Telefon va kompyuter o'rtasida ma'lumotlarni zaxiralash
Ma'lumotlar yo'qolishining oldini olish uchun iOS yoki Android ma'lumotlarini zaxiralash yaxshi odatdir. Lekin how? Bu mavzu iOS yoki Android maʼlumotlaringizni mahalliy yoki shaxsiy kompyuteringizga zaxiralash boʻyicha yetarli maslahatlar beradi.
IPhone zahira paroli haqida bilishingiz kerak bo'lgan hamma narsa
iPhone zahiraviy parolimni unutdim? iPhone zaxira parolini tiklashni xohlayman? Ushbu maqolada iPhone zaxira paroli muammosini qanday hal qilish haqida gap boradi.
[iOS 14/13.7 yangilanishi] iTunes-ning zaxira nusxasini tiklamaslik muammosini qanday hal qilish mumkin
Yangilangandan so'ng iPhone-ning zaxira nusxasini tiklay olmasangiz ham, iTunes-ning zaxira nusxasini tiklash iOS 14 bilan mos emasmi, degan savol tug'ilgan bo'lishi mumkin. Siz bu borada yechimlarni olasiz.
Qanday qilib iPhone zaxira fayllarini o'chirish mumkin
iPhone zaxira fayllarini o'chirishni bekor qilish mumkinmi? Javob: HA. Windows yoki Mac OS-da iPhone zaxira nusxasini 2 bosqichda qanday bekor qilishni o'rganish uchun ushbu qo'llanmani o'qing.
[Yechildi] iTunes zaxira seansi muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi
"iTunes Backup seansi muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi" xatosi juda zerikarli. Hech qanday uzilishlarsiz zaxira nusxasini yaratishni davom ettirishingiz uchun iTunes zahiraviy seanslari va xatoni bartaraf etishning turli usullari haqida hamma narsani bilib oling.
Qayta tiklash rejimida iPhone-ni qanday zaxiralash mumkin
Ushbu qo'llanma iPhone-ning tiklash rejimini oddiy usulda qanday zaxiralashni aytib beradi. Unga rioya qiling va siz buni bir necha daqiqada o'zingiz qilishingiz mumkin.
2022-yilda 5 ta eng yaxshi iPhone zaxiralash dasturi (oʻqish shart)
Ushbu maqolada biz har bir iPhone foydalanuvchisi bilan birga bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan iPhone uchun eng yaxshi beshta zaxira dasturlarini ko'rib chiqamiz.
Qanday qilib iPhone-da ilovalar va ilovalar ma'lumotlarini zaxiralash mumkin
Ushbu maqolada biz iPhone ilovalari va ilova ma'lumotlarini zaxiralash uchun ishlatiladigan eng yaxshi usullarni ko'rib chiqamiz.
IPhone fotosuratlarini qanday zaxiralash bo'yicha 5 ta echim
Muhim ma'lumotlaringizning doimiy yo'qolishini oldini olish uchun iPhone fotosuratlarini zaxiralash uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin bo'lgan juda ko'p fokuslar mavjud. Hech qachon esda qolarli fotosuratlaringizni yo'qotmang.
ITunessiz iPad-ni qanday tiklash mumkin
Agar siz iPad-ni iTunes-dan foydalanmasdan qayta tiklamoqchi bo'lsangiz, Dr.Fone-dan iPad-ni iTunes-siz osongina tiklashga urinib ko'rishingiz mumkin.
IPhone 13 ma'lumotlarini zaxiralash taktikasi
Siz iPhone 13 maʼlumotlarining zaxira nusxasini yaratmoqchimisiz? iPhone 13 maʼlumotlarining zaxira nusxasini qanday yaratishni oʻrganmoqchimisiz? iPhone 13 maʼlumotlarini osongina zaxiralashning samarali taktikalari haqida maʼlumot olish uchun ushbu maqolani oʻqing.
IPhone-da matnli xabarlarni saqlashning 3 ta isbotlangan usuli
IPhone-da matnli xabarlarni qanday saqlashni o'rganish uchun ushbu ma'lumot beruvchi qo'llanmani o'qing (iPhone XS Max kiradi). IPhone-dan xabarlarni bosqichma-bosqich saqlashning uchta ishonchli usuli keltirilgan.
Jailbreak ilovalari va sozlamalarini Cydia-dan zaxiralang
Jailbroken qurilmangizning zaxira nusxasini yaratmoqchimisiz? Buni Cydia-dan qanday qilib osonlik bilan qilish mumkin.
IPhone 13-da zaxira nusxalarini qanday tiklash mumkin
Yangi iPhone 13? ni rejalashtiryapsizmi, agar shunday bo'lsa, eski iOS qurilmasidan iPhone 13-ga zaxira nusxalarini tiklashning turli usullarini o'rganing. Dr.Fone-Phone zaxira nusxasini ko'ring.
IPhone xabarlarini zaxiralashning 3 ta usuli
iPhone? da xabarlarni qanday zaxiralash kerak Ushbu maqola sizga iPhone xabarlarini osongina zahiralashning 3 usulini ko'rsatib beradi. O'qing va iPhone xabarlarini zaxiralashning ideal usulini tanlang.
Tezkor tuzatish "iPhone zaxira nusxasini tiklash uchun joy etarli emas"
iPhone’da “iPhone zaxira nusxasini tiklash uchun joy yetarli emas” ogohlantirishini oling? Ushbu maqolada iPhone zaxira nusxasini tiklash uchun yetarli joy yetishmasligini qanday tuzatish kerakligi aytiladi.
iPhone Backup Extractor: iPhone ma'lumotlarini ajratib oling va tiklang
Ushbu maqolada iPhone ma'lumotlarini olish uchun iPhone zaxira nusxasini chiqarish vositasidan qanday foydalanish tasvirlangan. Shuningdek, u sizga iPhone zaxira nusxasi haqida bilishingiz kerak bo'lgan barcha narsalarni aytib beradi.
