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Samsung galereýasyny bilmeli Google Drive-a ätiýaçlandyrmagyň 3 usuly


27-nji aprel 2022-nji ýyl • Faýl: Telefon we kompýuter arasynda ätiýaçlyk maglumatlary • Subut edilen çözgütler

Bulut saklaýyş platformalarynyň köpüsi adamlara möhüm maglumatlary we faýllary howpsuz ýerden islendik ýere ýetirmek üçin onlaýn ýagdaýda saklamaga kömek edýär. Google Drive, bulut saklaýyş platformasynyň mysallaryndan biridir, millionlarça adam her gün maglumatlaryny ygtybarly ýerde saklamak we redaktirlemek üçin ulanýar. Mundan başga-da, adamlar bu platformany fotosuratlar we wideolar ýaly möhüm zatlaryny saklamak üçin ätiýaçlyk hökmünde ulanýarlar.

Şonuň ýaly-da, “Samsung” ulanyjylary, telefony ýitiren ýa-da telefondan bar bolan maglumatlary tötänleýin ýok eden hem bolsa, suratlaryna we wideolaryna girmek üçin “Samsung Drive” galereýasyny “Google Drive” -a ätiýaçlandyrmagy makul bilýärler. Şonuň üçin Samsung ulanyjysy bolsaňyz, galereýaňyzyň ähli maglumatlaryny ätiýaçlyk hökmünde saklamak üçin Google Drive-dan peýdalanmaly.

Bu jikme-jik makalanyň üsti bilen Samsung-dan Google Drive-a suratlary nädip ýatda saklamalydygyny öwreniň .

Part 1: Backup Samsung Gallery Photo to Google Drive Using Samsung Share Option

You can directly backup Samsung photos to Google Drive by using the share option provided by Samsung. This method is quite simple and easy to use.

Step 1: First, gather the photos you want to upload on Google Drive. You can directly go to your Samsung phone’s gallery and select them.  After selecting them, tap on the option "Share" from the top. Now on the pop-up menu, select "Save to Drive."

tap on share option

Step 2: Now, confirm your Google Drive account by checking your email address. Under your account's address, tap on the option of "Folder" and choose the location to save the photos.

access folder settings

Step 3: Now, your Google Drive will open up, and you can also create a separate folder by tapping "Create a new folder" on the top right corner. Once all your photos get uploaded on Google Drive, tap on the option “Save” from the bottom corner of the screen.

create a new folder

Part 2: Easy Way to Backup your Samsung Gallery: Dr.Fone – Phone Backup

Photoshli suratlaryňyzy Samsung-a başga usullar bilen ätiýaçlandyryp bilmedik bolsaňyz, Dr.Fone - Telefon ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny çalt ulanyň we ynanyň. Bu özboluşly gural, Samsung enjamyňyzdaky ähli maglumatlary ätiýaçlandyryp biler we islän wagtyňyz dikeldip bilersiňiz. Has takygy, maglumatlary saýlap we saýlap bilersiňiz we ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny alyp bilersiňiz.

Bu platforma ynanmak bilen, telefonyňyzdaky ähli maglumatlary tötänleýin aýyran bolsaňyzam, Dr.Fone ähli suratlary, wideolary we faýllary ätiýaçlyk nusgada saklar.

Samsung suratlary üçin Dr.Fone- Telefon ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny ulanmak üçin iň soňky gollanma

1-nji ädim: Telefonyň ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny saýlaň

“Dr.Fone” -ny kompýuteriňize işe girizip başlaň we amaly başlamak üçin “Telefon ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny” saýlaň.

choose phone backup feature

2-nji ädim: Samsung bilen baglanyşyk guruň

Now connect your Samsung device to the computer using a USB cable. A pop-up notification will display on your screen that will ask your permission for all USB debugging. To continue, click on "OK." Afterward, select "Backup" to initiate the backup of your phone's data.

select backup option

Step 3: Select Samsung Files

Now you can pick and select the files that you want to backup. The tool will automatically fetch all the files for you to select them quickly. Once done, tap on "Backup."

select files for backup

Step 4: View your Files

The backup process may take some time, so make sure your device is correctly connected to your computer. Once the process is completed, you can view the backup images by clicking on the view option.

backing up your samsung

Part 3: Upload Samsung Photo from Gallery Save to Google Drive

Google Drive also gives various ways for its users to save photos or videos. This method is straightforward for all Samsung users to backup Samsung galleries on Google Drive.

Step 1: Begin heading to Google Drive from your Samsung home screen. Afterward, sign in to your account by entering your username and password.

open google drive

Step 2: Once done logging into your Google Drive, select the “Plus” icon by tapping on it. Now tap on “Upload” to proceed.

select upload option

Step 3: Select the photos by checking your “Gallery” and tap on the image until you see a blue tick adjacent to it. Now tap on the "Tick" option to upload all the selected photos on your Drive. If you are uploading photos in bulk, wait for some time until all images get uploaded.

open gallery to add images

Part 3: Backup Samsung Gallery to Google Drive Using Google Backup and Sync

Another reliable method to backup Samsung photos to Google Drive is syncing your Samsung photos to Google Drive. You will use a computer to sync all your photos to Google Drive directly.

Step 1: First, build the connection between your Samsung device and your computer through a data cable. Then, find the folder where all your Samsung photos are saved.

Step 2: On the other hand, download "Google Drive for desktop" to your computer with a strong internet connection. Please open it and sign in to your Google account by entering your username and password.

sign in to google drive

Step 3: Now, under the category of "My Computer," select the option of "Add Folder." Afterward, select the folder where you have saved all the Samsung images and upload them to the Drive. From desktop settings in Drive, you can also check the resolution and size of the images you want to upload.

add folder to drive

Step 4: A pop-up menu will appear where you have to choose “Sync with Google Drive” and then tap on “Done” to continue.

click on done button

Step 5: Now it’s time to save all the done changes on your Drive. So click on the “Save” button to finish the process. Now all your Samsung photos will be synced to Google Drive automatically.

save the drive settings


Suratlaryňyzy we beýleki zerur maglumatlary hemişelik saklamak üçin ätiýaçlyk nusgasy. Samsung ulanyjylary ätiýaçlyk maksatlary üçin ygtybarly platforma hökmünde Google Drive-ny giňden ulanýarlar. Şeýle hem bu makala, Samsung galereýasyny iň aňsat usulda Google Drive -a ätiýaçlandyrmaga ýol görkezer .

Selena Li

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Home> Telefon we kompýuteriň arasynda maglumatlary nädip ätiýaçlandyrmaly > Samsung galereýasyny Google Drive-a ätiýaçlandyrmagyň 3 usuly