“iPad” Wi-Fi taşlamagy dowam etdirýärmi? Ine düzediş!
27-nji aprel 2022 • Iberilen: IOS ykjam enjam meselelerini düzediň • Subut edilen çözgütler
iPads come in two variants - a regular variant with Wi-Fi only for internet connectivity and another variant with cellular and Wi-Fi options. If your cellular + Wi-Fi iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi, you might be less annoyed, but what to do when your only connectivity is Wi-Fi and your Wi-Fi iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi? How to get around that issue?
Part I: Why iPad Keeps Dropping Wi-Fi?
The reasons why the iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi may be obvious and not-so-obvious. Here are some reasons why the iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi:
Poor Reception
This is one of the most common reasons, although one that people do not think about until they have exhausted everything else. You might be sitting in one corner while your Wi-Fi hardware might be in another, and even though you see Wi-Fi connected, the quality of the signal is poor enough that the iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi.
Signal Interference
Signal interference is, again, one of those reasons that we tend to overlook until push has come to shove. Wi-Fi is everywhere - everybody uses Wi-Fi. Generally, Wi-Fi hardware is designed to work to account for signal interference from other beacons around, and it does that in the background without the user ever coming to know of it.
Poor Quality Accessories
Üçünji tarapyň gapdalynda ýerleşdirilen “iPad”, “Wi-Fi” -yň ýaramaz bolmagyna sebäp bolup biler. Nädip? Ulanylan materiallar “iPad” -iň signal kabul edilmegine päsgelçilik döredip biler.
Enjamdaky näsazlyklar
Köplük? Hawa, “iPad” -yň hemişe Wi-Fi taşlamagy bilen baglanyşykly meselä sebäp bolýan birnäçe enjam näsazlyk nokatlary bolup biler. “IPad” -yň özi bolup biler, “Wi-Fi” marşrutizatoryna pes hilli güýç bolup biler, marşrutizatoryň özünde näsazlyk bolup biler.
Programma üpjünçiligi meselesi
Soňra “iPad” -da gaýtalanýan “Wi-Fi” -yň döremegine sebäp bolup biljek programma üpjünçiligi bar. Bular “Wi-Fi” marşrutizatorynyň ýa-da “iPad” programma üpjünçiliginiň içinde bolup biler. II bölüm jikme-jik öwrener.
II bölüm: “iPad” -yň “Wi-Fi” meselesinden kesilmegini nädip düzedip bolar?
“IPad” -yň “Wi-Fi” taşlanmagyny düzeltmek, ilki bilen sebäp bolýan anyk meseläni tapmak ýaly aňsat.
1. Kabul edişiň pesligi sebäpli “Wi-Fi” -y “iPad” taşlamagy düzediň
“IPad” -yň pes kabul edilmegi sebäpli “iPad” Wi-Fi taşlamagyny dowam etdirse, munuň bir alamatyny görersiňiz: käbir ýerlerde Wi-Fi hiç haçan düşmez, käbir ýerlerde bolsa Wi-Fi ýygy-ýygydan aşak düşerdi . Kabul edişligi tapjak bolup, köne telefon jaňlary ýaly bolar. Edil şu ýerde bolup geçýän zat. “Wi-Fi” enjamy dogry ýerleşýän ýeriňizi gurşap bilmeýär we şonuň üçin “iPad” häzirki ýeriňizde ýeterlik güýçli signal alyp bilmeýär. “Wi-Fi” enjamyna has ýakynlaşanyňyzda, signal kabul edilişi has gowy bolar we “iPad” -iň mundan beýläk “Wi-Fi” -y taşlamaýandygyny görersiňiz.
Fixagdaýy düzetmegiň üç usuly bar:
1: Wi-Fi enjamyna has ýakyn bolmak üçin ýeriňizi üýtgediň
2: Relocate the Wi-Fi hardware in a somewhat central location so that the whole space is equally covered
3: Invest in a Wi-Fi mesh router system that will enable much better coverage and eliminate poor reception problems and the iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi problem along with it.
2. Fix iPad Dropping Wi-Fi Due to Signal Interference
Indi, signal päsgelçiligini anyklamak has kyn, ýöne häzirki wagtda hemme ýerde Wi-Fi marşrutizatorlary gurşap alandygymyzy we esasanam umumy, ISP bilen üpjün edilen marşrutizatorymyzyň bardygyny bilemizde, şu gün çaklamak ygtybarly. Näme üçin beýle? Munuň sebäbi, şuňa meňzeş marşrutizatorlaryň hem edil şonuň ýaly işlemeginiň ähtimallygy has ýokarydyr we şonuň üçin goňşyňyzyň Wi-Fi-y özüňiziň päsgelçiligiňize sebäp bolup biler, esasanam pes Wi-Fi bilen öz Wi-Fi-yňyza ýetmek üçin göreşýän mahaly girýän jaýyňyzyň / öý ofisiňiziň beýleki burçlary. Gysgaça aýdylanda, “iPad” -ni bulaşdyryp bilýän ýygylyk / signal bir-birine gabat gelýär we birini saýlamak kyn.
