“Android” üçin iň oňat 10 oýun ekrany ýazgysy
2022-nji ýylyň 7-nji marty • Iberilen: Telefon ekranyny ýazga alyň • Subut edilen çözgütler
One of the greatest tragedies of the modern world is accomplishing something legendary and not having someone witness your crowning glory. All a modern gamer wants, apart from doing his heroic deeds (Killing that evil Dragon, solving that unsolvable puzzle, etc.) is to have people witness those deeds in action. Raising your hands and shouting ‘sweet!’ can truly become sweeter if you can record your Android Game screen for bragging rights later. Or, better still, broadcast your game live and really shut your nerd friends/enemies up, who thought that you cheat-hacked your way through that impossible level.
There’s a voyeur in all of us Gamers. And an android screen recorder makes sure that we bring out that voyeur to play. What better way to brag than to record that game on your android screen? (Answer hint: nothing whatsoever!) So what is the best android game screen recorder?
That’s where the experts (AKA us) come into the picture. Having been in the modern multimedia game for 15 years and having been covered by Forbes (twice) and rewarded by Deloitte (again twice) for excellence in technology, we think we can drop some wisdom about the ideal game screen recorder for your needs. But hey! You don’t have to take our expert word. After all, this is a DIY world. And all of these game screen recorders are free to try, downloadable/available on Google Play, easy to install, and easier still to play around with.
So without further ado, we present to you Android screen recorders, in order from the awesome to the not-quite-as-awesome-but-still-cool-as-heck. In nerd terms, we’re using the Knights of the Round Table to rank them.
#1 - The Lancelot
Wondershare MirrorGo
Wait! What?? We can hear you say. Sure! Make your own product, the Lancelot of Game Screen Android Recording knights (And yes, Lancelot is the strongest, with Galahad a close second).
We say Fair observation. But look at this differently. Having been around for some time, we understand Technology and User Experience. We have learned from the mistakes of others and our own and come up with a product, which we believe is the best. Our audience are you intelligent game-nerds, and we didn’t want to insult your intelligence by hiring a third-party blogger in the name of objectivity and trust. The product is here. It’s below. Download. Install. And the test for yourself (which we know you love doing!)
Wondershare MirrorGo can emulate the screen of your android device by connecting it to your PC through MirrorGo. With one part being installed on your android device, the other part is installed on your PC. You would be amazed by the hassle-free, simple ways of this Android Game Recorder.

MirrorGo Android Recorder
Android enjamyňyzy kompýuteriňize aýnalaň!
- Has gowy dolandyrmak üçin klawiatura we syçan bilen kompýuteriňizde “ Android Mobile” oýunlaryny oýnaň .
- Kompýuteriňiziň klawiaturasy, şol sanda SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook we ş.m. habar iberiň we alyň .
- Telefonyňyzy almazdan bir wagtda birnäçe habarnamany görüň.
- Doly ekran tejribesi üçin kompýuteriňizdäki android programmalaryny ulanyň .
- Klassiki oýunlaryňyzy ýazga alyň .
- Möhüm nokatlarda ekrana düşürmek .
- Gizlin hereketleri paýlaşyň we indiki derejeli oýny öwrediň.
MirrorGo Android Diktofonynyň aýratynlyklary
1. gameshli oýunlaryňyzy kompýuteriň ekranynda oýnap bilersiňiz. Hatda klawiatura birikmesi hem bar, bu hem aňladýar: klawiatura dolandyryşlary. Diýdiňmi: Cool?
2. Oýunyňyzy has uly ekranda görüp, çözgüdi dolandyrmaga mümkinçilik berýär.
3.Rekord! Enjamyňyzy kompýuteriňize bir gezek basanyňyzdan soň, android enjamyňyzyň ekranyny ýazga alyp bilersiňiz.
4. Islendik ýerde oýnamak üçin oýun maglumatlaryny sinhronlap bilersiňiz. Adaty emulýatorlar muny adatça etmeýärler.
5. Durnuk we Android enjamyňyzda az mukdarda RAM ulanýar. Enjamy ýylatmak meselesi ýok!
# 2 Galahad
Rec. (Ekranyň ýazgysy)
“Lancelot” -dan soň ikinji saýlama rysarymyz, “ Wondershare MirrorGo” üçin “Android” üçin oýun ekrany ýazgysy Rec. Näme üçin? Soraýarsyňyz. Ine, munuň sebäbi.
- Bahasy: Mugt (Programma içindäki satyn almalara baglylykda)
- Kök gerek: Diňe Android 4.4 Kit Kat üçin.
- “Android” işleýän enjamyňyzyň ekranyny ýazga almagyň ýönekeý we aňsat usuly.
- Enjamyňyzda “Android Lollipop” ýa-da ondan ýokary işleýän bolsaňyz, telefonyňyza kök girmegiň zerurlygy ýok.
