“iPhone 11/11 Pro” duýgur ekrany işlemeýär: Nädip adaty ýagdaýa getirmeli
# iPhone 11 duýgur ekrany işlemeýär! Kömek ediň.
"Just recently, I bought an iPhone 11 and carried out restore backup of my old iPhone 8. It was working fine for a couple of weeks, but now, iPhone 11 is not responding to touch properly. Sometimes it becomes unresponsive on iPhone 11 screen or at times, iPhone 11 touch screen freezing completely. Any help is much appreciated."
Hello user, we duly understand what's happening around with you and would like to tell you that you're now alone. There are several users worldwide experiencing similar issues. Hence, we're glad to be the helping hand in your case and offer you the best possible solutions for resolving iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) touch screen not working issue. But before we get on to the solutions, let's understand the reasons why iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) not responding to touch properly.
Part 1: Why is iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) touch screen not working properly?
Generally, when issues like iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) touch screen not working crops up, it is due to the hardware part of the iPhone. Now, when iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) is not responding to touch, it is primarily due to the digitizer (touch screen) that processes the touch isn't working properly or has a poor connection with the motherboard of the iPhone. But at times, this iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) not responding to touch issue can also crop up when the software (iOS firmware) is not able to "talk" to the hardware in the way it should. Therefore, the problem can be due to both hardware and software.
Now, how to determine where the problem actually is? If it is software related, the possible symptoms could be: iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) not responding to touch, iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) touch screen too sensitive, iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) responding intermittently, not enough iPhone storage available, etc. Therefore, we're going to perform the below-mentioned solutions that will certainly resolve the issue of iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) touch screen not working, if it is software related.
Part 2: 7 solutions to fix iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) touch screen not working
1. Fix iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) touch screen issues in one click (no data loss)
One of the most powerful ways to fix the iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) touch screen not working problem is to use Dr.Fone - System Repair (iOS). The tool is able to satisfy users with its impressive performance and offers a really simple process. One can repair any kind of iOS issue with no data loss. Also, it can work with any iOS device or version effortlessly. Following is the guide to know how it can help to fix the issue.
How to fix iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) display not working with this tool
Step 1: Get the Software
In the beginning, you need to download the correct version of it according to your computer. Now, install it and launch the tool.
Step 2: Choose the Tab
Indi esasy interfeýsine ýetersiňiz. Ekranda görkezilýän "Ulgam abatlaýyş" goýmasyna basyň. Ondan soň ýyldyrym şnuryňyzy “iPhone” bilen üpjün ediň we kompýuter bilen enjamyň arasynda baglanyşyk gurmak üçin ulanyň.

3-nji ädim: Reodeimi saýlaň
Enjamy birikdireniňizde we programma dogry tapylsa, re modeimi saýlamaly bolarsyňyz. Peýda bolan ekrandan "Standard Mode" saýlaň. Bu re modeim, hiç hili maglumatlara zyýan bermezden, iOS ulgamynyň esasy meselelerini bejerýär.

4-nji ädim: Amaly başlaň
Programma üpjünçiligi enjamyňyzy aňsatlyk bilen kesgitlemek ukybyna eýedir. Şonuň üçin indiki ekranda enjamyňyzyň model görnüşini görkezer we şeýlelik bilen elýeterli iOS ulgamlaryny üpjün eder. Birini saýlamaly we dowam etmek üçin "Başlamak" düwmesine basmaly.

5-nji ädim: Programma üpjünçiligini göçürip alyň
Öňki düwmä basanyňyzda, programma saýlanan iOS programma üpjünçiligini göçürip alar. IOS faýlyň ululygy sebäpli azajyk garaşmaly bolarsyňyz. Şeýle hem, güýçli internetiňiziň bardygyna göz ýetiriň.

6-njy ädim: Meseläni düzediň
Programma üpjünçiligi indi programma tarapyndan barlanar. Barlanylandan soň "Indi düzediň" düwmesine basyň. IOS meselesi bejerilip başlar we birnäçe minutyň içinde enjamyňyz öňküsi ýaly kadaly işe başlar.