IPhone-ning zaxira nusxasini qanday topish va zaxira nusxalarini o'chirish
Ushbu maqolada iPhone zaxira nusxalarini qanday topish va joy bo'shatish uchun iPhone zaxira nusxalarini qanday o'chirish mumkinligi ko'rsatilgan.
ITunes bilan va iTunessiz iPhone zaxira nusxasini yaratishning aqlli usullari
Ushbu keng ko'lamli qo'llanmada iPhone-ni iTunes-ga qanday zaxiralashni bilib oling. ITunes bilan va iTunessiz iPhone-ning zaxira nusxasini yaratish uchun turli bosqichma-bosqich echimlar ham taqdim etiladi.
Mac va Windows-da iPhone zaxira fayllarini qanday ko'rish mumkin
Mac va Windows-da iPhone-ning zaxira nusxasini qanday ko'rish mumkin? Biz sizga iPhone zaxira nusxasini iTunes yoki iCloud-dan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ko'rish uchun iPhone zaxira nusxasini ko'rish dasturini baham ko'ramiz.
Windows 10/8 da iPhone zaxira nusxasini chiqarishning 2 usuli
Agar iPhone-da ma'lumotlarni saqlashim kerak bo'lsa va shuningdek, Windows 10/8_1_815_1-da iPhone zaxira nusxasini olishim kerak bo'lsa-chi? iPhone zaxira nusxasini ma'lumotlarni yo'qotmasdan chiqarib olishning 2 yo'li mavjud.
Win-da iTunes-ning zaxira nusxasini qanday topish va o'zgartirish mumkin
Ushbu maqolani o'qib, Windows 10-da iTunes-ning zaxira nusxasini yaratish joyi haqida bilib oling. Shuningdek, u Windows 10-da iTunes-ning zahiraviy joylashuvini qanday o'zgartirishni sizga ma'lum qiladi.
Mobilesync haqida bilishingiz kerak bo'lgan narsa
Boshqa USB kerak emas! MobileSync yordamida fayllar, papkalar, matnlar Wi-Fi orqali uzatilishi mumkin. Zaxira nusxalari MobileSync jildida saqlanadi. MobileSync Android telefonini boshqarish uchun mo'ljallangan.
[Yechildi] Mac-da iPhone-ning zaxira nusxasi joylashuvini topa olmayapman
Mac? qurilmasida iPhone zaxira nusxasi joylashuvi topilmadi. Bu yerda turli xil zaxiralash usullari va macOS operatsion tizimida ushbu zaxira nusxalarining joylashuvini qanday topish bo‘yicha batafsil qo‘llanma.
SMS Backup Plus haqida bilib olishingiz kerak
SMS Backup Plus - SMS zaxira nusxasini yaratish uchun ajoyib Android vositasi. SMS zahiraviy plyus va uning SMS va qo'ng'iroqlar jurnallarining zaxira nusxasini yaratish uchun bir nechta muqobil variantlari haqida batafsil sharhni o'qing
iPhone-ni zaxiralash uchun qancha vaqt ketadi?
iPhone?-ning zaxira nusxasini yaratish qancha vaqt ketishini bilmoqchimisiz? iPhone-ning zaxira nusxasini yaratish vaqti va umumiy vaqtni qisqartirish uchun zaxira jarayonini qanday tezlashtirish bo'yicha ushbu batafsil qo'llanmani ko'rib chiqing.
Qanday qilib iPhone 13 videolarini zaxiralash mumkin
iPhone 13 videolarini tezda saqlash yoki zaxiralashning samarali usullari haqida bilib oling. Dr.Fone-Phone Manager (iOS) iPhone 13 videolarini uzatish yoki zaxiralash uchun ajoyib vositadir.
iPhone-ni Mac Catalina-ga zaxiralashning 3 usuli
Catalina-da iPhone-ning muntazam zaxira nusxasi orqali iOS ma'lumotlaringizni saqlang. Bundan tashqari, osonlik bilan ma'lumotlarni saqlash uchun Dr.Fone- Telefon Zaxira iOS va Android foydalanishingiz mumkin.
Qanday qilib iPhone-ni Mac-ga zaxiralash bo'yicha maslahat va hiyla
Ushbu maqolada iTunes-dan foydalanmasdan iPhone (iPhone XS o'z ichiga) Mac-ga qanday zaxira nusxasini yaratish, iTunes-dan foydalanib, iPhone zaxira faylini qaerdan topish va Mac uchun tavsiya etilgan iPhone zaxira nusxasi haqida ma'lumot berilgan.
4 iTunes bilan yoki iTunessiz iPhone kontaktlarini zaxiralashning 4 usuli
iPhone kontaktlarini zaxiralashni xohlaysizmi? Ushbu maqolada iPhone kontaktlarini qanday zaxiralash va iPhone telefonlaridan kontaktlarni (iPhone XS o'z ichiga oladi) qanday tezda eksport qilish haqida gap boradi.
IPhone/iPad-ni osongina zaxiralashning 3 ta asosiy usuli
Ushbu bosqichma-bosqich qo'llanmada iPhone-ni qanday zaxiralashni bilib oling. IPhone (iPhone XS Max o'z ichiga oladi) va iPad-ni osongina zaxiralashni o'rgatish uchun uch xil echim taqdim etilgan.
ICloud zaxira nusxasini iPhone 13-ga qanday tiklash mumkin
Agar siz iPhone 13_1_815_1-ga iCloud-ning zahira nusxasini tiklagan bo'lsangiz, bu operatsiyani qanday bajarishni bilasizmi? Buni amalga oshirishning samarali usullarini topish uchun ushbu maqolaga tezda kiring.
