WiFi paroly dikeltmek: WiFi parolyňyzy nädip almaly?

27-nji aprel 2022 • Iberilen: Parol çözgütleri • Barlanylan çözgütler


“WiFi” -iňizi guranyňyzdan we enjamlaryňyz bilen tora gireniňizden soň, paroly ýakyn wagtda ulanmazlygyňyz ähtimal. Şeýle-de bolsa, dostlaryňyz ýa-da myhmanlaryňyz gelip, WiFi parolyny soranlarynda, ýatdan çykaran bolmagyňyz mümkin. Şonuň üçin bu makalada şahsyýet maglumatlaryňyzy almagyň ýollary bilen size ýol görkezerin.

Mundan başga-da, ähli möhüm parollaryňyzy ýatda saklaýan adamdan has kanagatlanarly zat ýok. Şol sebäpden, häzirki döwürde düýpgöter möhüm howpsuzlyk gatlagyny hödürleýän ygtybarly we ygtybarly parol dolandyryjysynyň bolmagynyň möhümdigini hem seljererin.

Gijä galman, ýatdan çykaran WiFi parollaryny dikeltmegiň birnäçe usuly bar.

1-nji usul: Routeriňizi täzeden düzüň

1-nji ädim: Ilki bilen, marşrutizator bilen eýýäm birikdirilen kompýuteriňizde internet brauzerini açyň. Soňra salgy salgysyna marşrutizatoryňyzdan IP adresi ýazyň. Router öndürijileriniň köpüsi, adaty IP adresi hökmünde ulanýarlar. Şonuň üçin bu adresi brauzeriňizde ulanyň we ulanyjy ady (administrator) we parolyňyz bilen giriň (deslapky parol boş bolar).

Reset your router

Bellik: Bu paroly ýadyňyzdan çykarmasaňyz, marşrutizatoryň zawodyň ýerine ýetirilmeginden başga alaç galmaz.

Täzeden düzmek tertibi: Routeri açanyňyzdan soň, marşrutizatoryň arka tarapynda berlen täzeden düzmek düwmesine basyň. 10-30 sekunt saklaň we goýberiň. Routeriň öňündäki yşyk çyralaryny görersiňiz we gaýtadan açyň.

Step 2: Here, you need to find Setup Tab on the top and then right-click on wireless settings on the left side.

Step 3: Next, tap on Add device with WPS

Step 4: Here, you will have two options to choose from Auto and Manual. Click on Manual to proceed.

Once you have done that, the wireless network information will be displayed on your screen with your wireless password.

Another Method For Reset Your Router

Step 1: You need to click the Setup Tab by selecting wireless settings from the top.

Step 2: Now tap on the manual wireless network setup option.

Step 3: Go to the bottom of the page, where you will find the section called "Wireless Security Mode."

Reset your router setting

This is where you need to specify your wireless password.

Check whether your password is visible or not. However, if the password is hidden (in dots), you will have to re-enter a new password.

While creating a new password, do not forget to click on the save settings option at the top.

Method 2: Try Wifi Password Recovery App for iOS

We all have heard why it is beneficial to keep on changing your important passwords regularly to stay protected from any crooks. But at the same time, managing and keep a record of every password is a tedious task.

Also, with data privacy being of utmost importance in our lives, software developers today provide high-level security to protect your data from any intrusion. They give solid safety to all your vital passwords. However, it's funny when you wish to breach that security when you yourself forget your passwords.

In such situations, password recovery apps come to the rescue. One such solution provider is Dr.Fone - Password Manager (iOS).

Dr.Fone helps you find your Apple ID account and passwords          

  • After Scan view your mail.           
  • Then it would be best if you recovered the app login password and stored websites.
  • After this, find the saved WiFi passwords       
  • Recover passcodes of screen time

Let's have a step-wise look at how to recover your password for iOS through Dr. Fone:

Step 1: First of all, download Dr.Fone and choose the password manager

df home

Step 2: By using a lightning cable, connect your iOS device to your PC.

Cable connect

Step 3: Now, click on “Start Scan”. By doing this, Dr.Fone will immediately detect your account password on the iOS device.

Start Scan

Step 4: Check your password

Check your password

Method 3: How To Recover Password For Android:

Recover Password For Android

Whenever you connect to the secured WiFi network, the Android device automatically saves the password. So if you forgot the WiFi password, you could easily recover it just by scanning the OR code. Yes, it is that simple. Let's see in detail how it is done.

For Android 10 and above

Recover Password For Android 10

Step 1: Go to the Settings on your device and tap on Network and Internet.

Step 2: Here, select WiFi, and the list of WiFi networks will appear along with the one you are connected to.

Step 3: Below that, search for the Saved networks option and click on that.

4-nji ädim: Indi paroly gözleýän toruňyzy saýlaň. Telefonyňyzyň gulpy bilen bardygyny tassyklamak soralyp bilner.

5-nji ädim: Indi, WiFi toruňyzy paýlaşmak üçin ekranda QR kody peýda bolar. Munuň aşagynda WiFi toruňyzyň paroly görkeziler.

6-njy ädim: Şeýle-de bolsa, WiFi parolyňyz gönüden-göni görkezilmese, QR kod skaner programmasy arkaly QR koduny skanirläp we parolyňyzy yzyna alyp bilersiňiz.

Alterna -da bolmasa, geçmişde birikdiren WiFi torlaryňyzyň parollaryny dikeltmäge kömek edýän WiFi parolyny dikeltmek programmasyny hem saýlap bilersiňiz.

WiFi paroly dikeltmek programmasy nädip işleýär?

WiFi Password Recovery app work

1-nji ädim: WiFi parollaryny dikeltmek programmasyny göçürip alyň we açyň.

Step 2: Now, you need to use the rooted device and authorize super-user permissions.

Step 3.Next, you can recover your password under the saved/scanned WiFi options.


So now you know the ways to recover your WiFi passwords on your devices and with the help of password managers because what seems a trivial and minor matter at the onset might have unwanted consequences attached to it. So if you do not wish to get into the dilemma of managing your passwords, I suggest you go for Wondershare’s Dr.Fone app.

So what are your thoughts on having a password manager?

And please leave your comments below about using the password managers so others can benefit from your experience.

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Daisy Raines

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