering how to find it! Well, read through this article to get the best solution and bunch of other alternative solutions.
7 Ways to Fix iPhone Auto Lock Not Working [2022]
If your iPhone Auto Lock feature stops working suddenly and currently you are looking for some solution for fixing your device issues then you can check out this ultimate guide and find your solution here.
How to Fix iPhone Flashlight Greyed Out
Has your iPhone flashlight greyed out? This is a common problem among iPhone users and this list gives and recommends the best solution for this problem.
How to Fix iPhone Dropping Calls Issue
iPhone dropping calls unexpectedly is a common problem among iPhone users. Mitigate this problem using any of the listed solutions and if worse comes, use the recommended Dr.Fone System Repair tool.
How to Solve Apple CarPlay Not Working
Sometimes apple CarPlay may fail to connect to your car and you are left wondering how to go about it. This article features a curated list of solutions in case CarPlay is not showing up.
How To Fix Do Not Disturb Not Working on iPhone
Have you had a problem where your iPhone’s Do Not Disturb feature is not working? This article gives you an insight into the ways of solving such an issue.
How to Fix iPhone Not Saving Photos
Learn how to fix iPhone not saving photos. All the techniques presented here in this guide are trusted and tested. Now no more issue of photos not saving on iPhone? Just apply these techniques and fix the issue within minutes.
How to fix iPhone not showing up in iTunes
Learn how to fix iTunes not detecting iPhone through simple and trusted techniques. These techniques are easy to implement and do not demand any technical skills. Just follow the steps as presented and solve the iPhone not showing up in the iTunes mac issue within minutes.
How to Fix iPhone Recent Calls not Showing?
Learn to fix the issue of recent calls not showing on the iPhone through simple and tested techniques. Now no more frustration about missing important calls as you will be able to see who calls you. Just go through this resolute dossier on how to fix iPhone recent calls not showing and solve the issue at your home itself.
How to Fix iPhone Ringer Volume Changes by itself?
Are you facing the iPhone ringer volume changes issue with your device then you have reached the right place because this ultimate guide is going to help you in fixing your iphone ringer volume issue.
How to Fix iPhone Stuck on Setting Up Apple ID
Are you facing trouble while setting up the Apple ID as your device got stuck then you have reached the right place where this ultimate guide is going to provide you different ways for getting out of the stuck mode?
7 Ways to Fix iPhone Screen Flickering
Is your iPhone’s screen flickering or being unresponsive due to any reason? Fix the iPhone screen glitching issue by trying these 7 DIY smart solutions.
7 Ways to Solve AOL Mail Not Working on iPhone
Are you not getting AOL mails on your iPhone or facing other AOL mail issues? Then read on and fix the AOL Mail not working on your iPhone problem.
8 Ways to Fix Airpods Won’t Connect to iPhone
Your AirPods won’t connect to iPhone even after numerous attempts? Then read this post to fix the AirPods won’t pair with iPhone problem in different ways.
How to Fix iPhone Running Slow
iPhone running slow is a problem that most users experience. This article has all your worries covered by recommending some of the best solution to make your iPhone run faster.
iPhone Keep Disconnecting from WiFi? Here’s How to Fix That!
Do you find that your iPhone keeps disconnecting from Wi-Fi randomly? It’s annoying when iPhone doesn’t stay connected to WiFi reliably. These fixes will solve your iPhone disconnecting from Wi-Fi issues for good.
iPhone Charging Slowly? 10 Easy Fixes are Here!
Is your iPhone charging slowly? You can fix this common issue in simple steps; it can be due to minor software and hardware glitches. So, try these easy fixes now!
iPhone 13 Won't Download Apps. Here's the Fix!
What to do when your new iPhone 13 won’t download apps? The answer, the approach to take to solve the problem depends on the underlying reason why your iPhone 13 won’t download apps. Here are possible reasons why iPhone 13 won’t download apps and how to fix the issue.
How to Fix Safari Not Loading Pages On iPhone 13? Here’s What To Do!
Not a joke, people do start panicking when they find Safari not loading pages on their iPhones. That’s how much the internet means today. How to fix Safari not loading pages on iPhone 13? Here’s what to do.