IPhone/iPad-ni kompyuterga zaxiralashning 4 usuli
Qanday qilib iPhone-ni kompyuterga zaxiralashni o'rganishni xohlaysizmi yoki qaysi usul eng mos ekanligini bilmayapsizmi? Keyin iPhone/iPad ma'lumotlarini shaxsiy kompyuteringiz yoki Mac-ga zaxiralashning quyidagi 4 usulini o'qing.
“ICloud xotirasi yetarli emas” muammosini qanday hal qilish mumkin?
iCloud Storage juda tez tugaydi, chunki foydalanuvchilar atigi 5 GB bo'sh joy oladi. "iCloud xotirasi yetarli emas" bilan kurashish uchun turli xil echimlarni ko'rib chiqing, shunda siz iCloud saqlash joyini osongina optimallashtirishingiz mumkin.
Qulflangan iPhone XS/X/8/7/SE/6s/6-da ma'lumotlarni qanday zaxiralash mumkin
Men o'zimni iPhone-dan qulflab qo'ydim va qulflangan iPhone-da ma'lumotlarning zaxira nusxasini yaratmoqchiman, qulflangan iPhone-ning zaxira nusxasini yaratishning bir usuli bormi? Ushbu qo'llanma qulflangan iPhone ma'lumotlarining zaxira nusxasini yaratishdir!
Qanday qilib iPhone-ni iPad zaxira nusxasidan tiklash mumkin
iPhone-ni iPad-dan zaxiralashni xohlaysizmi? Xavotir olmang. Uni iTunes bilan tiklash uchun vaqtni behuda sarflashingiz shart emas. Ushbu qo'llanma buni 3 bosqichda bajarishni aytadi.
ITunes bilan yoki iTunessiz iPhone kontaktlarini zaxiralashning 4 ta eng yaxshi usuli
Yo'qolgan iPhone qo'ng'iroqlari jurnali? Xavotir olmang. Siz iPhone qo'ng'iroqlar ro'yxatini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri iPhone yoki iTunes zaxira nusxasidan, jumladan kiruvchi, chiquvchi va o'tkazib yuborilgan qo'ng'iroqlarni tiklashingiz mumkin.
Qanday qilib iPhone-ni tashqi qattiq diskka osongina zaxiralash mumkin
Hali ham iPhone-ni tashqi qattiq diskka zahira nusxasini yaratishga hayronmisiz? iPhone zahirasini tashqi qattiq diskka saqlash uchun eng yaxshi yechimlarni shu yerdan oling.
Qanday qilib iPad fayllarini tashqi qattiq diskka zaxiralash mumkin
iPad-ni tashqi qattiq diskka zaxiralashni xohlaysizmi? Bu yerda iPad-da musiqa, video, fotosuratlar va boshqa fayllarni osongina zaxiralash imkonini beruvchi iPad-ning zaxira nusxasi mavjud.

Qanday qilib kontaktlarimni Google hisobiga zaxiralashim mumkin?
Kontaktlarni Google hisobiga qanday zaxiralash mumkin? Kontaktlarni iOS va Android qurilmalarida Google hisobiga zaxiralashning batafsil jarayonini tushunish uchun ushbu qoʻllanmani koʻrib chiqing.
Ovozli eslatmalarni iPhone X/8/7/6S/6 (plyus) dan kompyuteringizga qanday nusxalash mumkin
Ovozli eslatmalarni iPhone-dan kompyuterga hech qanday muammosiz o'tkazishga yordam beradigan 3 ta usul mavjud. IPhone ovozli eslatmalarini kompyuteringizga yoki Mac-ga o'tkazish uchun ergashing.
Fotosuratlarni iPhone-dan kompyuterga iTunes bilan/siz o'tkazish uchun 5 ta hiyla
Suratlarni iPhone-dan kompyuterga iTunes-dan foydalanmasdan o'tkazmoqchimisiz? Rasmlarni iTunes bilan/usiz o'tkazish uchun barcha ma'lumotlar uchun ushbu yozuvni o'qing.
Rasmlarni iPhone-dan noutbukga o'tkazishning 3 usuli (Win & Mac)
Agar siz fotosuratlarni iPhone-dan noutbukga qanday o'tkazishni bilmasangiz, OS, Windows va Mac uchun javob olish uchun maqolani o'qing.
Musiqani iPhone dan kompyuterga o'tkazishning 3 ta eng yaxshi usuli
Musiqani iPhone-dan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazishni ushbu qo'llanmada bilib oling. Qo'shiqlarni iPhone'dan kompyuterga o'tkazish uchun biz uchta turli xil echimlarni taqdim etdik.
IPhone X/8/7/6S/6 (plyus) kamera rolini kompyuterga o'tkazishning 4 usuli
iPhone Kamera Rollini kompyuterga yoki Mac-ga qanday o'tkazish haqida har qanday fikr? Ushbu maqola asosan iPhone Kamera Rollini kompyuterga o'tkazishning juda oson usulini aytib beradi.
Musiqani telefondan kompyuterga o'tkazishning 4 ta eng yaxshi usuli
Siz hali ham musiqani telefondan kompyuterga oʻtkazishga hayronmisiz? Musiqani telefondan kompyuterga oʻtkazishning eng yaxshi usullarini ushbu maqoladan bilib oling.
Fotosuratlarni iPhone-dan Windows 10-ga tezda import qilishning 3 usuli
Suratlarni iPhone-dan Windows 10-ga import qilish uchun boshqa borish shart emas, chunki biz iPhone fotosuratlarini muvaffaqiyatli uzatishning eng yaxshi 3 usulini sanab o'tdik.
Qanday qilib sotib olingan va sotib olinmagan podkastlarni iPhone-dan kompyuterga o'tkazish mumkin
Sevimli podkastlaringizni zaxiralash uchun iPhone-dan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazishni bilmayapsizmi? Ushbu maqoladagi amallarni bajaring.
