Näme üçin meniň telefonym Wi-Fi-dan üzülýär? Iň gowy 10 düzediş!
27-nji aprel 2022 • Faýl üçin: Android ykjam meselelerini düzediň • Subut edilen çözgütler
Ynkylap edilen dünýä internet, onlaýn durmuş we sosial media hakda. Gerekli maglumatlary internetden alyp bilersiňiz. Bilet bronlamakdan, azyk önümlerini satyn almakdan, ýakynlaryňyza jaň etmekden ýa-da ofis bilen ýygnaklary internetden alyp bilersiňiz.
Hemme zat internetde aýlanýandygy sebäpli, WI-FI kesilse bizar edýär. Özüňize sorag berip bilersiňiz , näme üçin Wi-Fi telefonymdan aýrylýar ? Jogabyny bilmek üçin aşakdaky makalany okaň.
1-nji bölüm: Näme üçin telefon Wi-Fi-dan üzülýär?
Telefonyňyz ýygy-ýygydan Wi-Fi-dan aýrylýarmy? Ora-da internet hyzmaty yza galýarmy? Meseläňizi barlap boljak birnäçe wariantymyz bar. Internet meseleleriniň hemmesi hyzmat üpjün edijiden ýüze çykmaýar, sebäbi käbir meseleler internedi ulanýan enjamlar sebäpli. Kömek üçin bu meseleleriň käbiri aşakda ara alnyp maslahatlaşylýar:
· Router meselesi
Internet üpjün edijisi öz işini dogry ýerine ýetirýän bolsa, marşrutizator size dogry zady berip bilmez. Beýleki elektron enjamlary ýaly, olar hem nädogry hereket edip bilerler. Bu, marşrutizatoryň nädogry bolmagy sebäpli bolup biler ýa-da programma üpjünçiliginiň köne bolmagy sebäpli bolup biler.
· Wi-Fi aralygyndan
Näme üçin telefonym Wi-Fi-dan kesilmegini dowam etdirýär ? Munuň sebäbi, çäkden çykyp biljekdigiňizdir! Routeriň ýerleşdirilmegi gaty möhümdir. Router çäkli diapazony bolan ýygylyklary geçirýär. Aralykdan çykýan bolsaňyz, internet awtomatiki usulda kesilýär.
· Wi-Fi signallarynyň petiklenmegi
Routerden gelýän signallar golaýdaky beýleki elektron enjamlaryndan ýaýrap biler. Radio we mikrotolkunlar ýaly signallar signalyň güýjüne päsgel berip biler.
· Router bilen birikdirilen enjamlar
Adatça, bir jaýda internet marşrutizatoryna birikdirilen onlarça enjam bar. Adamlar marşrutizatoryň çäkli baglanyşyk ýerleri bar öýdemok. Hyzmatlary ýeňilleşdirmek üçin belli bir haýyşlary kabul edip bilmeýär. Routeriň çäklendirmeleri bar; çäklendirmeler artykmaç bolsa hyzmatyň hili peseler. Hiliň peselmegi enjamlardan internetiň kesilmegine hem sebäp bolup biler.
· Durnuksyz internet
Samsung Galaxy S22 ýygy-ýygydan kesilse , bu birikme durnuksyz internet sebäpli bolýar, ýöne ýokarda agzalan meselelerden başga-da internetiň kesilmeginiň başga bir sebäbi bar.
Sometimes, the internet is stable, but it still disconnects. This is because the internet service provider might not send the best quality internet you have acquired it for. If your internet is stable and the phone still keeps disconnecting, then head onto the next part that will share the top 10 fixes to sort out this issue.
Part 2: 10 Ways to Fix Wi-Fi Keep Disconnecting on Phone
As we have mentioned earlier if your Wi-Fi is stable, but it keeps disconnecting from Samsung Galaxy S22 or other devices, the coming section of this article is for you. We will provide you with 10 solutions with complete assistance to fix the 'why does my phone disconnect from Wi-Fi' issue.
Fix 1: Restart Your Phone
If the Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting from your Samsung Galaxy S22, but the internet is stable, then you should try to fix the issue by restarting your phone. Sometimes, it's the phone that’s causing a problem, so to resolve it, you can follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Firstly, unlock your phone. Now, press the Power button and hold it for a few seconds.
Step 2: Now, select the 'Reboot' option to resolve the issue from the options on the screen.
Fix 2: Check Router Settings
If your phone keeps disconnecting the Wi-Fi, you can also fix the problem by checking the router settings. This is because your phone might be blocked from connecting to the network, and if this is the scenario, your phone will never maintain the connection. You should check the Router’s admin panel or app to remove your phone from the blocklist.
Fix 3: Reconnect to Network
To fix the annoying problem that your Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting, you should try forgetting the network and then reconnecting to it. This could be done easily by following the steps below:
Step 1: First, you need to open the Wi-Fi settings menu. This could be done by pressing and holding the Wi-Fi option from the drop-down menu of your phone until the settings open up.