Why iPhone Email Won't Update
iPhone can experience various issues, including iPhone email not updating, among others. This guide will provide different ways you can fix the problem quickly. Read on to learn more.
iPhone 13 Goes Black During Call? Here's the Fix!
iPhone going black while calling annoying you? If your iPhone screen becomes unresponsive while on call until you’re off the call, here’s what to do and how to fix the problem.
Safari Freezes on iPhone 13? Here're the Fixes
How annoying would it be if you open Safari for some work and it freezes? This irritating scenario has been faced by iPhone 13 users as Safari keeps freezing iPhone 13. Read the article below to learn about its fixes.
iMessage Not Working On iPhone 13? Read On to Fix It Pronto!
Frustrated with iMessage not working on your new iPhone 13? Find out why iMessage is not working on your iPhone 13 and how to fix it quickly.
iPhone 13 is Dropping Calls? Fix Now!
Is your iPhone 13 dropping calls for no reason? Fix the issue with simple techniques. Call dropping has become common for iPhone users; try effective hacks and Dr. Fone system repair to solve the problem.
Your iPhone 13 Won't Charge? 7 Solutions in Your Hand!
An iPhone won’t charge issue can be both because of random issues such as bad cables, dust, and dirt in the Lightning port or something more serious such as a corrupt firmware that requires restoring and repair. Here are 7 ways to help if your iPhone 13 is not charging.
iPad Home Button Not Working? Fix Now with 6 Effective Ways!
iPad Home button not working is a problem that can hinder all your device's operations. This article features comprehensive solutions that explain to you how to fix this error once and for all.
Why Is My iPhone 13's Battery Draining Fast? - 15 Fixes!
Is the iPhone 13 battery draining fast? If yes, then check out solutions to fix iPhone 13 battery drain issue, including the iOS 15 update. Try Dr.Fone - System Repair (iOS) to repair the iPhone 13 if it gets stuck during the update.
10 Easy Tips to Fix Ghost Touch on iPhone
You are not the only one facing the ghost touch problem on your iPhone. Many users face this and these tips will help you fix it on your iPhone 13/12/11/X
The Proven Ways to Fix Poor Call Quality on iPhone 13
Are you unsatisfied with the call quality on your new iPhone 13? Before you think of the worst, which is that you wasted money on your new iPhone 13 purchase, here are ways to improve iPhone 13 call quality easily.
Why is My iPhone 13 Camera Black or Not Working? Fix Now!
People complain that in iPhone 13 camera app shows a black screen. If you are also a victim of this issue, then keep reading. This article will answer all your questions.
[Solved] 6 Ways to Fix iPhone 13 Black Screen
Are you stuck up with your iPhone 13 black screen? Do you know what happens when your iPhone 13 black screen turns on? Here are a few tips to get rid of this black screen issue. Quickly step into this article for insightful ideas on it.
iPhone 13 Overheating? Here're the Tips to Cool Down!
Nobody likes an overheating phone, especially an iPhone 13 overheating. Know why is your iPhone overheating and how to cool down an overheating iPhone 13 along with steps to prevent iPhone 13 overheating.
All You Care Most About iPhone 13!
Did you know that Apple is working on the 2021 iPhone 13 models? Even though the iPhone 13 release date is not clear yet, people anticipate pretty good features and updates in the iPhone 13 design. You may be having questions about the next iPhone in this article.
Here's How to Fix New iPhone 13 Stuck On White Screen
Is your iPhone 13 stuck on a white screen and non-responsive? Read about ways how to fix new iPhone 13 stuck on white screen quickly.
iPhone 13 Showing No Service? Get Signal Back Quickly with These Steps!
One of the most crippling problems you could ever face on an iPhone is the No Service issue. This is so because a No Service issue means that the iPhone is not connected to your chosen cellular/ mobile network. Learn why this happens and how to fix your iPhone 13 no service issue.
15 Ways to Fix iPhone 13 Apps Stuck on Loading/ Waiting
Are your new iPhone 13 apps stuck on loading, waiting, or installing? These solutions can help you fix the issue. Follow the instructions below for a wait-free app experience.
iPhone 13 Not Receiving Calls? Top 14 Fixes!
iPhone 13 not receiving calls? Don't worry; we have got your back. Try out these troubleshooting methods to rescue such situations.
Safari Not Working on My iPhone 13? 11 Tips to Fix!
Is Safari not working on iPhone 13? Don't worry! We have got your back. Here are some of the most efficient ways to solve this issue.
