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Dr.Fone - Data Recovery (iOS)

Recover Lost/ Deleted iPhone Contacts

  • Recover Contacts, Messages, Call history, Photo, Video, WhatsApp message & attachments, documents, etc. from iPhone, iTunes backup and iCloud backup.
  • Compatible with all iOS devices (iPhone XS to iPhone 4, iPad, and iPod touch).
  • Preview details for free, and selectively retrieve in original quality.
  • Read-only and risk-free.
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IPhoneitirilen ýa-da öçürilen iPhone aragatnaşyklaryny nädip dikeltmeli?

Selena Lee

28-nji aprel 2022 • Faýl: Maglumatlary dikeltmek çözgütleri • Barlanan çözgütler

“IPhoneaňy-ýakynda“ iPhone 8 ”-ni“ iOS 12 ”-e täzeledim we enjamymdaky saklanan aragatnaşyklaryň hemmesiniň ýitirilendigini geň galdyrdym. “IPhone” -da edil şonuň ýaly aragatnaşyklary ýitirmek mümkinmi? Kimdir biri iPhone 8-de aragatnaşyklary nädip dikeltmelidigine düşünmäge kömek edip bilermi? "

- “Apple Community” -dan seslenme

Recentlyaňy-ýakynda bir iPhone ulanyjysy, beýleki adamlaryň näçeräk kynçylykdan geçýändigini bize düşündirýän bu soragy berdi. Dogrymy aýtsam, “iPhone” -da aragatnaşyklaryňyzy ýitirmek adaty bir zat. Gowy tarapy, iPhone aragatnaşyklaryny dürli usullar bilen dikeldip bileris. “IPhone” -da kontaktlary nädip yzyna almalydygyny öwrenmek üçin bu gollanmada her dürli çözgütleri sanadyk. “ IPhone” kontaktlarynyň ätiýaçlyk nusgasy barmy ýa-da ýok, bu aýratyn çözgütler kontaktlary anyk almaga kömek eder.

Part 1: How to restore deleted contacts on iPhone from iCloud.com?

If you have accidentally deleted your contacts or have lost all contacts on iPhone due to a glitch, then you can take the assistance of iCloud to get them back. The auto sync of our contacts with iCloud makes it quite easy for us to recover contacts on iPhone. Also, iCloud.com stores the contacts that you have deleted in the last 30 days. Therefore, it can also be used to recover deleted contacts on iPhone as well.

The only drawback is that the technique will restore all the archived contacts on your device and replace the existing contacts from it. The process will overwrite the existing contacts and will restore all contacts at once (even the contacts that you don’t need). If you are ready to take this risk, then you can follow these steps to learn how to retrieve deleted contacts on iPhone.

restore iphone contacts from icloud.com restore iphone contacts from icloud.com
    1. Go to iCloud.com and login using your Apple ID and password. Make sure this is the same account that is linked to your iPhone.
    2. From all the provided options, visit “Settings”.
    3. Scroll down to its “Advanced” settings where you can get different options to restore your data (like contacts, reminders, bookmarks, etc.)

  1. Click on the “Restore Contacts” or “Restore Contacts and Reminders” from here.
  2. Afterward, the interface will display the archived files related to your contacts (with their time).
  3. Select the file of your choice and click on the “Restore” button. This will restore contacts to iPhone or iPad.

Part 2: How to restore iPhone contacts from iCloud backup?

If you have enabled the iCloud sync for your contacts, then you can easily get back all the lost contacts on iPhone. Since the contacts are stored on iCloud, they won’t be affected by any malfunction on your device. Though, we only get an option to restore iCloud backup while setting up a new device. If you are already using your phone, then you need to reset it once. This will get rid of all the existing data and saved settings on it. This is a risk that not a lot of users are willing to take.

Dowam etmezden ozal, iCloud-da kontaktlaryňyzyň ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny alandygyňyzy anyklamaly. Muňa göz ýetireniňizden soň, iCloud-dan aragatnaşyklary nädip yzyna almalydygyny öwrenmek üçin şu ädimleri ýerine ýetirip bilersiňiz.

