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[Tsis muaj hauv paus] Yuav ua li cas Sau Screen ntawm Samsung A50: Zoo tshaj Apps rau Sau Screen ntawm Samsung A50

Plaub Hlis Ntuj 27, 2022 • Xa mus rau: Daim iav xov tooj Solutions • Proven solutions

Koj puas muaj Samsung A50 thiab xav kaw nws lub vijtsam vim txawv qhov laj thawj? Zoo, qhov no, qhov no yuav yog ib qho kev qhia zoo tshaj plaws rau kev ua cov kaw lus hauv Samsung A50. Ntau tus neeg siv tsis paub, tab sis muaj ib qho inbuilt screen recorder hauv Samsung A50 uas tuaj yeem ua tau raws li koj xav tau. Txawm li cas los xij, txhawm rau ua qhov kev tshuaj ntsuam ntau tshaj plaws hauv Samsung A50, koj tuaj yeem sim cov cuab yeej thib peb. Cov ncej no yuav qhia rau koj paub yuav ua li cas tshuaj ntsuam cov ntaub ntawv ntawm Samsung A50 nyob rau hauv txhua txoj kev.

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1. Yuav ua li cas Sau Screen ntawm Samsung A50 ntawm Game Launcher (Android 9)?

Yog tias koj Samsung ntaus ntawv khiav ntawm Android 9.0, koj tuaj yeem nqa Game Launcher qhov kev pab los sau nws lub vijtsam. Nws yog ib qho inbuilt app hauv Samsung xov tooj uas feem ntau yog siv los sau cov gameplays thiab lwm yam dej num. Rau kev tshuaj ntsuam kaw hauv Samsung A50 ntawm Game Launcher, koj yuav tsum xub ntxiv lub app thiab tom qab ntawd tso nws ntawm nws cov neeg siv interface.

Kawm paub yuav ua li cas tshuaj ntsuam cov ntaub ntawv ntawm Samsung A50 ntawm Game Launcher. Ua raws li cov kauj ruam no:

Kauj ruam 1: Ntxiv lub App rau Game Launcher

Ua ntej, rub lub Game Launcher app ntawm koj Samsung A50 lossis nruab nws los ntawm Play Store (yog tias koj tsis muaj nws lawm). Tam sim no, thaum koj thauj Game Launcher, koj tuaj yeem pom qhov luv ntawm cov apps txhawb nqa los ntawm hauv qab. Tsuas yog los so rau ntu ntawd kom tau txais cov npe ntawm tag nrho cov apps suav nrog hauv Game Launcher.

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Yog hais tias lub app tsis tau teev nyob rau ntawm no, ces coj mus rhaub rau peb-dot icon los ntawm sab saum toj thiab xaiv ntxiv apps. Qhov no yuav muab cov npe ntawm cov apps uas tau teeb tsa hauv koj lub cuab yeej ntxiv ib qho app rau Game Launcher.

Kauj ruam 2: Pib Sau Screen hauv Samsung A50

Zoo heev! Thaum koj tau ntxiv lub app, koj tuaj yeem pom nws hauv qab vaj huam sib luag lossis los so kom pom tag nrho cov npe. Tsuas yog coj mus rhaub rau ntawm lub cim ntawm lub app, thiab nws yuav raug thauj khoom ntawm Game Launcher.

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Thaum lub app tso tawm, koj tuaj yeem coj mus rhaub rau Game Tools icon ntawm lub vijtsam hauv qab-sab laug ces kaum. Los ntawm cov cuab yeej gaming muaj, coj mus rhaub rau ntawm "Sau" icon pib sau cov tshuaj ntsuam hauv Samsung A50.

Kauj ruam 3: Nres thiab txuag lub vijtsam kaw video

Qhov no yuav pib sau qhov screen thiab yuav tso saib nws cov xwm txheej kaw cia rau hauv qab. Koj tuaj yeem coj mus rhaub rau ntawm lub khawm nres thaum twg koj ua tiav cov ntaubntawv povthawj siv. Tom qab ntawd, koj tuaj yeem saib cov yeeb yaj kiab kaw lossis ncaj qha khaws cia rau hauv koj lub cuab yeej cia.

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2. Yuav ua li cas Sau Screen rau Samsung A50 nrog nws inbuilt Option (Android 10)?