Kontaktlarni iPhone-dan kompyuterga iTunes bilan/usiz o'tkazishning 3 usuli
Ushbu bosqichma-bosqich qo'llanmani bajarib, kontaktlarni iPhone'dan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazishni bilib oling. Kontaktlarni iPhone-dan kompyuterga nusxalash uchun uchta echim taqdim etiladi.
Rasmlarni telefondan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazish mumkin
Rasmlarni telefondan kompyuterga uch xil usulda o'tkazishni bilib oling. Biz ushbu postda fotosuratlaringizni boshqarish uchun uchta bosqichma-bosqich echimlarni taqdim etdik.
Videolarni iPhone-dan Mac-ga o'tkazishning eng yaxshi 5 usuli
Ushbu ma'lumot beruvchi qo'llanmani o'qib, videolarni iPhone'dan Mac-ga qanday o'tkazishni bilib oling. Biz iPhone-dan Mac-ga video import qilishning bosqichma-bosqich usullarini sanab o'tdik.
Rasmlarni iPhone-dan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazish mumkin?
Ushbu qoʻllanmada iPhone/iPad/iPod touch-dan kompyuterga suratlarni oʻtkazish uchun bilish kerak boʻlgan 9 ta fokuslar toʻplangan. Ushbu 100% bajariladigan fokuslar iPhone rasmlarini USB kabeli yoki w orqali kompyuterga o'tkazishga yordam beradi
Mobil telefon va kompyuter o'rtasida fayllarni uzatishning eng yaxshi 5 usuli
Ushbu qo'llanmada biz telefon va kompyuter o'rtasida fayllarni uzatishning eng yaxshi 5 usulini taqdim etish orqali chalkashliklaringizni hal qildik.
Fayllarni iPhone'dan kompyuterga o'tkazishning 4 ta eng yaxshi usuli
Fayllarni elektron pochta yoki WhatsApp orqali uzatish oson. Ammo fayllarni iPhone'dan kompyuterga o'tkazish haqida gap ketganda, biz sizga yordam berishga tayyormiz.
Fotosuratlar kutubxonasini iPhone-dan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazish mumkin
Ushbu maqola sizga Fotokutubxonani iPhone-dan kompyuterga bosqichma-bosqich qanday o'tkazishni tanishtiradi. Uni o'qing va uni o'zingiz qilishingiz mumkin.
Eslatmalarni iPhone-dan Mac-ga sinxronlashtirishning 3 ta oson usuli
Qaydlarni iPhone-dan Mac-ga sinxronlashtirishni o'rganmoqchimisiz? Ushbu ma'lumot beruvchi qo'llanmada biz iPhone-dan Mac-ga eslatmalarni sinxronlashtirish uchun uchta turli yechim taklif qildik.
Fotosuratlarni iPhone-dan Mac-ga o'tkazish uchun 6 ta tasdiqlangan echimlar
Uzoq vaqtdan beri eslab qolgan fotosuratlaringizni Mac-ga o'tkazmoqchimisiz? Ushbu maqolada biz sizga iPhone-dan Mac-ga fotosuratlarni nusxalashning eng yaxshi usullarini aytib beramiz.
Matnli xabarlarni iPhone'dan kompyuterga o'tkazishning 3 usuli
Ushbu qo'llanmani o'qib, matnli xabarlarni iPhone'dan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazishni bilib oling. IPhone xabarlarini hech qanday qiyinchiliksiz kompyuterga o'tkazish uchun bosqichma-bosqich ko'rsatmalarga amal qiling.
Videolarni iPhone-dan kompyuterga/Mac-ga o'tkazish uchun 5 ta echim
Videolarni iPhone'dan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazishni o'rganish uchun ushbu keng qamrovli qo'llanmani o'qing. Videoni iPhone'dan kompyuterga o'tkazish uchun besh xil echimlar keltirilgan.
Videolarni iPhone'dan noutbukga qanday o'tkazish kerak?
These days almost everyone likes to capture memories on the iPhone in the form of videos. But the problem is, it occupies a lot of storage. As a result, one is forced to transfer videos from iPhone to
How to Transfer From iPhone to Computer in Six Ways.
We covered the five best alternatives to iTunes from iPhone to PC transfer, while Dr.Fone software holds the edge as it is free, user-friendly and safe to use.
Looking for How to Transfer Files From iPhone To Mac?
Looking for the best way to transfer files from iPhone to Mac? Best iTunes replacement for file transfer from iPhone to Mac is Dr.Fone - Phone Manager for iOS. Find out how to use Finder to transfer f
How to Transfer Files From iPhone to Laptop Quickly?
Dr.Fone - Telefon menejeri (iOS) - eng yaxshi uchinchi tomon iPhone fayl uzatish yechimi yordamida iPhone'dan noutbukga fayllarni qanday o'tkazishni, iTunes yordamida fayllarni qanday o'tkazishni, fayllarni qanday o'tkazishni bilib oling.
Fotoalbomlarni iPhone-dan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazish mumkin?
ITunes, iCloud va Dr.Fone-dan foydalangan holda iPhone-dan musiqani kompyuterga o'tkazish bo'yicha to'liq qo'llanma. Har bir usul o'zining ijobiy va salbiy tomonlariga ega.
Musiqani iPhone-dan Mac-ga qanday o'tkazish mumkin?
Musiqani iPhone-dan Mac-ga o'tkazishning turli usullarini bilib olaylik, u Dr.Fone, iTunes, iCloud va boshqa bulut xizmatlarini o'z ichiga oladi, ularning har biri batafsil bosqichlarda tushuntiriladi.
Fotoalbomlarni iPhone-dan Mac-ga qanday import qilish mumkin?