The way to fix this situation is to change the channel on your Wi-Fi signal in your Wi-Fi hardware settings. Most routers offer a way to change the Wi-Fi channel manually and automatically. While it automatically tries to work out the least-problematic channel, sometimes you need to manually experiment with these things if your iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi due to signal interference.
How to change channels is different for every router brand. It is best that you speak with your ISP if they supplied one, else look up online about your particular router brand.
3. Fix iPad Dropping Wi-Fi Due to Poor Quality Accessories
Poor-quality, third-party accessories such as screen protectors and cases can create unknown, unforeseen issues. It is entirely possible for that cheap case to be blocking Wi-Fi reception on your beloved iPad, causing you grief.
To know if the case is causing issues with your Wi-Fi reception, simply remove the case from the iPad and see if that resolves or helps the Wi-Fi reception.
4. Fix iPad Dropping Wi-Fi Due to Hardware Failures
Hardware failures include the Wi-Fi radio failure in the iPad itself or Wi-Fi antennae failure in the Wi-Fi router. If either is not working optimally anymore, there will occur issues such as the iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi issue that you are facing. How to know which of the two is failing?
If the Wi-Fi router antennae are failing or there is some issue in the Wi-Fi router, every device connected to the router will start facing the same issue as the iPad dropping Wi-Fi. This means that all devices will keep dropping Wi-Fi just the way the iPad does. If this is not the case, then it means the issue could lie within the iPad itself.
The iPad could have developed a hardware issue, but, given the high manufacturing standards Apple uses, it is more than likely only a software issue, and that can be resolved easily with simple fixes.
5. Fix iPad Dropping Wi-Fi Due to Software Issues
There can be a few software reasons why the iPad keeps dropping Wi-Fi, such as if you split your Wi-Fi network or if suppose your Wi-Fi mesh router system is not in sync somehow, or when there are some software issues within the iPad itself. All of these are fixable rather easily.
Fix 1: Force Restart The iPad
One of the first software fixes that you ought to try for everything that's going wrong with your user experience is to restart the device. Here's how to restart the iPad:
iPad With Home Button
Step 1: For an iPad with a home button, press and hold the Power button till the slider screen comes up. Drag the slider to shut down the iPad.
Step 2: Press and hold the Power button to restart the iPad.
iPad Without Home Button
Step 1: Press and hold any one of the volume keys and the Power button till the slider screen appears. Drag to shut down the iPad.
Step 2: Press the Power button and hold until the iPad restarts.
Fix 2: Restart The Wi-Fi Router
When was the last time you restarted the Wi-Fi router? Not to name and shame, so let's just say that routers have been known to require reboots to perform optimally, so much so that now brands are offering a scheduled reboot feature to automate the job! Imagine that!
Now, without going much into the nitty-gritty of scheduling the reboot, let's just switch off the Wi-Fi router's power and switch it back on after about 30 seconds to power cycle the router. See if this resolves the frequent Wi-Fi dropping issue on the iPad.
Fix 3: Sync The Wi-Fi Mesh Router System
If you have one of those swanky mesh router systems, there is little chance that you are suffering from poor Wi-Fi coverage. The whole idea of a mesh system is to cover the premises in glorious Wi-Fi. So, what gives? Well, sometimes, while moving about, the nodes do not hand over the baton to each other reliably, causing the iPad to drop Wi-Fi occasionally. The mesh routers systems feature a Sync button on the nodes, and you can, in consultation with the manual for your specific brand, sync the nodes manually to ensure that the handing over works reliably.
Fix 4: Reset Network Settings
Käwagt programma üpjünçiliginiň täzelenmegi, meseleleriň näbelli görnüşde ýüze çykýan we “iPad” -iň “Wi-Fi” goýberilmegi ýaly gahar-gazap döredip biljek derejede korrupsiýa sebäp bolup biler. Tor sazlamalaryny täzeden dikeltmek, meselem, “iPad” -da ýaňy-ýakynda programma üpjünçiliginiň täzelenmegi sebäpli ýüze çykan bolsa, esasanam “iPad” -iň içerki ulgam koduny täzeläp / düzedip bilýän bolsa, şeýle meseleleri düzedip biler. “IPad” -da tor sazlamalaryny nädip täzeden düzmeli:
1-nji ädim: Sazlamalar> Umumy ýere gidiň we ahyryna çenli aşak aýlaň
2-nji ädim: “Transfer” -e basyň ýa-da “iPad” -y täzeden düzüň
3-nji ädim: Settingshli sazlamalary täzeden düzmek düwmesine basyň.