How Do I Fix 'iMessage Keeps Crashing'?
For iPhone users, iMessage is a free and well-secured app for sending and receiving data, chats, and information. But have you ever come across a problem where your iMessage app keeps crashing? This article will include all the details that will solve your concern.
How to Fix iPhone Stuck on the Apple Logo after Upgrading to iOS 15?
Is your iPhone stuck on the Apple logo after being updated to iOS 15? Then read this guide to know about 5 solutions on what to do if iOS 15 gets stuck.
SIM Failure or No SIM Card on iPhone 13? Here's the Real Fix!
Let us share the most information with you regarding iPhone 13 and SIM card failure. The commonly faced problem needs to be addressed. You will find beneficial information in this article.
10 Methods to Fix iPhone 13 Randomly Restarts
iPhone randomly restarting is a common issue on Apple iPhones and occurs for a number of reasons. Here are 10 methods to fix the iPhone 13 randomly restarts permanently.
13 Most Common iPhone 13 Problems and How to Fix Them
Find solutions to your most common iPhone 13 problems with easy-to-follow instructions in this ultimate guide detailing how to fix the most common iPhone 13 problems.
iPhone 13 Apps Keep Crashing? Here's The Fix!
Are you not happy with your iPhone? Apps crashing on iPhone? Here's how to fix apps crashing on iPhone 13 today.
iPhone 13 is Overheating While Charging? Fix now!
Does your iPhone 13's overheat while charging? Let’s look at the reasons why overheating while charging can happen. Here are the top ten solutions to this issue in the article below.
Fix iPhone 13 Overheating and Won't Turn On
An overheated iPhone may not turn on. That’s normal. But if it doesn't turn on even after cooling down, that’s not normal. Here’s how to fix an iPhone 13 overheated and not turning on issue.
iPhone 13 No Sound on Calls? - 14 Ultimate Solutions
Are you frustrated by your iPhone 13 having no sound on calls? Is your speaker not working during calls? Here is your one-stop article to find fourteen quick and effective solutions.
iPad Power Button Not Working or Stuck? Here's What to Do!
Power button is the most important button on an electronic device, especially on an already button-deprived Apple iPad. What to do if you have a stuck power button on iPad or if it is not working? Here’s how to diagnose and fix the problem.
iPad Not Charging? Fix Now!
Are you facing issues with the iPad not Charging? What should one do to fix the iPad not charging issue? Take the help of Dr.Fone - System Repair (iOS)or go through these quick fixes to resolve iPad not charging problems.
My iPad Screen is Black! 8 Ways to Fix
Are you worried about your iPad because you dropped it, and it has a black screen now? We have got all your concerns and fixes related to the iPad black screen covered in this article.
What to Do If Safari Cannot Find Server on iPhone 13
When you see the Safari can't finder server on your iPhone 13, you may feel a bit disheartened. But before you panic, we are here at your rescue!
How to Fix iPhone Not Detecting Sim Card
iPhone not detecting sim card is not a common problem among iOS users. However, we have curated a list of solutions to fix the problem incase it happens to you.
Here's How to Fix iPhone 13 Frozen Screen Quickly
A frozen iPhone can be scary, making one think it’s bricked for good. However, things are not so grim. Here are ways to revive a frozen screen on iPhone 13.
How to Fix iPhone Stuck on Mute
Explore more solutions on fixing iPhone stuck on mute in this article. Get to know the overall best solution that will not fail you at your hour of need.
How to Solve iPhone Screen Goes Black During Call
Are you wondering how to fix the iPhone screen going black during a call? Hold on because we got your back. This article will reveal the most effective ways to fix this issue.
iPad is Overheating? Here's What to Do!
iPad is overheating again? Wondering what caused the iPad overhearing when you were doing nothing? Read on to find out why the iPad overheats and how to fix iPad overheating issues.
iPad Keeps Restarting? Top 6 Ways to Fix Now!
An iPad that keeps restarting is no fun at all. What’s causing the iPad to restart? Read on to find out why the iPad keeps restarting and what to do and fix the issue.
iPad Won't Rotate? Here's the Complete Guide to Fix!
There are many reasons why the iPad won't rotate. In this guide, know how to resolve the iPad not rotating problem. Go through the complete guide to fix the issue.
iPad Keeps Crashing? Here's Why and Real Fix!