Ushbu postda biz iTunes, iCloud va bepul Dr.Fone uchinchi tomon dasturlari yordamida iPhone-dan Mac-ga albomlarni import qilishning turli usullarini ko'rib chiqdik. Keling, bilib olaylik.
Ma'lumotni telefondan kompyuterga qanday o'tkazish kerak
Mobil telefonlar cheklangan xotiraga ega. Natijada, ma'lumotlarni telefondan kompyuterga o'tkazish kerak bo'ladi. U telefon xotirasini bo'shatdi va zaxira nusxasini yaratadi. Agar siz telefon ma'lumotlarini kompyuterga nusxalashni istasangiz va to'g'ri texnikani qidirsangiz. Ularni topish uchun o'qishni davom eting.
Fayllarni telefondan noutbukga qanday o'tkazish kerak?
Maqolada biz sizni Dr.Fone, File Explorer va Dropbox kabi turli usullardan foydalangan holda telefondan noutbukga fayllarni o'tkazish bo'yicha sayohatga olib boramiz.
Ovozli eslatmalarni iPhone-dan Mac-ga qanday o'tkazish mumkin
Discover how to transfer voice memos from iPhone to Mac. Many individuals are burdened with the task of copying voice memos from their iPhone to their Mac, and many have been frustrated as all their effort has proved futile. Follow on the reading as we show you how you can easily get voice note from iPhone to Mac.
How to Transfer Data from iPhone to PC
Do you intend transferring data to your laptop from your iPhone without the use of iTunes? This guide will reveal to you easy ways to transfer data from iPhone to PC. If you desire to copy the contents of the iPhone to Mac computer or Windows PC, for instance, this tutorial will go a long way in helping you.
How to Transfer Data from iPhone to Laptop?
Trying to find out how to transfer data from iPhone to laptop? You need not get all worked-up concerning that because we’ve got it all figured out. Just check out in this article.
How to Transfer Pics from iPhone to Laptop.
Want to know how to transfer pics from iPhone to laptop? Read this post to learn all about how to transfer photos to any computer from your iPhone.
Best Solutions on How to Transfer Music from iPod (Touch) to Computer
If you want to transfer music from iPod touch to computer easily, you can try this iPod Music Transfer tool. It's very useful to transfer iPod music to PC.
How to Transfer Music from iPod Classic to Computer
We are going to tell you different available ways to transfer music from your iPod classic to computer in this article.
How to Transfer Music from iPod Nano to Computer
There are different ways to transfer music from ipod nano to computer or Mac which we are going to tell you through this article.
5 Best Ways to Transfer Photos from iPad to PC
Transferring Photos from iPad to PC is not difficult anymore.This post will introduce you the 5 best ways to you.Find our the best for you!
3 Methods to Transfer Photos from iPad to iMac
It's easy to transfer photos from iPad to Mac. Here're 3 ways to show you how to copy photos from iPad camera Roll and Photo Library to Mac.
How to Transfer Apps from iPad to Computer
Have you think about transferring apps from iPad to computer?If you are looking for it. it is a right place for you to see the detail from the article!
Efficient Ways to Export iBooks to PC and Mac
Now, you can use iBooks wherever you want, from PC to your Mac. This guide would show you the efficient ways to export ibooks to your PC or Mac.
Best Ways to Transfer Music from iPod to Mac Easily
Want to learn how to transfer music from iPod to Mac? Read this informative and detailed guide with stepwise solutions to copy music from iPod to Mac.
How to Transfer Books from iPad to Computer
This post provides the helpful information for users to transfer books from iPad to computer, and it also introduces top 5 iPad transfer apps for support.
Transfer Photos from iPod touch to PC Easily
This article explains how you can transfer photos from your iPod to various devices, step by step, There are three best ways to transfer photos from ipod touch to pc.
Transfer Music from Mac Formatted iPod to Windows PC
We are going to tell you how to transfer music from Mac Formatted iPod to Windows PC. Just click iPod and select songs to transfer to PC with TunesGo iPod Transfer.
How to Transfer Videos or Movies from iPad to Mac
How to transfer videos from iPad to Mac without trouble? With Image Capture and Dr.Fone can help you finish the task easily.
How to Transfer Music from iPod touch to iTunes on Mac
Need to transfer music from iPod touch to iTunes on Mac? This article will provide 4 ways step by step to transfer music from iPod Touch to iTunes on Mac.
How to Sync iPod to New Computer Without Losing Your Music
Want to sync iPod to new computer without deleting data added previously. It’s a piece of cake when you use these ways.
How to Transfer PDF from iPad to PC
This post introduces 3 methods to transfer PDF from iPad to PC. The mentioned methods are all helpful for transferring PDF from your iPad to computer.
How to Transfer Notes from iPad to Computer
Do you only know one solution to transfer notes from iPad to computer? Let me tell you more to transfer notes.It is easy but I will give you more!
How to Transfer Videos from iPad to PC
I have too many videos in my ipad but I don't want to delete them. You too? This article will tell us how to transfer videos from iPad to PC!
How to Transfer Music from iPad Air to the Computer
Many users already know the ways to transfer music from iPad air to the computer from us. Have you? Follow us!Learn the easiest ways for iPad music transfer.
How to Transfer Music from iPod to Computer?
Top 2 ways to transfer music from iPod to computer,using manual way or use Wondershare TunesGo to finish the task in a few seconds.
How to Sync iPad to New Computer
We are here to help you to work out the problem about how to sync iPad to your new computer!You will be an expertise after reading this article!
4 Ways to Transfer Photos from iPad to Laptop Quickly
This article describes various solutions on how to transfer photos from ipad to laptop. Try them so that you can rest assured when having needs.
How to Transfer Files from an iPad to PC
Transfer Files from iPad to PC,you don't have to transfer with iTunes,you can follow our tips to transfer files from ipad with other alternative ways!
