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Gihosoft Android Veri Kurtarma Nasıl Çalışır?

Alice MJ

28 Nis 2022 • Dosya: Veri Kurtarma Çözümleri • Kanıtlanmış çözümler

how gihosoft works

Important information is stored on our Android devices. But sometimes, users can suffer data loss due to mis-deleting, software issues, security theft, and the likes. Virus and rooting issues or physical damage can also contribute to loss of data. Some of the information on the Android device cannot be found anywhere else, or they are hard to get. This is why an app that helps to restore lost data is a welcomed development.

Part 1: About Gihosoft Android Data Recovery

Gihosoft has given Android users one of the best apps for data recovery. This app comes is available for both Mac and Win users. It is a classy app with a top user-friendly interface, so as a new user, you can easily your data in simple steps. The app has both a free version and a pro version, that is acquired on purchase. One of the major reasons why many users have enjoyed using this app is the fact there is no need for rooting your Android devices when using the Gihosoft android data recovery pro version.

about gihosoft

Let’s learn more about Gihosoft data recovery basic features and the type of files that are recoverable.

Basic Features:

Here is a list of some of the basic features of the app that makes it one of the data recovery app for android users.

Operating System Compatibility:

One of the major concerns for most users is issues on compatibility. Gihosoft free android data recovery app works efficiently on the different operating systems for both Windows and MacBook. So users can download the app and start using the app with ease. The user-friendly interface makes it possible for users with an old operating system to enjoy the smooth running of the app on their devices.

operating system compatibility

Here is a list of compatible operating systems for both Windows and MacBook.

  • Windows: Vista, XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
  • Mac: 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 10.15..

Supports All Androids OS

The Gihosoft android data recovery app works efficiently with all android operating system. You can retrieve your lost data on any android device using the app. This wide range of support makes the app one of the best. Some of the types of devices supported include Samsung, Oppo, Techno, Huawei, iTel, LG, and lots more.

Multiple Data Location:

Some data are saved on the phone while some others are stored on removable devices like memory cards. Gihosoft data recovery app is able to scan and retrieve your lost data from both locations. This is truly amazing as data location is not a deterrent to getting back the needed information.

Selective Restoration:

Gihosoft data recovery app gives users the option of selecting the type and amount of data or lost information they wish to restore on their android devices. The app scans and retrieves all the lost data, but some data are no longer useful to the user. This feature saves you from the stress of accumulating data or information that you might have deleted on purpose. Only the selected file will you be restored to your device.

Types of Retrievable Files:

This app is able to retrieve several types of data on both the phone and memory. This feature depends on the version of the app being used. The pro version gives full access to data recovered. These are some types of files you can recover using gihosoft.

    • Multimedia: Files including videos, pictures, and music can be recovered in their original quality and sizes.
pic recover
    • Contacts: Selected contacts and unsaved numbers can be also be recovered. This includes the name and address associated with each contact. Pro users can also retrieve call logs.
contacts restore
  • Documents: Important documents in different formats can be restored to your device. Supported formats PDFs, DOCs, DOCXs, PPTs, and many more.
  • Others include social apps messages like WhatsApp. You can also retrieve contact messages.

Part 2: How to use Gihosoft Android Data Recovery?

Retrieving your apps comes in simple steps for both Mac and Win users.

Mac Users:

Download the Mac version of the app on your device. You can use the download link on the app

Here the three steps.

  1. After downloading and installing, connect the Android device.
  2. Scan the device, you can also scan the memory card.
  3. Preview the recovered data and select the ones you wish to restore.

Window User:

Windows users can download the window version of the app using the link on the app. You can also download the app using other software download apps.

And in three simple steps, you are good to go.

  1. Connect your device using a cable. Remember to turn on "USB debugging" on your phone. Wait for the app to recognize the type of phone.
  2. Select the type of files you want to recover. And click on "Scan".
  3. Take a preview of the files retrieved and select the files you want to restore. The selected files will be restored to the device. Click on "Recover" and wait while your data is restored.

Part 3: What happens if Gihosoft restore failed?

After following the above steps and you are unable to retrieve your data, there still exists another solution. If Gihosoft doesn't restore your data, it is best that you check out this amazing data recovery app. It is the Dr.Fone-Data Recovery (Android) .

gihosoft alternative

This app is great and excellent for android users. With more than 8 years of experience in data recovery, its software has evolved over time with a series of improvements to give the best service. Dr.Fone makes data recovery easier at a very high rate. A fact that millions of users can attest to is the success rate of using this software as the ultimate option in the recovering of lost data.

3.1 Dr.Fone-Data Recovery Software for Android.

Here are some interesting features of the Dr.Fone-Data Recovery app that sets it apart as one of the best.

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Mode of Data Lost:

One of the most important features of the software is that it is able to restore your data irrespective of the mode at which it was lost. Most times, data are lost as a result of damages to the android devices. Other reasons are software related and they include rooting problems, viruses, and flashing issues. You can restore data after SD card issues, forgotten password, factory reset or system crash, and lots more. Dr.Fone is able to restore your lost data in any of these cases. So you have nothing to worry about.

mode of data lost

Data Recovery Location:

You can recover lost data from your Android device's internal storage space and on memory cards. This interesting point is that you can insert the Android memory card in a card reader and connect it to the PC without an Android device.

Types of Devices:

The software supports varieties of Android operating systems. Devices including Samsung, Xiaomi, HTC, ZTE, and Infinix are some of the many operating systems. It also works perfectly for a variety of android versions ranging from version 4.0.

Types of Data:

Using Dr.Fone gives you access to the widest range of data types. You can recover different types of data both on the internal memory and the external memory card, and have it retrieved in the original quality and size.

System Files:

Restore system files including messages, contacts, names, residential addresses, and files related to apps used on the phone.


You can retrieve documents stored on both the Android device and the SD cards. The software can scan different documents formats. These include Word, Excel sheets, PDF, books, TXT, and many others.


Quality pictures in their original size and dimensions can be retrieved using this software. Others include audio recordings, songs, and videos of different formats ( 3gp, mp4, Mkv, Avi).

3.2 How to use Dr.Fone Data Recovery Software.

After downloading and installing the software on your PC, launch the app, and follow the simple steps below:

1. Connect Your Android Phone.

Using a viable USB cable, connect the Android device to your PC. USB debugging must be turned on to allow detection. Once the software detects your device, you are ready for the next step.

connect your phone with dr.fone

2. Scan the Android Device.

Once the connection is secured, the software shows the type of files that can be recovered from the device. It will select all file types automatically but you can select the particular types of file you want to retrieve and click on "Next". This process will initiate the scanning of lost files.

scan the android device

3. Recover Files.

The third and final step requires that you preview the retrieved files and select the ones you want to restore. You can restore all at once or restore selected files only. Click "Recover" to finish this step.

recover files


A comprehensive review of both apps shows that you will enjoy using this software to restore your lost data. Review from different users indicates that the software is malware-free and it is easy to navigate. Lost data can be retrieved in easy steps. Download the app for different PC operating system and restore your precious data.

Alice MJ

staff Editor

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