Step 2: A list of all the Wi-Fi networks will appear on the screen. Select the network that is causing trouble from that list and hit the 'Forget Network' option.
Step 3: After that, you should reconnect to this Wi-Fi network by selecting it from the Wi-Fi list and entering its password.
Fix 4: Restart Your Router
As we discussed, to restart your phone, you can also restart the router to get rid of the problem. For this, hit the restart button on the router to get a fresh start. If the device has no button, disconnect the power supply and plug it back in to connect again. Most internet issues are resolved by restarting the router.
Fix 5: Forget Old Networks
The problem that your Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting can also occur because of the list of networks you have connected to. Having yourselves connected to different set of networks could turn out to be quite problematic in the process. In the process of finding and switching to the best network, your device’s Wi-Fi will continually disconnect and reconnect with the nearby networks. To finish this irritating issue, you should remove and forget all the extra networks that you connected previously.
Step 1: You should start by pressing and holding the Wi-Fi option from the drop-down menu on your phone until the Wi-Fi settings screen appears.
Step 2: You will see a list of all the Wi-Fi networks you have connected to previously. One by one, select each network and hit the 'Forget Network' button to remove it.
Fix 6. Check Recently Installed Applications
Sometimes, different installed applications can also cause trouble. If your Wi-Fi was fine, but suddenly it started disconnecting, then don’t forget to check the recently installed apps. This is because with not knowing the damage it can cause, you might have installed some VPNs, connections boosters, or firewalls. You can try and disable them but if that doesn’t resolve the problem, then uninstall the app.
Step 1: For uninstalling the problematic application, you have to select it and hold it. You will see a pop-up menu of multiple options; choose the option of ‘Uninstall' to remove the app from the phone.
Fix 7: Reset Network Settings on your Phone
It’s annoying that your Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting while you are working or studying. Android users can easily get over this problem by resetting the network settings. The steps for this fix are as follows:
Step 1: For resetting the network, start by opening the ‘Settings’ menu on your phone. Then, scroll down, look for the 'Connection & Sharing' option, and select it.
Step 2: As you progress onto a new screen, you will find the option of “Reset Wi-Fi, Mobile Networks, and Bluetooth” in the menu. Select the option to lead to the next window.
Step 3: Click on the option of “Reset Settings” present on the bottom of the next screen that shows up. Provide confirmation of resetting these settings by inserting your device’s PIN, if any.
Step 4: After providing the appropriate clearances, you will be asked for another confirmation of resetting the device’s networks to default. Click “OK” to execute.
Fix 8: Check Routers Range
If your Wi-Fi automatically disconnects and connects again while you are roaming in the house, then it is because of the router's range; you should check it. For this, you can consider changing and modifying your AP (Access Point) band on your router.
Although the 5GHz frequency band is recognized for providing better network speeds, this band has a shorter range as compared to the 2.4GHz band, which has a better coverage of area. You can easily shift your router’s range through its configuration page. It is considered optimal to utilize the 2.4GHz frequency band for better ranges.
Fix 9: Stay Connected while Asleep
“Android” telefonlarynyň köpüsinde batareýany tygşytlamak aýratynlygy bar. Bu aýratynlyk, telefonyň batareýasyny tygşytlamak üçin tor birikmelerini öçürýär. Wi-Fi kesilmegini dowam etdirýän bolsa, ony düzetmek üçin aşakda görkezilen ädimleri ýerine ýetiriň:
1-nji ädim : Telefonyňyzda 'Sazlamalar' menýusyny açyp başlaň. Soňra 'Batareýa' opsiýasyny tapyp açýançaňyz aşak aýlaň.
2-nji ädim : Soňra, batareýanyň ekranyndan 'Has köp batareýa sazlamalary' opsiýasyna basyň. Soň bolsa, 'Ukaňyzda birikdiriň' opsiýasyny görersiňiz; açyň.
10-njy düzediş: Router programma üpjünçiligini täzeläň
Aboveokardaky paýlaşylan düzedişleriň hiç biri işlemese, meseläni çözmek üçin iň soňky düzediş router programma üpjünçiligiňizi täzelemekdir. Munuň üçin tor amallaryny bilýän islendik hünärmen bilen habarlaşmaly, sebäbi marşrutizator programma üpjünçiligini kämilleşdirmek wagt talap edýär we bilim talap edýär.
Işleýän bolsaňyz, ünsüňizi we ünsüňizi ýitireniňizde Wi-Fi-ny aýyrmak iň uly gaharlandyryjydyr. Adamlar köplenç bu umumy soraga jogap gözleýärler, näme üçin telefonym Wi-Fi-dan kesilmeýär? Aboveokardaky makalada bu meseläni jikme-jik ara alyp maslahatlaşdyk. Çözüldi!
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