How to Transfer Contacts from PC to iPhone With or Without iTunes [iPhone 13 Included]
How to transfer contacts from PC to iPhone? This article tell you how to copy contacts from PC to iPhone with or without iTunes.
3 Solutions to Transfer Videos from PC to iPhone Easily Including iPhone 12
Don’t know how to transfer videos from PC to iPhone? Read this informative guide and learn three different ways to transfer video from PC to iPhone easily.
3 Methods to Transfer Photos from PC to iPad with and without iTunes
Still worrying how to transfer plenty of photos from your computer to iPad? This article offers you 3 easy ways to sync photos, albums from PC to iPad.
Samsung Kies Free Download for Windows 10
Learn how to install Kies Windows 10 in a trouble-free way. Our informative tutorial has provided a stepwise troubleshooting guide to run Kies for Windows 10.
Steps for Transfer Files from PC to iPhone 13/12/11/X
This article tells you how to transfer files from PC to iPhone easily and accurately without itunes with free iPhone Transfer tool to transfer iPhone files.
How to Transfer Videos from Mac to iPhone [iPhone 12 Included]
This article focuses on offering users easy ways to sync videos from Mac to iPhone.
2 Ways to Transfer Photos from PC to iPhone Including iPhone 12 with/without iTunes
Transfer photos from computer to iPhone with a click. Learn how to transfer photos from PC to iPhone using the best methods. Keep reading.
How To Transfer Videos From PC to iPhone Camera Roll [iPhone 12 Included]
Is there a way to import a video to the camera roll? Simply follow the guide which shows you how to transfer videos from PC to iPhone Camera Roll with iTunes.
Best Ways to Transfer Files to iPad from PC or Laptop
Want to transfer files from PC/Laptop to iPad? This guide will show you ways to transfer photos, songs, contacts, music, etc from PC to iPad.
3 Ways to Transfer Photos from Laptop to iPhone Including iPhone 12 Quickly
Many people want to know solutions on how to transfer photos from laptop to iphone. Find in this article three of them to best satisfy your needs.
How to Transfer Music from Computer to iPad With and Without iTunes
If you want to know how to transfer music from computer to iPad, this post will show you two solutions to resolve the problem with and without iTunes.
How to Transfer Music from Computer to iPhone Including iPhone 12 with/without iTunes?
If you would like to take all songs you like with you, here's the right place for you. This guide shows you different ways to transfer music from computer to iPhone with or without iTunes.
2 Methods to Transfer Music from Laptop to iPhone/iPad/iPod Including iPhone 12/12 Pro(Max)
Learn how to transfer music from laptop to iPhone with and without iTunes. Two simple solutions are provided on how to transfer songs from laptop to iPhone.
How to Transfer Music from Mac to iPhone X/8/7/6S/6 (Plus)
This article answers questions related to how to transfer music from iPhone to Mac and how to transfer music from iPhone to Mac.
How to Transfer Music from iPod to New Computer Without Losing Data
Are you puzzled to transfer music from iPod to new computer? Get the best solution as well as the free one to transfer songs from iPod to new PC here.
How to Transfer Music from iMac to iPod (iPod touch/ nano/shuffle Included)
This article introduces you the easiest ways to transfer music from Mac to iPod touch/iPod nano/iPod shuffle.
How to Transfer Music from Computer to iPod Touch
Whether you need to transfer music from computer to iPod with iTunes or without iTunes, here we introduce best 2 ways to transfer music from computer to ipod touch.
How to Sync iPhone with Multiple Computers without Losing Data
If you wish to sync iPhone with multiple computers, then it can certainly be a difficult task. Get best solutions to sync iPhone to multiple computers here.
How to Transfer Photos or Pictures from Mac to iPad or iPad mini
Are you still puzzled to save your memories by transferring photos from Mac to iPad? I will tell you how easy it is from our guide!Click here to know more!
How to Unsync iPhone from Computer
How to unsync iPhone from computer? In this article, we are going to show you that how you can unsync your iPhone from your old computer to new one.
CopyTrans for Mac – the Best Tool to Transfer Music, Playlists, Videos, Photos
CopyTrans for Mac allows users to copy music, playlists, photos, and videos from iPod, iPhone, and iPad to iTunes, Mac, and vice versa.
How to Put Music on iPhone from Computer With/Without iTunes?
How to put music on iPhone from computer is a pretty common question. To know the answer, read the article carrying solutions with or without iTunes below.
Top 5 Ways to Transfer Photos from Computer to iPod Touch
We are going to share different ways for our readers to transfer photo from computer to ipod touch through this article.
How to Transfer Music between Computer and iPhone
1 minute to learn how to transfer music from computer to iPhone and how to transfer music from iPhone to computer in this article.
How to Put Music to an iPhone from Another Computer Without Erasing iPhone Data
When putting music to an iPhone from a computer,you might worry about erasing data on your iPhone.This guide shows how to do it without losing iPhone data.
How to Transfer Music from Your Computer to iPhone without iTunes
Do you want to find an easy way to transfer music from computer to iPhone without iTunes? Here we provide you a full tutorial to resolve this problem.
4 Tricks to Transfer Photos from Mac to iPhone Including iPhone 12 with/without iTunes
Wondering how to transfer photos from Mac to iPhone? Well, we in this article will talk about not 1 but 4 ways to import photos from Mac to iPhone.
How to Transfer Video from Laptop to iPhone?
Want to use an iPhone to kill your board time with interesting videos or movies? Have you already find some on your laptop? But how to transfer the videos from laptop to iPhone? Here we gave your solu
How to Transfer Files from Mac to iPhone?
Find out the best way to transfer files from Mac to iPhone using iTunes and Catalina and the most comprehensive third-party solution to transfer files from Mac to iPhone - Dr.Fone - Phone Manager (iOS
How to Transfer Music from Mac to iPhone?