Are you facing iPad crashing issues? Here is a complete guide on why it happens and what to do if your iPad keeps crashing? Luckily we have Dr.Fone - System Repair tool to solve this problem quickly.
[Detailed Guide] iPhone Won't Update? Fix Now!
Are you facing an iPhone won't update issue? It's a common issue for iPhone users, so check out some quick and proven fixes discussed here that can solve the problem.
iPad Charging Slowly? Speed Up iPad Charging Now
Is your iPad charging slowly? Are you frustrated with your iPad slow charging? Look no further and read on to fix your iPad slow charging issues right now and have your questions answered.
iPad Battery Draining Fast? 16 Fixes Are Here!
Are you looking for solutions to prevent the iPad battery draining? This article features some of the best options that you can consider to fix such an issue across your device.
iPad Keeps Dropping Wi-Fi? Here's The Fix!
If your iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi, you have come to the right place. Read this and find out six quick fixes to fix the "iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi" problem.
4 Ways to Fix Health App Not Working on iPhone Problem
When the health app is not working on iPhone, you can look for these different ways to solve the problem!
iPad White Screen? Here's How to Fix It Now!
Is your iPad stuck on white screen? Unable to get the iPad stuck on white screen working again? Read this and fix the iPad stuck on white screen issue.
[Quickly Solved] 5 Useful Ways to Solve iPad Boot Loop
Are you facing an iPad boot loop problem? If yes, then check out the five solutions to solve the iPad boot issue. You can also learn about the preventions to keep your iPad free from boot loop problem.
iPad No Sound in Games? Here's Why & The Fix!
Are you facing no sound on iPad when playing games issues? Don't worry, we are here with its possible reasons and some of the best solutions to get rid of it quickly. Check it out now! for the best gaming experience on your iPad.
Safari Crashing on iPad/iPhone? Here is the Why & Fixes!
Is your Safari crashing on iPad or iPhone? Want to know why this happens? Read through this article to know more about this issue and its solutions.
12 Fixes for Apps Not Downloading on iPad![2022]
While installing applications on an iPad, you may face the issue in their installations. This article went through multiple solutions to fix apps not downloading on iPad.
iPad Keyboard is Not Working? Fix Now!
Is your iPad keyboard not working? Check out all the tried, tested, and effective solutions for iPad keyboard issues. You can find out why the iPad keypad is not working and what are the right solutions for it.
My iPad Won't Update? 12 Fixes Are Here!
Certain iPads won’t update due to some reasons. To know more about them, go through this article and figure out all possible fixes in detail.
Back Tap Not Working on iPhone? 7 Solutions to Fix It
iPhone introduced an incredible feature of the back tap, which can help users to increase their accessibility. If you experience that the iPhone back tap not working, find out the tested solutions in this article.
How to Fix Airdrop Not Working?
Looking for a solution to fix your Airdrop? Here are a few reasons why your airdrop is being impossible and how you can deal with it.
My iPhone Screen Won't Rotate: Here's How To Fix It!
Learn how to resolve the iPhone screen won’t rotate issue in this stepwise guide. We have listed various solutions for the iPhone won’t turn sideways problem.
Here's What to Do if your iPhone's Silent Switch is Not Working
Is the iPhone silent button not working or you can't put your device in silent mode? Here's every solution to fix the iPhone silent switch not working issue.
iPhone Stuck on Spinning Wheel? Here’s Every Fix You Need to Know
Is your iPhone stuck on spinning wheel? Don’t worry - as this guide has listed all kinds of solutions for an iPhone stuck on black screen with spinning wheel.
7 Ways to Fix Apple Watch Not Pairing with iPhone
Is your Apple Watch not connecting to your iPhone? Then read on to learn what to do if Apple Watch is not pairing with your iPhone via 7 different solutions.
5 Solutions to Fix My iPad Won't Turn On
Learn how to fix the iPad won’t turn on problem in this comprehensive guide. We have provided 5 stepwise solutions to fix my iPad won’t turn on issue.
Who Will Lose the Most from the TikTok Ban in India: A Must-read Guide for Every TikTok User
Let’s get to know more about the recent TikTok ban in India. Apart from analyzing the loss of TikTok users, we will also list ways to bypass the app’s ban.
Analyzing the TikTok Ban: Will Banning TikTok Result in a Loss for India?