restore iphone contacts from icloud backup
  1. “ICloud” ätiýaçlyk nusgasyndan aragatnaşyklary dikeltmek üçin ilki bilen enjamyňyzy täzeden düzmeli. Munuň üçin Sazlamalar> Umumy> Täzeden düzmek we "Conthli mazmuny we sazlamalary poz" düwmesine basyň. Enjamyňyzyň giriş koduny girizip, öz islegiňizi tassyklaň.
  2. Bu, bar bolan mazmuny we enjamyňyzyň saklanan sazlamalaryny pozar. “IPhone” -yňyzyň täzeden açyljakdygy sebäpli, başlangyç sazlamany ýene bir gezek ýerine ýetirmeli.
  3. Täze enjam gurlanda, ony iCloud ätiýaçlyk nusgasyndan dikeltmegi saýlaň.
  4. ICloud hasabyňyza girmek üçin Apple ID we parolyňyzy giriziň. Öňki iCloud ätiýaçlyk nusgalarynyň sanawy şu ýerde görkeziler.
  5. Simply select the backup and wait for a while as your device would restore contacts on iPhone from the backup.
Not only contacts, it will restore all the other types of data to your device as well. There is no provision to preview the data and all the contacts would be restored at once. Since this technique requires us to reset our device, it is mostly not recommended. To selectively retrieve contacts without resetting a device, a dedicated tool like Dr.Fone - Data Recovery (iOS). We have discussed it in detail in Part 4.

Part 3: How to restore iPhone contacts from iTunes Backup?

Just like iCloud, you can also learn how to recover contacts on iPhone using an existing iTunes backup. Needless to say, the trick won’t work if you haven’t taken an iTunes backup of your device beforehand. In addition to that, you should be aware of its drawbacks. Just like iCloud, iTunes backup will also delete the existing data on your device. Since you can’t selectively retrieve your data, all the content from the backup would be restored.

Due to its disadvantages, a lot of users don’t prefer this method to restore lost contacts on iPhone. Nevertheless, you can follow these steps to learn how to retrieve deleted contacts on iPhone from an iTunes backup.

restore iphone contacts from itunes backup restore iphone contacts from itunes backup
    1. Firstly, make sure that you have taken a backup of your iOS device. To do this, connect it to your system and launch iTunes. Visits its Summary and take its backup on the local computer.
    2. Great! Once you have taken a backup of your data, you can restore it to your device afterward. Simply launch an updated version on iTunes on the system and connect your iPhone to it.

  1. Select your iPhone from the list of the available devices and go to its Summary tab.
  2. Under the Backups option, click on the “Restore Backup” button.
  3. As the following pop-up would appear, select the backup and click on the “Restore” button to retrieve contacts to your device.
In this way, you would be able to know how to recover contacts on iPhone from an existing iTunes backup. Since it does not support to restore contacts selectively, and will delete the existing data on your phone, you should only consider it as a last resort.

Part 4: How to recover iPhone contacts without backup?

In order to restore data from an iTunes or iCloud backup, you need to have an existing backup file. Also, while restoring data from an iCloud or iTunes backup, the existing content on your phone would be deleted. If you are not comfortable with that or haven’t maintained a backup of your data beforehand, then you can use a dedicated tool like Dr.Fone - Data Recovery (iOS).

Developed by Wondershare, it is the first iPhone data recovery tool in the world. The tool can help you restore your data even if you have lost all contacts on iPhone. It can perform a complete data recovery under different scenarios like accidental deletion, corrupt update, malware attack, and so on. Since users get a preview of the recovered data, they can perform a selective recovery as well. Here’s how you can learn how to retrieve deleted contacts on iPhone using Dr.Fone - Data Recovery (iOS) even if you have not taken a backup before.

Dr.Fone da Wondershare

Dr.Fone - Data Recovery (iOS)

World's 1st iPhone and iPad data recovery software.

  • Safe, fast, flexible and simple.
  • Highest iPhone data recovery rate in the industry.
  • Öçürilen tekst habarlaryny dikeltmek we iPhone-dan öçürilen suratlary dikeltmek we aragatnaşyklar, jaň taryhy, senenama we ş.m.
  • Aragatnaşyklary sanlar, atlar, e-poçta, iş atlary, kompaniýalar we ş.m. alyň.
  • IPhone X, 8 (Plus), 7 (Plus), iPhone 6s (Plus), iPhone SE we iň soňky iOS 13-i doly goldaýar!New icon
Elýeterli: Windows Mac
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Dr.Fone bilen iPhone aragatnaşyklaryny dikeltmek üçin ädimler