In this post, we discussed how to transfer music from Mac to iPhone using the various methods, which spans from iCloud, iTunes, Dropbox to Dr.Fone software. So. let’s check out.
The Easiest Way for File Transfer PC to Mobile
An comprehensive guide on how to file transfer PC to mobile for both Android and iPhone using File Explorer and Dr.Fone, along with the pros and cons of each.
How to Transfer Data from PC to iPhone
Are you wondering how to transfer data from PC to iPhone? We have put together this comprehensive tutorial to show you possible methods you can utilize to transfer data from Windows to iPhone.
How to Transfer Photos from Samsung to PC?
The high-resolution cameras of Samsung phones are capable of capturing dynamic pictures. But these pictures occupy a lot of space. As a result, they are required to be transferred to a PC. Now, how to transfer photos from Samsung to pc is presented here.
Top 12 iPod Transfers - Pod to iTunes or Computer
Here we will introduce top 12 iPod transfers which can transfer iPod to iTunes or transfer iPod to computers easily.
How to Delete Auto Backup Pictures on Samsung
in this article we are going to tell you about deleting auto backup photos from Samsung devices
Full Guide to Restore Android Phone
This article instructs you how to restore your Android Phone.
How to Download Wondershare MobileGo App Wirelessly
Encounter difficulties in downloading mobilego.apk file on your Android phone? Here we provide you with 4 easy ways.
Best 8 Android Backup Apps: How to Backup Android Files
This article shows you top 8 Android backup apps to backup apps, contacts, music, video, SMS and more from Android to SD card, cloud and PC.
How to Backup Android to Mac- Top ways to backup Android files to Mac
This article will help you with step by step instruction to keep a backup for your data to Mac from the Android device and restore them when it is needed.
Best Android Backup Extractor and Backup Solution
Learn a hassle-free way to backup your data with the help of an Android extractor and its best alternative.
Top 15 Most Useful Samsung Backup Software and Apps
In this article, we will list top 9 Samsung backup software and 6 Samsung data backup Apps to help you easily backup data on Samsung devices.
Top 10 Samsung Cloud Backup Services to Preserve Your Data
we are going to tell your about Top 10 best available cloud services to samsung phone backup to cloud.
Samsung Message Backup - 5 Solutions to Make It Easy for You
This article intends to introduce you to the 5 top solutions for backing up the messages on your Samsung phone.
Samsung Kies 3: Everything You Need to Know About
Samsung Kies 3 is a tool for synchronizing a supported Android device, with your computer, allowing you to transfer data between the two.
How to Make WiFi Settings Backup on Android Phone and Tablet
Don't know how to backup Android wifi? This article shows you how to backup Android WiFi password and do Android WiFi backup in 1 click.
3 Ways to Backup Android to PC In Minutes
In this article we will learn three different ways to Backup Android to PC easily in a few minutes.
5 Ways to Backup Android App and App Data Easily
With the number of apps currently available, it is important for Android device users to understand and adopt quick methods to initiate an Android app backup.
How to Take A Full Backup of Android Phone With/Without Root
Take a full Android backup of your device right away. In this post, we have listed three ways to perform Android full backup with and without the root access.
Samsung Account Backup:Everything You Need to Know
Learn how do you set up a Samsung account and perform Samsung account backup restore in this post. We have also listed alternatives to Samsung backup account.
Top 5 Android Backup Software
This article shows you top 5 Android backup software to let you backup contacts, SMS, apps and more to computer without any hassle.
Four Methods to Backup Android SMS You'd Better Know
Planning on doing some major updates or refurbishment on your current device? Just make sure you perform Android SMS backup before anything else.
[Solved] 4 Ways to Backup Everything on Samsung Galaxy S4
In this article we will show in detail four different ways to backup everything on Samsung Galaxy S4
Top 5 Samsung Photo Backup Solutions
in this article we are going to tell you about different available ways to transfer your photos to your computer.
Samsung Backup: 7 Easy & Powerful Backup Solutions
Performing Samsung backup and restore is now easier than ever. In this extensive guide, you can read about the 7 best ways to backup Samsung devices in minutes.
4 Methods to Backup Samsung Contacts
we are going to tell you about the different ways to backup samsung android mobile contacts.
Android SD Card Backup: A Full Guide to Backup SD Card on Android
This article shows you how to backup Android SD card to computer and how to backup Android files to SD card.
4 Different Methods to Backup Samsung Galaxy to PC
Never lose your data and learn how to backup Samsung phone to PC. We have handpicked some of the best ways to help you backup your Samsung phone.
6 Best Android Backup Softwares to Keep Your Data Safe
Mobile phones has been an important part of our daily life. There are many ways to save a backup of your Android phone. In this article, we will introduce you the top 6 Android data backup software fo
6 Methods to Backup Android Photos
We are going to share different ways that how you can backup photos on android mobiles through this guide.
What's Rom/Firmware and How to Backup Android Rom/Firmware
This article focuses on telling you what is Android ROM and firmware and how to backup Android ROM and Firmware.
3 Ways to Backup and Restore Android Phone Effortlessly
This article offers the best 3 solutions to backup and restore Android phone data. Find out the most suitable one to backup and restore android files.
The Best Way for Backup Broken Screen Android Phone[Step-by-Step Guide]
This article tells you how to backup android phone with broken screen.
3 Ways to Back up Samsung Gallery to Google Drive You Need Know
Have you used Google Drive as a backup for your Samsung photos and videos? Read this article to find easy ways to permanently backup Samsung gallery to Google Drive to save your data.
8 Ways to Transfer Files from PC to Android - you'll like them
If you are not sure which method is suitable for you to transfer a file from PC to Android, then read our article below.
How to Transfer Photos from Samsung Phone to Tablet
If you have recently purchased a new tablet and want to know how to transfer photos from Samsung phone to tablet, here are two ways that can help you.