Get to know more about the ban of TikTok in India and how it will affect its users in the country. We have also listed some cases for lifting the TikTok ban.
Why does the tiktok have a influence in the political circles?
TikTok - a video sharing platform has been banned by both US & India. This article answers all your questions related to why TikTok has a political influence such as - “is TikTok banned for the military?”
Why Did The Indian Government Ban Tiktok?
Get the insights to the TikTok ban in India directive and possible reasons for this drastic move. Also, find out whether TokTok is harmful to users.
Where Can I Sign To The Petition To Keep Tiktok?
Find out where you can sign the ban TikTok petition to continue using this app. Also, check out whether it’s a win game for TikTok.
Can You Still Use Vpn To Access Tiktok After U.S Bans It
Do you want to access TikTok after US ban and don’t know how? Learn how to access TikTok on your iPhone and Android devices.
How will TikTokers Earn after the Ban of TikTok in India?
Get to know more about the TikTok ban in India and how its users would earn from it. We have also listed some other options for TikTok users to earn now.
Can TikTok Ban You: Find out Why Your Account is Banned and How to Access Your Content
Can TikTok ban your account from posting or commenting? If you have a similar question or your TikTok account is blocked, then this would be a must-read post.
How to recover a banned tiktok account?
A lot of users have been lately complaining about TikTok banning their accounts for no reason at all. If you have fallen victim to TikTok suddenly banning your account out of the blue, this article will tell you in detail about how to recover a banned TikTok account.
How Do I Get My Permanently Banned Tiktok Account Back Like A Pro?
How do I get my permanently banned Tiktok account back? Check out this detailed guide on what to do if your TikTok account is banned and how to get it back.
How to avoid shadow banning on Tiktok
If you have come to terms with the term “shadowban” lately, this article will just enlighten you how you can get rid of it. Read on to know if you’re shadowbanned on TikTok and a lot more in this article.
Will the TikTok Ban Affect China: Here’s a Detailed Analysis
Are you wondering will the TikTok ban affect China and in what ways? Then here is a detailed analysis of how the TikTok ban will affect China’s tech domain.
The Tiktok Affairs in India
Tiktok ban has hit hard the users who were addicted to the app. Now they are looking for viable alternatives and also have a keen eye if there is going to be a reemergence of Tiktok. So today with a flavor of humor we are going to discuss the best possible options for Tiktok fans.
How TikTok Ban Works: Know Whether Your Account got a Temporary or Permanent Ban
Do you wish to know how TikTok ban works or why TikTok ban is removed? Simply read this guide to understand the type of bans that TikTok can implement.
Here are Some of the Funniest TikTok Ban Jokes in Hindi to Entertain You
Are you looking for some TikTok ban jokes in Hindi for a good laugh? Here is a complete compilation of some of the most hilarious TikTok jokes for you.
A Detailed Guide on How to Ban TikTok from Router Settings
Do you wish to restrict the use of TikTok on your network, but can’t find any solution? Here is a foolproof guide on how to ban TikTok from router settings.
Everything you should know about TikTok shadow ban
Does Tiktok shadow ban affect your account too? Do not worry because we have covered the solution to your problem here.
iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode Not Working? 5 Fixes Are Here!
Users desperately find ways to resolve issues with their iOS device's Recovery Mode. This article features a comprehensive explanation of the methods that can be used to resolve iPhone/iPad Recovery mode not working.
The Ultimate Ways to Fix iPad Stuck in Headphone Mode
An iPad stuck in headphone mode can be annoying at best and downright unusable at worst, depending on what you do with your iPad. Here’s how to fix the iPad stuck in headphone mode quickly and easily.
YouTube Not Working on iPhone or iPad? Fix Now!
YouTube is the most common application used by people. The problems of YouTube not working on iPhone/iPad can be quite common. This article presents a detailed answer to this question.
YouTube No Sound on iPhone/iPad, Android or Computer? Fix Now!
Is YouTube not working properly on your device? If you are facing the issue of YouTube no sound on your device, go through the multiple solutions provided in the article.
iPad Not Charging When Plugged into Computer? Here's Why & Fixes!
Are you confused about why your iPad is not charging when plugged into the computer? This article features some of the best fixes that can be used to make remedies.