Txij li thaum Game Launcher tuaj yeem tau txais qhov nyuaj me ntsis rau kev tshuaj ntsuam kaw hauv Samsung A50, koj tuaj yeem sim nws qhov kev xaiv inbuilt. Thov nco ntsoov tias lub inbuilt screen recorder feature tsuas yog muaj nyob rau ntawm cov khoom siv khiav ntawm Android 10.0 thiab cov ntawv tshiab dua. Yog li ntawd, yog hais tias koj muaj ib tug tshiab ntaus ntawv, ces koj yuav ua raws li no mus kom ze rau kev tshuaj ntsuam kaw nyob rau hauv Samsung A50; Lwm qhov, koj tuaj yeem tshawb nrhiav cov tshuaj saum toj no.

Kauj ruam 1: suav nrog Screen Recorder ntawm Control Center

Los ntawm lub neej ntawd, qhov chaw tswj kev xaiv ntawm Samsung xov tooj tsis muaj qhov screen Recorder feature. Yog li ntawd, koj tuaj yeem swipe down lub vaj huam sib luag ceeb toom thiab coj mus rhaub rau peb-dot icon los ntawm sab saum toj ntxiv nws.

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Los ntawm cov kev xaiv muaj, xaiv "Khoom Order" feature kom tau txais cov npe ntawm ntau yam inbuilt cuab yeej ntawm koj Samsung A50. Tam sim no, koj tuaj yeem pom qhov Screen Recorder feature thiab luag nws lub cim raws li ntawm Chaw Tswj Xyuas.

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Kauj ruam 2: Pib Screen Recording nyob rau hauv Samsung A50

Koj tuaj yeem tso tawm txhua qhov kev ua si, app, lossis xauj lub interface ntawm Samsung A50 ua ntej. Thaum twg koj xav siv lub vijtsam kaw hauv Samsung A50, mus rau Chaw Tswj Xyuas thiab coj mus rhaub rau nws lub cim cuam tshuam.

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Qhov no yuav pib lub countdown ua ntej lub vijtsam kaw hauv Samsung A50. Koj tuaj yeem siv lub xov tooj raws li koj nyiam thaum kaw nws hauv keeb kwm yav dhau.

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Kauj ruam 3: Nres cov ntaubntawv povthawj siv thiab txuag cov yees duab.

Thaum koj pib lub vijtsam recorder nta hauv Samsung A50, qhov taw qhia yuav qhib rau sab. Koj tuaj yeem saib lub sijhawm kaw lub vijtsam thiab coj mus rhaub rau lub cim nres thaum twg koj ua tiav. Thaum kawg, koj tuaj yeem mus rau lub cuab yeej cia thiab saib cov ntawv kaw tseg.

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3. Yuav Ua Li Cas Sau Sau Npe ntawm Samsung A50 nrog lub PC ntawm MirrorGo?

Raws li koj tuaj yeem pom, lub inbuilt screen recorder feature ntawm Samsung A50 muaj kev xaiv txwv. Yog li ntawd, koj muaj peev xwm txiav txim siab siv Wondershare MirrorGo los tsom iav koj lub xov tooj screen ntawm koj lub computer los yog txawm kaw nws.

  • MirrorGo tuaj yeem yooj yim sau lub vijtsam ntawm koj Samsung A50 ntaus ntawv hauv ntau qhov sib txawv thiab zoo.
  • Koj tuaj yeem ncaj qha khaws cov yeeb yaj kiab kaw rau hauv koj lub computer yam tsis muaj watermark lossis teeb meem zoo.
  • Thaum lub vijtsam mirrored ntawm lub kaw lus, koj tuaj yeem siv nws los thaij duab, tswj cov ntawv ceeb toom, lossis hloov cov ntaub ntawv.
  • Tsis tas yuav hauv paus koj Android los tsom iav koj lub PC lossis mus dhau qhov tsis xav tau hassle.

Txhawm rau paub yuav ua li cas tshuaj ntsuam cov ntaub ntawv ntawm Samsung A50 nrog kev pab los ntawm Wondershare MirrorGo, koj tuaj yeem ua raws li cov kauj ruam no:

Sim Nws Dawb

Kauj ruam 1: Txuas koj Samsung ntaus ntawv rau MirrorGo

Pib nrog, koj tuaj yeem tso Wondershare MirrorGo ntawm koj lub cev thiab txuas koj lub xov tooj rau nws. Los ntawm nplooj ntawv home ntawm MirrorGo, mus rau ntu hauv Android.

connect android to pc 1

Tom qab ntawd, raws li koj yuav txuas koj Samsung ntaus ntawv mus rau lub kaw lus, ces koj yuav tau txais kev sib txuas sai sai ntawm lub ceeb toom bar. Tsuas yog coj mus rhaub rau nws thiab xaiv cov ntaub ntawv Hloov chaw.

connect android to pc 2

Kauj ruam 2: Pab kom USB Debugging feature ntawm Samsung A50.