5-nji düzediş: “iPad” -da beýleki Wi-Fi zolagyny goşuň
Iň soňky Wi-Fi marşrutizatorlary goşa zolakly marşrutizatorlardyr, bu bolsa 2,4 GGs we 5 GHz diapazonda Wi-Fi signalyny hödürleýändigini aňladýar. Indi, umuman alanyňda, iki sany aýratyn hyzmat toparyny üpjün etmek üçin döredilýär we siz olaryň ikisine-de birikýärsiňiz. Şeýle-de bolsa, ol ýerde tutulýar. 5 GGs topary has kiçi bir ýerde işlär we kabul edişlik 2,4 GGs diapazona çenli gitmez. Şeýlelik bilen, bir otagda diňe birine birikdirilen bolsaňyz we gowy bolsaňyz, ýeriňiziň kakalaryna baranyňyzda birden “iPad” -iň “Wi-Fi” -ny taşlaýandygyny görüp bilersiňiz. Munuň sebäbi, “iPad” -a birikdirilen 5 GGs diapazondan signal hiline laýyk gelmeýär. Bu ýagdaýda 2.4 GGs diapazona geçmek iň gowy jedeldir.
“IPad” -da ynamdar torlaryň sanawyna başga bir “Wi-Fi” toruny nädip goşmaly:
1-nji ädim: Sazlamalar> Wi-Fi-a gidiň
2-nji ädim: Elýeterli torlaryň sanawyny görersiňiz.
3-nji ädim: Bu sanawdan 2.4 GGs zolakly Wi-Fi toruny aňsatlyk bilen tanap bilersiňiz, sebäbi adaty ýagdaýda olaryň ady belli.
4-nji ädim: Bar bolan Wi-Fi-dan parol bilen oňa birikdiriň. Iň ähtimal. Notok bolsa, marşrutizatoryňyzyň administrator sazlamalaryna girmeli bolarsyňyz (markaňyzy interneti barlaň) we täzeden 2.4 GHz diapazon üçin parol düzmeli bolarsyňyz.
Iň gowusy, “iPad” -yňyz iň oňat signal hökmünde 5 GHz bilen 2,4 GGs aralygynda awtomatiki usulda geçer we “iPad” -yňyzyň “Wi-Fi” meselesini doly çözmegini çözer.
Bu ýerde başga bir çemeleşme bar, ýagny marşrutizator sazlamalaryňyza girmek we iki zolagyň birmeňzeş bolmagy we parollaryň birmeňzeş bolmagy. Şeýlelik bilen, “iPad” ýokarda edenlerimizi eder. , Öne, ýokarda beýan edilen usul, wyklýuçateliň has köp gözegçilikde saklanmagyny, “iPad” -yň diňe zerur bolanda çalşylýandygyny we hemişe 2.4 GGs diapazona birikdirilmezligini üpjün etmek üçin ileri tutulýar, bu bolsa size geçiş tizligini pes görkezer. 5 GGs diapazon we internet meýilnamaňyza baglylykda, göçürip almak tizliginiň peselmegine sebäp bolup biler.
Bonus düzedişi 6: “iPadOS” -y “ Dr.Fone” bilen çalt bejermek - Ulgamy bejermek (iOS)

Dr.Fone - Ulgamy bejermek
IOS ulgamynyň ýalňyşlyklaryny maglumat ýitirmezden düzediň.
- Diňe iOS-yňyzy kadaly düzüň, maglumat ýitirilmez.
- Dikeldiş tertibinde galan dürli iOS ulgam meselelerini , ak “Apple” nyşanyny , gara ekrany , işe başlamagy we ş.m. düzediň.
- “ITunes” -i asla iOS-dan peseldiň.
- “IPhone”, “iPad” we “iPod touch” -yň ähli modelleri üçin işleýär.
- Iň soňky iOS 15 bilen doly gabat gelýär.
Now, if none of the above has resolved anything and the iPad still keeps dropping Wi-Fi, it might be time to take slightly more intrusive steps such as repairing the iPadOS. This can be done the Apple way by connecting the iPad to the computer and using iTunes (Windows/ older macOS) or macOS Finder (newer macOS versions) or you can try out the amazingly easy way to repair iPadOS with Wondershare Dr.Fone, a suite of tools that caters to fixing all imaginable issues that users around the world face every day with their smartphones and tablets. Dr.Fone has a module called System Repair that allows you to repair the iPad problemsulanyjy maglumatlaryny pozmazdan we ulanyjy maglumatlaryny pozmak bilen has düýpli abatlamak üçin. Programma üpjünçiligi faýly üçin internet gözlemezden, öňki wersiýa aňsatlyk bilen peseltmäge mümkinçilik berýär. Oýlanmak bilen, Dr.Fone-da “iPad” -da ulanyjy maglumatlarynyň ätiýaçlyk nusgalaryny döretmäge mümkinçilik berýän modul bar, abatlaýyş işleri tamamlanandan soň aňsatlyk bilen dikeldip bilersiňiz. Synag üçin programma üpjünçiligini göçürip almak üçin aşakdaky düwmä basyp bilersiňiz.
“IPad” -yňyz “Wi-Fi” -ny taşlamagyny dowam etdirende, esasanam diňe “Wi-Fi” birikdirilen “iPad” bar bolsa, iň göwnüçökgün tejribeleriň biri bolup biler. “IPad” -yň “Wi-Fi” düşürilmegi gaharly. Bagtymyza, meseläni çalt çözmegiň birnäçe usuly bar, Wi-Fi marşrutizator sazlamalary bilen işlemekden başlap, hemme zat başa barmasa iPadOS-y bejermekden başlap.
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