How to Transfer Files from Sony to Mac/Macbook
Here we will introduce top 2 ways to transfer files from sony to Mac. MobileTrans is an amazing and popular one-click to transfer Sony files to Mac..
How to Transfer Motorola to Mac(Moto G5, Moto Z included)
Do you want to transfer data from Motorola to Mac? Here are top 2 easy ways to transfer Motorola to Mac, including Moto G5, Moto Z.
How to Backup and Transfer SMS, Messages from Android Phones to PC
Want to transfer text messages from Android to PC but find no way? Don't worry. This article tells you 2 ways to backup and transfer Android SMS (messages) to PC with tips on how to read Android SMS o
How to Transfer Pictures from Computer to Android
This article mainly tells you how to transfer photos from computer to Android in a simple way. Now, go through it.
How to Transfer Photos from Android to Mac
We have discussed what easy ways are out there to transfer photos Android to Mac. Check the three ways about how to transfer photos from Android to Mac.
5 Ways to Transfer Photos from Mac to Android
Transfer photos from Mac to Android wirelessly and through a wired connection. Learn how to transfer photos from Mac to Android phones in 5 ways in this guide.
How to Access Android Phone from a Mac Computer
Read this informative guide to learn how to access Android phone on Mac like a pro. It includes 4 different working solutions to access Android files from Mac.
3 Ways to Transfer Files from Samsung to PC
In this article, we will introduce you 3 effective ways to transfer contacts, photos, messages, and more from Samsung to PC seamlessly. So we can better backup and manage our data.
Easy methods to Transfer Photos from LG Phone to Computer
This article introduces two ways to transfer pictures from LG phone to computer. Read this article and choose either way to have a try.
2 Methods to Transfer Music from Your Mac to Android
Transfer Music from Mac to Android is no longer difficult.Check this guide to know the best way to transfer music to Android.
Best 10 Tools to Transfer Data from Android to Mac
It may not be that easy to connect Android phone to Mac to transfer files. But smart Mac users always know many ways to connect Android to Mac for file transfer. How? Find answer in this article now.
4 Ways to Transfer Files from Android to Mac without Hassle
If you are looking for the reliable software to transfer your data safely, then you must refer to this article. Here, we have mentioned the best data transfer tools which you can use without hassle.
7 Ways to Transfer Files from Android to PC - Incredibly Easy
With the help of this article you will not only learn the best 4 ways to transfer files from your Android phone to your pc but also learn about the best 3 apps that can be used to transfer data betwee
How to Transfer Videos from Android Phone to Mac
Learn how to transfer videos from Android to Mac in this guide. Three different step by step solutions are included to transfer videos from Samsung to Mac.
4 Ways to Transfer Contacts from Samsung to PC With/Without Kies
In this article, we are going to explain different methods of transferring contacts to your PC.
Top 4 Alternatives to Samsung Kies for Mac
Get to know about the four best alternatives to Samsung Kies Mac right here. Instead of using Kies for Mac, try these better and more advanced Samsung managers.
8 Ways to Transfer Photos from Android to PC Easily
Learn how to transfer photos from Android to PC using USB and Wifi in this post. Eight different solutions are listed here to transfer photos from Android to PC
3 Ways to Send Files from Mac to Android Phone.
Wondering how to send files from Mac to Android? Use Bluetooth File Exchange to transfer files from Mac to Android or learn how to send files from Mac to Android via USB cable using Dr.Fone - Phone Manager for Android on macOS. Use ShareIt for 200 times faster transfers than Bluetooth.
How to Transfer Contacts from Android to PC
In this post, we’ve discussed the top three methods of creating backup contact android to PC, using the Dr.Fone software, convection contacts App way, and Google Drive.
How to Download Pictures from Motorola Phone to Computer?
There are several reasons why you make this decision. What is the bottom line? If you have a Motorola phone, you need to know how to download pictures from Motorola phone to computer.
The Definitive Guide to Import Photos from Android to Windows 10: 5 Smart Ways
Your search for how to transfer Android photos to Windows 10 ends here with the definitive guide to best ways to copy, import, and download photos from Android to Windows using Dr.Fone Phone Manager, Microsoft Photos, OneDrive, Dropbox and File Explorer.
How to Transfer Photos from Android to Laptop?
Send photos from Android to laptop easily and also transfer music, videos and apps with the best app to send photos from Android to laptop for beginners and advanced users both - Dr.Fone for Android. Find out how to use Google Photos and Google Drive to transfer photos from Android to laptop easily.
How to Transfer Photos from Galaxy s6/s7/s8/s9/s10 to PC
Samsung galaxy series is known for Photo capture ability. You can take high-quality shots from various phones of this series. But the problem arises when phones’ storage is fully occupied. To sort out this issue you can transfer photos from galaxy to computer. Now how to transfer photos from galaxy to computer is presented here.
How to Transfer Phone Videos to Computer?
A mini-guide on how to transfer phone files to computer using Dr.Fone software, Dropbox, OneDrive, and even through File Explorer. Let's find out.
How to Transfer Photo from Phone to Laptop?
Learn about the best way to transfer photos from phone to laptop easily using Dr.Fone Phone Manager over secure USB connection for quick and easy one-click transfer of photos from phone to laptop or using Dropbox and OneDrive to transfer photos from phone to laptop quickly wirelessly.
How to Transfer Photos from Samsung to Laptop
Photos help us to freeze memories in time. However, after taking photos on your Samsung phone, you may need to move them to your laptop. There are several reasons for this including the shortage of storage space and making further edits.
How to Transfer Phone Files to Computer
It is not uncommon to want to move files from your phone memory to your computer. There are several reasons why you may need to do this. The most common reasons are a need for storage space and performing operations on the files.
7 Ways to Transfer Files from Mac to Android - Easy & Efficient
Learn 7 ways to transfer files from Mac to Android with and without Android File Transfer.