Iň ýokary PS2 emulýatorlary - Beýleki enjamlarda “Sony Playstation 2” oýunlaryny oýnaň
2022-nji ýylyň 7-nji marty • Iberilen: Telefon ekranyny ýazga alyň • Subut edilen çözgütler
“PlayStation” göçme görnüşi, “Sony” tarapyndan işlenip düzülen el konsoly bolup biler. Konsoluň ösüşi 2003-nji ýylyň dowamynda yglan edildi we 2004-nji ýylyň 11-nji maýynda “Sony” di di-de açylmady
“ PlayStation” jübüti (PS2), may be a home game console that was factory-made by Sony pc amusement. It's Sony's second installment within the PlayStation Series. It had been free on March four, 2000, in Japan followed by North America and Europe later constant year. The sixth-generation console competed with the Sega Dreamcast, Microsoft Xbox, and Nintendo GameCube. The PlayStation a pair of went on to become the popular game console in history, marketing over one hundred fifty five million units, a hundred and fifty million confirmed by Sony in 2011. Quite three, 874 game titles are free for the PS2 since launch, and quite one.5 billion copies are sold. Sony later factory-made many smaller, lighter revisions of the console referred to as "slimline" models. The PlayStation a pair of will stand on its facet or lie flat to suit any house. And once it's put in into your theatre, you will be treated to a fairly sharp image and high-quality sound. The PlayStation a pair of, like each alternative console, incorporates a composite A/V twine within the box that you employ to attach the console to your TV. However, S-Video and component-video connectors are on the market individually if you would like to enhance the image quality.
Nintendo emulators are developed for following operating systems:
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Emulýasiýa prosessoryň we aýry-aýry komponentleriň özüni alyp barşyny dolandyrmak arkaly işleýär. Ulgamyň her bir bölegini gurýarsyňyz, soňra bölekleri enjamlardaky simler ýaly birleşdirýärsiňiz.
“Sony PlayStation 2” üçin PCSX2 jany, ol ýerdäki iň doly we peýdaly PS2 janydyr. Her täze wersiýa we patch köp oýun oýnamaga mümkinçilik berýär we ruhuň saglygyna we tizligine gowulaşýar. Bu ruh bilen baglanyşykly iň möhüm faktor, PS2 oýnuňyzy göni CD / DVD diskiňize salmagyňyzdyr we ruh size noutbukda sport oýnamaga mümkinçilik berer. PCSX2, deslapky taslamasy PCSX (PlayStation emulýatory) ýaly, PSEmu hünärli dilden düşündiriş plagininiň dizaýnynda köp funksiýalary esasy ruhdan aýyrýar. Bular grafika, ses, giriş dolandyryşlary, CD / DVD disk we USB we Fire Wire portlary. Dürli dürli pluginler, her bir utgaşyklyga we öndürijilige dürli sebäpler bolup biler. Başlamak üçin PCSX2-e PS2 BIOS-yň dublikaty gerek, awtorlyk hukugy we oňa degişli kanuny meseleler sebäpli döredijilerden geçirmek üçin elýeterli däl. Häzirki wagtda PCSX2 PlayStation oýunlary bilen gabat gelenok. PSX oýunlary köplenç PCSX ýa-da ePSXe ýaly PlayStation jany bilen GSdx-iň pidasy bolýar.
Aýratynlyklary we işleýşi:
2. PS2Emu
This is a new PlayStation emulator by Roor, shunt and Scar_T. This emulator is still under development, so we can't really expect much from this one even though it is incomplete it is displaying very promising results you will need the BIOS files to use this emulator.
Features and functionalities:
3. NeutrinoSX2 EMULATOR
This is a new PlayStation 2 emulator. It's around the same level as PCSX 2 and open source. It can play Blade 2 and Mortal Kombat 5. The author is looking for help in coding this emulator. Requires the GTK Runtimes to work properly. Just as the other emulators of its kind, it's still under construction, so yeah it means that you can't run any commercial game with it. In order to run this emulator at its full speed with all the options turned on, you should have the Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz (or AMD XP) 512 MB RAM 5 MB free disk space (for nsx2) 200+ MB free swap space.
Features and functionalities:
- 1. Dürli platformalar üçin emulýator
- 2. Oýun konsollary üçin emulýator
- Xbox Emulator
- Sega Dreamcast Emulator
- PS2 Emulýator
- PCSX2 Emulýator
- NES emulýatory
- NEO GEO Emulýatory
- MAME Emulator
- GBA emulýatory
- GAMECUBE emulýatory
- Nitendo DS Emulator
- Wii Emulýator
- 3. Emulýator üçin çeşmeler

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