Dhau li ntawm qhov ntawd, koj tuaj yeem mus rau koj Samsung A50 Chaw> Hais Txog Xov Tooj thiab coj mus rhaub "Tsim Number" teb 7 zaug txhawm rau qhib Cov Kev Xaiv Tsim Kho. Tom qab ntawd, mus rau nws Cov Chaw> Tsim Kev Xaiv thiab pab kom USB Debugging xaiv ntawm koj Samsung A50.

connect android to pc 3

Tom qab ntawd, thaum koj txuas koj lub xov tooj Samsung rau lub computer, pab kom USB Debugging tso cai.

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Kauj ruam 3: Sau Screen ntawm Samsung A50 ntawm MirrorGo

Thaum koj lub cuab yeej txuas nrog, koj tuaj yeem saib nws cov duab mirrored ntawm lub interface. Txhawm rau pib lub vijtsam kaw hauv Samsung A50, nyem rau ntawm Cov Ntaub Ntawv icon los ntawm sidebar kom pib lub countdown.

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Daim ntawv thov tam sim no yuav pib sau cov haujlwm ntawm Samsung A50 ntev npaum li koj xav tau. Txhawm rau nres qhov kev tshuaj ntsuam kaw, koj tuaj yeem nyem rau ntawm lub cim nres ntawm lub sidebar. Qhov no yuav cia li khaws cov yeeb yaj duab kaw rau hauv qhov chaw xaiv.

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Tsis tas li ntawd, koj tuaj yeem mus rau MirrorGo Chaw> Screenshot thiab Cov Ntaub Ntawv Teev Tseg los teeb tsa qhov chaw kom txuag tau cov ntaub ntawv kaw tseg thiab hom ntawv nyiam.

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4. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Mobile App rau Screen Recording nyob rau hauv Samsung A50

Thaum kawg, yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav rau lub xov tooj ntawm tes rau kev tshuaj ntsuam kaw hauv Samsung A50, koj tuaj yeem tshawb AZ Screen Recorder. Sib nrug los ntawm kev ua ib qho screen recorder, nws kuj nta ib tug video editor uas yuav cia koj ua tej yam yooj yim edits ntawm koj cov yeeb yaj duab kaw.

  • Siv AZ Screen Recorder, koj tuaj yeem sau qhov screen ua si, gameplays, ua kev qhia, thiab ua ntau yam ntxiv.
  • Nws tseem yuav tso cai rau koj hloov kho cov cuab yeej kaw video, xws li nws cov kev daws teeb meem, FPS, zoo, thiab lwm yam.
  • Thaum koj tau kaw lub vijtsam, koj tuaj yeem siv nws cov inbuilt editor los txiav, faib, lossis sib koom ua ke cov yeeb yaj kiab thiab siv nws cov nta inbuilt.
  • Txij li thaum lub dawb version ntawm no screen recorder yuav tawm ib tug watermark, koj yuav tau mus yuav nws hwm los sau cov yeeb yaj duab uas tsis muaj watermark thiab nkag mus rau lwm yam advanced nta.

App Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hecorat.screenrecorder.free&hl=en_IN&gl=US

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Tom qab nyeem cov ntawv no, koj tuaj yeem tshawb nrhiav txhua yam kev daws teeb meem rau kev tshuaj ntsuam kaw hauv Samsung A50. Txhawm rau ua kom yooj yim rau koj, Kuv tau suav nrog plaub qhov sib txawv rau kev tshuaj ntsuam cov ntaub ntawv ntawm Samsung A50. Txij li thaum haiv neeg screen recorder ntawm lub Samsung A50 yog tsis zoo li ntawd, koj muaj peev xwm txiav txim siab nqis peev nyob rau hauv ib tug kws txuj ci zoo li Wondershare MirrorGo. Yog tias koj yog tus tsim cov ntsiab lus, MirrorGo yeej yuav pab tau zoo heev, cia koj ua cov ntawv qhia, gameplays, thiab lwm yam yeeb yaj kiab yooj yim.

James Davis

neeg ua haujlwm Editor

Screen Recorder

1. Android Screen Recorder
2 iPhone Screen Recorder
3 Screen Cov Ntaub Ntawv ntawm Computer
Home> Yuav ua li cas-rau > Daim iav xov tooj Solutions > [Tsis muaj hauv paus] Yuav ua li cas sau Screen rau Samsung A50: Zoo tshaj Apps rau Sau Screen ntawm Samsung A50