[Solved] 11 Ways to Fix No Sound on iPad
Are you unable to hear sounds on your iPad? Find effective ways to fix the no sound on iPad issue using some basic and advanced solutions, all in the following read.
iPhone 13 Call Failed? 13 Top Tips to Fix![2022]
Experiencing call failure in iPhone 13? Use 13 pro tips and Dr.Fone - System Repair (iOS) and solve the issue of iPhone 13 calls failing immediately.
How to Solve iPhone Sound Not Working?
Your iphone sound not working? Tried everything still issue not resolved? Check out some interesting ways to fix it.
Comprehensive Solutions to Fix iTunes Error 50
This articles describes all the means by which you can fix iTunes error 50.
How to Solve iPhone Quick Start Not Working?
You have a new iPhone 12/13 and want to move some data from the old one to the new iPhone. Quick Start is an Apple feature that lets you adapt your new iOS device with your old iOS device. But sometimes this Quickstart iPhone stops working, so what could be the reason or how to solve it?
How to Fix Snapchat Keeps Crashing on iPhone 13?
Are you an iPhone 13 user? Have you been struggling like others because Snapchat keeps crashing on iPhone 13? If your answer to all these questions is 'Yes,' then your problem is almost resolved. Read the article shared below to get rid of this annoying issue.
Apple Pencil Not Working: How To Fix
Is your Apple Pencil not working anymore? Or did you buy the latest Apple Pencil and found your iPad doesn't recognize it? What’s wrong? Read on and find out why is Apple Pencil not working and how to go about fixing the issue quickly.
How to Recover Data from iPhone in Recovery Mode?
Should your iPhone enter Recovery Mode unexpectedly, do not follow its prompt. You will need to use a third-party software to safely exit the Recovery Mode.
iPhone Recovery Mode: What You Should Know
Not sure what iPhone Recovery Mode is? This article will help you understand about this feature that is embedded in your iPhone.
iPod Stuck in Recovery Mode – How to Fix it?
My iPod stuck in Recovery Mode when iTunes quit accidentally. What should I do? Don't worry, we will show you 2 ways to fix iPod stuck in Recovery Mode.
How to Exit iPhone Recovery Mode Loop
Easily get your iPhone out of Recovery Mode Loop and understand the difference between Recovery Mode and DFU (or Device Firmware Upgrade) Mode.
iPhone in Recovery Mode: Why and What to Do?
Your phone in Recovery Mode? We find that Dr.Fone can fix your iPhone stuck in Recovery Mode without losing data! Let's take a look at it!
How to Fix iPad Stuck In Recovery Mode After Update
Your iPad stuck in Recovery Mode after an update? This article offers you 2 easy ways to fix iPad stuck in recovery mode after update.
How to Recover iPhone Stuck in DFU Mode
Your iPhone stuck in DFU mode? Don't worry. This guide tells you how to recover your iPhone stuck in DFU mode to normal in simple clicks.
Top 6 DFU Tools for iPhone to Enter DFU Mode
There is a full list of tools letting you get your iPhone entered DFU mode easily and safely. Get in to take one that you need to enter DFU mode on iPhone.
How to Put iPhone in DFU Mode
In this article, we will tell you how to put iPhone in DFU mode normally and how to put iPhone in DFU mode without using your home or power buttons easily.
iPad Keeps Freezing: How to Fix It
It is the most annoying thing when an iPad becomes frozen. Thankfully, there are an extremely easy way to fix a frozen iPad.
How to Force Quit Frozen Apps on iPad or iPhone
In this article, we will introduce 4 ways to quickly force quit frozen apps on iPad or iPhone.
How to Enter and Exit DFU Mode of iOS Device
This article tells you how to put your iPhone in or get your iPhone out of DFU mode in a few clicks. Check in for details now!
Top 6 Ways Fix iPhone Frozen in 10 Seconds
Is your iPhone screen frozen? Read this informative guide on how to unfreeze an iPhone with some instant fixes. Several step-wise solutions are listed on how to fix a frozen iPhone.
iPhone Frozen During iOS Update? Here Is The Real Fix!
Is your iPhone freezing after or during iOS update? If yes, then here is what you should do to fix this issue.
How You Can Resolve iOS 15 Upgrade Stuck On Apple Logo
The iOS upgrade stuck is a common issue that you can easily resolve. In this guide, you can learn 4 solutions to fix the iOS upgrade stuck on Apple Logo issue.