- Android enjamyňyz üçin çeýe we doly düzülip bilinýän ekran ýazgy mümkinçiliklerini üpjün edýär.
- Düşünjeli ulanyjy interfeýsine oňat gaplanýar.
Rec-ni göçürip almak üçin şu ýere basyň . (Ekran ýazgysy) göni Google Play Dükanyndan.
# 3 Gawain
AZ ekran ýazgysy
3-nji rysarymyz AZ ekran ýazgysydyr. Aşakda onuň esasy aýratynlyklary bar.
- Bahasy: Mugt (Programma içindäki satyn almalara baglylykda)
- Android 5.0 we ondan ýokary zatlary talap edýär.
- Şeýle hem bu programma, oňat ulanyjy tejribe dizaýnyny hödürlemek bilen bir hatarda, Android enjamyňyzy ekranlaşdyrmaga mümkinçilik berýär.
- “AZ Game Screen Recorder” oýun ekranlaryny ýazga almak üçin iň oňat programma. Rootazga başlamak we bes etmek üçin kök ygtyýary, wagt çäkleri, suw belligi ýok, mahabatsyz we bir hereket bilen ulanmak aňsat.
- “Android Device Software” 5.0 lolipop we ondan ýokary wersiýaňyz bolmaly. •
- Başlar! “Android” bazaryndaky ýazgy wagtynda durup we dowam etdirip boljak ýeke-täk skrincast programmasy.
“Google Play Store” -dan göni “AZ Game Screen Recorder” -ni göçürip almak üçin şu ýere basyň .
# 4 Percival
ilos Ekranyň ýazgysy - 5.0+
Aşakda onuň esasy aýratynlyklary bar
- Baha: Mugt
- Android 5.0 we ondan ýokary zatlary talap edýär.
- Mugt ulanmak üçin bu programmada Android 5.0 Lollipop ýa-da soňraky enjamyňyzdan wideo ýazga almak üçin oýun ekrany ýazgysy bar.
- You can share those recorded games on YouTube, Drive, Dropbox, or Facebook, etc. Or save them directly to your mobile device.
- It has no ads. No watermark. No time limit to record your games!
- A screen pop-up appears, which asks if you want to begin recording, then you can record and do as you please your Games on Android Device.
You can download ilos game screen recorder directly from Google Play Store.
#5 The Bohort
One Shot Screen Recorder
Below are some of the features of One Shot Screen Recorder:
- Price: Free. Paid Version for $0.99.
- One Shot Game Screen Recorder also keeps the process of screen recording simple.
- It makes the whole process divided into 4 easy steps for your convenience.
- The free version is actually a trial version that puts a watermark on your videos.
#6 - The Hector
Below are some key features of Telecine:
- Price: Free.
- Telecine is a high-rated game screen recorder application on Google Play Store right now.
- Telecine uses a straightforward user interface and the overlay disappears when the screen is being recorded in the targeted game application.
Download telecine directly from Google Play Store.
#7 The Tristan
Mobizen – Game, Screen recorder
Below are some key features of Mobizen:
- Price: Free
- Mobizen is a free Game screen recorder for Android.
- This is one of the rare apps that let you record your games without having root access to your phone when on Android Kit Kat.
- The gameplay isn't ideal, and there will likely be jumps, skips, and frame rate drops.
Click HERE to download the application directly from Google Play Store.
#8 The Bors
Unlimited Screen Recorder Free
Below are some key features of Unlimited Screen Recorder:
- Price: Free
- Requires: Android Lollipop 5.0+
- No Root Required
- Unlimited Screen Recorder is a Lollipop-based screen and also a game screen recorder for android. It's totally free.
- It does not do watermarks.
- The screen recording time is unlimited.
- It features a simple, one-touch interface.
#9 The Lamorak
Our Knight#9 is Shou. Below are some of its key features:
- Price: Free
- Requires: Android Lollipop 5.0+ / Android 4.0 – Android 4.4 with ROOT Access.
- Freely watch the broadcasts from the players that you like and follow.
- Record the games that you play and even broadcast them live!
- The interface is elegant and simple to use.
#10 The Segurant
Screen Recorder for Kit Kat
Our final gallant Knight (Android screen recorder) is Screen Recorder for Kit Kat. Below are some of its key features:
- Price: Free
- You will need to have this application granted root access after being downloaded and installed.
- An option is there for you to choose the resolution at which you want to record your games.
- This app will let you record for 120 seconds which is unfortunate.
- Rotate this app to landscape and portrait mode, respectively.
There you go! While you may not agree with our ranking of the Knights of the Knight of the Round Table, you may find yourself agreeing to our rankings of the Android Game Screen Recorders. Happy Bragging and Broadcasting, game-nerds!
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James Davis
staff Editor