2. 3D Touch sazlamalaryny basyň
Henizem jogapsyz “iPhone 11/11 Pro” (Maks) ekrany bilen ýüzbe-ýüz bolsaňyz we ýokardaky usul işlemese, 3D sensor sazlamalaryna göz ýetiriň. IOS enjamynyň 3D duýgur duýgurlygy ekranyň kadaly işlemezligine sebäp bolýan wagtlary bolýar. Şonuň üçin meseläni çözmek üçin ony barlamaly. Aşakdaky ädimleri ýerine ýetiriň:
- "Sazlamalary" açyň we "General" -a gidiň.
- Look for "Accessibility" and choose "3D Touch".
- Now, you can enable/disable 3d Touch. Also, you can choose to adjust the sensitivity from Light to Firm.

3. Charge iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) to full
At times, when there is extremely low battery remaining in your iPhone, you may get to experience your iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) not responding to touch. In such cases, grab an authentic lightning cable and get your iPhone charged to the full. Ensure not to use it; meanwhile, let it charge sufficiently first. Once done, check if the problem persists or not.
4. Avoid too many running tasks/apps
There are times when you are too busy doing several tasks altogether, like chatting on WhatsApp, posting updates on Facebook/Instagram—or doing professional stuff like sending an email, editing pictures, or videos altogether. If you are executing so many tasks/apps simultaneously, then these all clog up the RAM memory of your iPhone, and eventually, iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) touch screen freezing issue crops up. Ensure to close down the apps that you're not making use of. Here's how to do it.
- When it comes to forcing quitting the apps on iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max), you need to launch the app switcher by "Swipe up" from the bottom of the screen and hold in a midway.
- Now, you'll get to see various app cards that are running in the background. Slide through the cards to find the one that you no longer wish to make use of.
- Lastly, to close a particular app, simply swipe upwards on it, and you're done.

5. Free up storage on iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max)
You can easily experience an unresponsive iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) screen if your device is not having sufficient space. Therefore, if nothing has changed after attempting the above solutions, ensure that your device isn't running out of space. The steps are:
- Head to "Settings" and tap "General".
- Go to "iPhone Storage".
- You will notice the list of apps showing how much space each app is eating.
- You can analyze and remove unwanted apps or data so that you can make space in your device. Hopefully, this will make the device normal, and you will no longer get the unresponsive iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max) screen issue.

6. Force restart your iPhone 11/11 Pro (Max)
IOS klawişleri bilen ýapyşanyňyzda bu usul hiç haçan şowsuz bolmaz. Enjamyňyzy güýç bilen täzeden açyp bilersiňiz we bu enjamyňyza täzeden başlar. Netijede, bizar ediji näsazlyklar we obstruktiw fon amallary bes ediler. Aşakdaky gollanmany ýerine ýetiriň:
- Ilki bilen "Sesiň ýokary" düwmesini basyň we derrew goýberiň.
- Indi, "Sesiň peselmegi" düwmesi bilenem şony ediň.
- Iň soňunda bolsa, "Güýç" düwmesini uzak basyň we ekranda Apple nyşanynyň peýda bolmagyna garaşyň. Bu takmynan 10 sekunt dowam eder. Logotip gelende, barmaklary goýberip bilersiňiz.

7. “iPhone 11/11 Pro” (Maks) zawod sazlamalaryna dikeldiň
“IPhone 11/11 Pro” (Maks) duýgur ekrana jogap bermeýän wagtyňyzda galan iň soňky ýol, zawody täzeden düzmekdir. Bu usul, enjamyňyzdan hemme zady pozsa-da, meseläni çözmekde peýdalydygyny subut etdi. Şonuň üçin ýokardaky usullar işlemese ädimleri ýerine ýetirmegiňizi maslahat berýäris.
- "Sazlamalara" gidiň we "General" -a basyň.
- "Täzeden düzmek" düwmesine basyň we "Conthli mazmuny we sazlamalary poz" saýlaň.
- Soralsa parol koduny ýazyň we amallary tassyklaň.

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