4 Effective Ways to Fix iPhone Frozen During iOS 15 Update
Has your iPhone's screen frozen during the iOS 15 update? Check out the best solutions to troubleshoot iPhone frozen screen and install the software updates without getting interrupted.
9 Most Effective Ways to Fix Frozen iPhone Screen
Is your iPhone currently stuck on a frozen screen for some reason? Do you want to unfreeze the frozen iPhone in a quick way? Then this article is of help.
How to Put iPhone and iPad in Recovery Mode
This article describes how to put iPhone/iPad in recovery mode.
How to Recover iPhone Data Lost after Restoring to Factory Setting
Lost all data from your iPhone after the accidental factory setting restore? Don't worry. This article shows you two ways to recover them all completely.
3 Ways to Restore Deleted Photos from iPhone
This article shares you with three ways to restore your deleted photos from your iPhone. You can find your lost photos back easily.
How to Restore Your iPhone from Backup
Had troubles with data loss from iPhone? Don't worry. Protect your iPhone, iTunes and iCloud, and try to find a way out. There's always a way besides you.
[Solved] My iPhone won't Restore Problems
iPhone won't restore after iOS 14 update? iPhone won't restore through iTunes, error messages after errors? Check out the solutions to fix the iPhone that won't restore problems.
How to Restore Your iPhone after Jailbreak
If you've synced your iPhone with iTunes or iCloud, it's not a problem to restore your iPhone after the jailbreak. Read this guide and restore iPhone in 3 steps.
How to Restore Deleted Text on iPhone
How can I undo deleted texts on my iPhone? This article shows you how to retrieve deleted texts on iPhone, including texts you've sent and received.
How to Restore iTunes Backups to iPhone 13
Easy methods to restore iTunes backups to iPhone 13 using Apple’s iTunes software or Dr.Fone – Phone Backup (iOS). Find step by step process explained here.
How to Fix iPhone Stuck in Restore Mode
What do you do when your iPhone is stuck in Restore mode? Here's an easy solution.
How to Restore iPhone from Backup after iOS Downgrade
This articles describes How to Restore iPhone from Backup after iOS Downgrade.
How to Restore iOS 15/14/13/ iPhone in Recovery Mode with or without iTunes
Is your iPhone Stuck in Recovery mode? Here are two ways to restore iPhone in recovery mode in simple to follow steps.
How to Fix iPhone Attempting Data Recovery on iOS 15/14/13?
Can't update your iPhone to iOS 15 due to the “iPhone attempting data recovery” error? Learn different ways to resolve the error and install the new software updates without any interruption.
How to Restore iPhone Stuck in Recovery Mode During iOS 15 Update
If your iPhone is stuck in recovery mode during the iOS 15 update, you should read this article in full to read about some of the best solutions to this problem and understand why iPhone is stuck in recovery mode.
5 Solutions to Reset your iPhone Password (iPhone 12 Included)
Whether you want to reset iPhone password with a new one or you forget iphone passcode and want to access to your iPhone, you can get a solution here.
4 Simple Ways to Reset Restriction Passcode on iPhone
Forget Restriction passcode on your iPhone? Don’t worry! You can reset restrictions passcode on your iPhone with the step-by-step guide in this article.
How to Reset Network Settings On iPhone and Tips & Tricks
Reset network settings on iPhone: if you have a problem of surfing the internet, receiving calls or emails, and using iCloud, you need to reset iPhone network settings.
10 Tips to Reset iPhone Battery to Keep It in Good Condition
If you find that your iPhone battery life is not as long as it used to be, then you should reset your iPhone battery to boost its life.
Never Hard Reset iPhone before Reading the Ultimate Checklist
Hard reset iPhone means you’ll lose your data. Before doing it, read the checklist to learn what you should do first. Soft reset iPhone means re-start iPhone.
Reset Jaibroken iPhone with/without Losing Jailbroken Features
If you want to reset jailbroken iPhone back to factory settings with or without keeping the jailbroken features, you should follow the right guide.
How to Hard Reset An iPhone Without Using A Computer
This article shows you two ways to hard reset your iPhone without using a computer. You can follow and do it by yourself in a few minutes.
Must-Know Tips About iPhone Reset All Settings
Useful tips help you know more about iPhone's Reset All Settings. Read and master them!