retrieve iphone contacts with Dr.Fone
Dr.Fone-i işe giriziň we “iPhone” -y birikdiriň
• Windows PC-de ýa-da Mac-da Dr.Fone gurallar toplumyny işe giriziň. Hoş geldiňiz ekranyndan “Dikeldiş” modulyny saýlaň.
• iOS enjamyňyzy ýyldyrym kabeli bilen kompýutere birikdiriň. Programma ony awtomatiki kesgitlär. Çep paneldäki berlen opsiýalardan “iOS enjamyndan dikeltmek” saýlaň.
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Dikeltmek üçin iPhone kontaktlaryny saýlaň
• Bu ýerden skanirlemek isleýän maglumatlaryňyzyň görnüşini saýlap bilersiňiz. Diňe öçürilen mazmuny gözlemegi ýa-da giňişleýin gözden geçirmegi saýlap bilersiňiz. Has gowy netijeleri gazanmak üçin doly gözden geçirmegi maslahat berýäris. “Başlamak” düwmesine basmazdan ozal “Aragatnaşyklar” opsiýasynyň açykdygyna göz ýetiriň.
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“IPhone” -y skanirläň
• Programma enjamyňyzda öçürilen ýa-da girip bolmaýan mazmuny skaner edýändigi üçin biraz garaşyň. Biraz wagt gerek bolup biler, şonuň üçin enjamyň kompýutere birikdirilendigine göz ýetirmeli.
restore iphone contacts
“IPhone” kontaktlaryny gözden geçiriň we dikeldiň
• Once the application has retrieved the deleted or lost content, it will display it under different categories. Visit the Contacts section and preview your data on the right.
• In the end, you can simply select the contacts you wish to retrieve and get them back to your device directly. If you want, you can select all contacts as well.

The best thing about this technique is that the existing data on your phone won’t be overwritten. You can easily retrieve contacts directly to your iPhone without damaging its existing content. Since a preview of your data would be provided, you can also select the contacts you wish to get back and neglect the unwanted or duplicate entries.

Kontaktlary gönüden-göni “iPhone” -dan dikeltmekden başga, “Dr.Fone - Data Recovery” (iOS) enjamyňyzy täzeden dikeltmezden (maglumatlaryň ýitmegine sebäp bolýan) iCloud ýa-da iTunes ätiýaçlyk nusgasyndan kontaktlary dikeltmek üçin hem ulanylyp bilner.

5-nji bölüm: iPhone / iPad-da ýitirilen aragatnaşyklary dikeltmegiň beýleki ýollary

Solutionsokarda agzalan çözgütlerden başga-da, “iPhone” -da aragatnaşyklary nädip dikeltmelidigini öwrenmegiň başga-da birnäçe usuly bar. Bu ýerde gysgaça gürleşdim.

retrieve iphone contacts from icloud

1/5 iCloud kontaktlary sinhronlamak arkaly iPhone kontaktlaryny alyň

Bilşiňiz ýaly, iCloud bilen aragatnaşyklarymyzy aňsatlyk bilen sinhronlap bileris. Şeýlelik bilen, iPhone-daky ähli aragatnaşyklarymyzy ýitirenimizde-de, soňundan alyp bileris. Etmeli zadyňyz, iCloud sazlamalaryna girip, Kontaktlar üçin sinhronlaşdyryş opsiýasyny açmak.

Mundan başga-da, “iPhone” -yň Sazlamalary> Aragatnaşyklar sahypasyna girip, Bellenen hasaby iCloud edip düzüp bilersiňiz. Bu, aragatnaşyklaryňyzyň iCloud hasabyňyz bilen sinhronlaşjakdygyna göz ýetirer.

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2/5 “Habarlar” programmasy arkaly “iPhone” kontaktlaryny alyň

“IPhone” -da ýitirilen aragatnaşyklary almak barada aýdylanda, “Habarlar” programmasy halas ediji bolup biler. Kontaktlaryňyz ýitse-de, dostlaryňyz bilen alyş-çalyş eden habarlaryňyz enjamyňyzda galar. Bu ýagdaýda Habarlar programmasyna girip, degişli sapaga basyp bilersiňiz. Aragatnaşygy kesgitlemek üçin habarlary okaň. Soň bolsa, onuň Jikme-jikliklerine girip, täze aragatnaşyk gurup bilersiňiz.

get back contacts by exporting from icloud.com

3/5 iCloud.com-dan kontaktlary eksport edip, ýitirilen aragatnaşyklary ätiýaçlyk alyň

Kontaktlaryňyz eýýäm “iCloud” -da ýatda saklanan bolsa, “iPhone” -dan aragatnaşyklary dürli usullar bilen nädip almalydygyny öwrenip bilersiňiz. Olardan biri olary vCard formatyna eksport edýär. Munuň üçin iCloud-yň resmi web sahypasyna giriň we Apple ID we parolyňyz bilen giriň. Indi, saklanan aragatnaşyklary görüp boljak Aragatnaşyklar bölümine giriň. Sazlamalaryna gidiň we ähli aragatnaşyklary saýlaň. Netijede, onuň Sazlamalaryna girip bilersiňiz we bu aragatnaşyklary vCard hökmünde eksport edip bilersiňiz.