How to Reset iPhone 5c
It is actually easy to reset iPhone 5c---let us show you how.
How to Reset iPhone 5
Own an iphone 5 and are looking for an easy way out to reset it? Our top iPhone 5 reset methods will help you do that easily.
How to Reset iPhone 5s
Do you want to reset your iPhone 5s? Here is a complete guide on how to reset your iPhone 5s.
How to Restart or Force Restart iPhone? [the Newest iPhone included]
This article describes how to soft reset iPhone or force restart iPhone 11/11 Pro/X/XR/8/8 Plus/7/6
How to Soft Reset iPhone 7/7 Plus/6/6 Plus/6s/6s Plus/5s/5c/5
This article describes how to soft reset iPhone 7/7 Plus/6/6 Plus/6s/6s Plus/5s/5c/5
5 Solutions to Restart iPhone Without Power and Home Button
Learn how to restart iPhone without lock button in this informative tutorial. We have listed five different ways to restart iPhone without Power button.
Force Restart iPhone: Everything You'd Like to Know
Learn how to force restart iPhone in this quick and informative guide. We have listed a stepwise tutorial to perform an iPhone force restart for every model.
How to Turn Off iPhone Without Using the Home Button
Wondering how to turn off iPhone without screen and home button? In this guide, we will look at two different ways, both for older and newer iOS/ iPad OS versions.
Ultimate Guide to Resetting iPhone X Plus
Are you looking around to find ultimate sources to let reset the iPhone X Plus. Having read the article will enable you all the way to shut down and restart iPhone X Plus.
If your iPhone is unresponsive or you have some system errors, you might want to factory reset iPhone. To do it, you should apply one of the top 3 ways and some tips and tricks to protect your data.
How to Reset iPhone Without Apple ID
If you forget your Apple ID or password, you can still reset your iPhone. This article tells you how to reset iPhone without Apple ID.
How to Turn off iPhone without Screen
Has your iPhone’s screen stopped responding? Learn how to turn off the iPhone without touching the screen so that you can get it repaired easily.
Proven Ways to fix iPhone Screen Recording Not Working
Sometimes screen recording does not work on iPhone, which may cause inconvenience in your life. Here are some tips you need to know to fix this problem.
The Ultimate Ways to Reset Your Apple ID Password
Do you want to enhance the ability to access your iPhone while keeping its privacy intact? If yes, the article will teach you various ways to recover the iCloud password and how to reset the Apple ID password.
How to Fix iPhone keeps Asking for Email Password
If your iPhone keeps asking for password, this is what you need to do. Make sure to read on the article till the end and get rid of the problem.
9 Solutions to Fix iPhone Reboot Loop on iOS 15/14/13/12
Learn how to resolve the iPhone reboot loop in this stepwise guide. We have listed four different solutions to overcome the iPhone boot loop problem.
Quickly Factory Reset iPhone without Passcode [Step-by-Step]
This article shows you 3 ways to factory reset iPhone without password easily and fast. You can choose either way to get it done by youself here.
2 Ways to Factory Reset iPhone without iTunes
This article shows you how to factory reset your iPhone with and without iTunes. You can do it by youself in minutes.
How to Find My iPhone by Phone Number
Get a solution to find my iPhone by phone number in this informative guide. We have come up with different ways to find my iPhone with phone number right here.
Top 10 iPhone Tracking Apps to Track iPhone Location
For those looking for a good iPhone tracking app, the search ends here. We bring to you the top 10 iPhone tracking apps to chose from.
Everything You'd Like to Know About Finding My iPhone Offline
What do you mean by Find my iPhone offline and its uses? Let us read this article to know everything about Find my iPhone offline mode.
Dummie's Guide: How to Use Find My iPhone/Find My iPad?
If you feel Find My iPhone App is hard to use, here are easy to understand ways for you to use Find My iPhone App to help locate your iOS mobile devices.
Large Storage on iOS 15? Here's How to Empty the Other Storage After iOS 15 Update
Did you get large storage on iOS 15 after getting the update? Read on and learn how to empty the Other storage in iPhone after the iOS 15 update in this post.
Will Installing iOS 14 Beta Ruin My iPhone?
Install iOS 14 Beta in iPhone and experience the new features before actual release of the new iPhone in coming fall. Update your iOS 13 to iOS 14 now!