Soň bolsa, bu VCF faýlyny başga enjama geçirip we ondan kontaktlary alyp bilersiňiz.

retrieve contacts from google contacts

4/5 Google Kontaktlaryndan ýa-da Outlook Aragatnaşyklaryndan iPhone-daky aragatnaşyklary dikeldiň

You might already know that you can sync your contacts with Google or Outlook as well. To do this, you need to go to your device’s Mail, Contacts, and Calendar Settings. Add a new account, choose Google, and log-in with your account details. Later, you can go to Google account settings and turn on the syncing for Contacts. The same thing can be done with your Microsoft account as well.

Once you have synced your contacts with your Google or Microsoft account, you can easily export them or sync them back to your iOS device.

Part 6: How to avoid losing contacts on iPhone/iPad again?

avoid to lose iphone contacts

“IPhone” -daky ähli aragatnaşyklary ýitirmek islemeýän bolsaňyz, käbir çäreleri görmek has gowudyr. Duýdansyz ýitirmezlik üçin maglumatlaryňyzyň ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny saklamak hemişe maslahat berilýär. Kontaktlaryňyzy ätiýaçlandyrmagyň iň oňat usuly Dr.Fone - Backup & Restore (iOS) ulanmakdyr. “Dr.Fone” gurallar toplumynyň bir bölegi, maglumatlaryňyzyň ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny almaga mümkinçilik berer. Şonuň ýaly-da, maglumatlary täzeden dikeltmän, enjamyňyza saýlap dikeldip bilersiňiz.

7-nji bölüm: “iPhone” bilen aragatnaşyk barada maslahatlar

Indi “iPhone” -yň öçürilen kontaktlaryny yzyna almagyň dürli usullaryny bilseňiz, talaplaryňyza ýetip bilersiňiz. Mundan başga-da, bu çalt “iPhone” aragatnaşyk maslahatlaryndan hem geçip bilersiňiz.

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7.1 “iPhone” -da ýitirim bolan atlar bar

Köplenç “iPhone” kontaktlary atlary görkezmeýär (ýa-da diňe adyny görkezýär). Bu, adatça, iCloud bilen sinhronlamak meselesi sebäpli ýüze çykýar. Bu meseläni çözmek üçin iCloud sazlamalaryňyza giriň we aragatnaşyklary sinhronlamak opsiýasyny öçüriň. Bu ýerden, bar bolan iCloud kontaktlaryny pozmagy saýlap bilersiňiz.

 Ondan soň enjamyňyzy täzeden açyp, sinhronlamak opsiýasyny täzeden açyp bilersiňiz.

iphone contacts not syncing

7.2 “iPhone” aragatnaşyklary “iCloud” bilen sinhronlaşmaýar

Bu iCloud sinhronlamak bilen baglanyşykly başga bir umumy mesele. Iň gowusy, muny düzetmegiň iň gowy usuly, iCloud hasabyňyzy enjamyňyz bilen aýyrmak we soňundan täzeden birikdirmekdir. Munuň üçin enjamyňyzyň Sazlamalaryna gidiň we hasabyňyza basyň. Bu ýerde, Apple ID-ä degişli jikme-jiklikleri görüp bilersiňiz. Aşak aýlaň we "Çykmak" düwmesine basyň.

Telefonyňyzy täzeden açyň we gaýtadan sinhronlamak üçin iCloud hasaby jikme-jiklikleri bilen giriň.

7.3 “iPhone” aragatnaşyklary ýok

Ulanyjylar öz telefonlarynda iCloud hasaby bilen baglanyşdyrylan aragatnaşyklary gaty köp görmeýärler. Sinhronlamak meselesinden başlap, gapma-garşylykly sazlamalara çenli munuň aňyrsynda köp sebäpler bolup biler. Şeýle-de bolsa, enjamyňyzy täzeden açmak ýa-da ownuk-uşak üýtgeşiklikler arkaly aňsatlyk bilen çözülip bilner. Enjamyňyzda ýitirim bolan “iPhone” kontaktlary üçin bu gollanmany okaň .

7.4 Has köp “iPhone Contacts” maslahatlary we hileleri

Kontaktlaryňyzdan has netijeli peýdalanmak üçin ýerine ýetirip boljak başga-da birnäçe “iPhone” aragatnaşyk maslahatlary we usullary bar. “ IPhone” aragatnaşyk maslahatlaryny has giňişleýin öwrenmek üçin bu maglumatly ýazgyny okap bilersiňiz .

I’m sure that after reading this guide on how to restore contacts on iPhone, you would easily be able to get back your iPhone deleted contacts. As you can see, there are different ways to retrieve lost contacts on iPhone. If you don’t want to get rid of the existing data on your device and perform a selective restore, then give Dr.Fone - Data Recovery (iOS) a try. Also, be sure to back up your contacts right away so that you won’t go through so much hassle again.

Selena Lee

chief Editor

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