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Samsung 7-i Windows 7 üçin mugt göçürip alýar

Alice MJ

27-nji aprel 2022 • Faýl: Maglumat geçiriş çözgütleri • Subut edilen çözgütler

Samsung Kies, ulanyjylaryna maglumatlaryny dolandyrmak üçin Samsung Electronics tarapyndan işlenip düzülen gaty ygtybarly we ygtybarly programma. Maglumatlaryňyzy bir enjamdan beýlekisine köp kynçylyksyz geçirmäge kömek edip biljek telefon dolandyryş ulgamy. Mundan başga-da, telefonyňyzyň ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny almak ýa-da ulgamyňyz bilen sinhronlamak üçin onuň kömegini alyp bilersiňiz. Şeýle etmek bilen, köp kynçylyksyz bir enjamdan beýlekisine geçip bilersiňiz. Ilki bilen, Windows 7 üçin Samsung Kies-i gurup we islegiňize görä ulanyp bilersiňiz.

Unlike other versions, Kies works extremely well on Windows 7. After getting Samsung Kies download for Windows 7, you can easily install it on your device and use it to manage your smartphone. Nevertheless, a few users complain about the constant crashing and malfunctioning of Kies on their system. To help you, we have come up with this extensive guide for Samsung Kies 3 download for Windows 7. If you are facing any kind of trouble to run Kies, then simply follow this post.

Part 1: Download Samsung Kies for Windows 7

Samsung Kies is a freeware (freely available software) that it officially developed by Samsung Electronics. You can install it on your Windows or Mac system and manage your phone’s data. It allows its users to connect their phone to the system either by using a USB cable or by establishing a wireless connection.

Beýleki enjamlardan Samsung enjamyna göçmek isleseňiz, “Smart Switch” -i hem ulanyp bilersiňiz. Köp sanly goşmaça aýratynlyklar bilen gelýär we Kies ýerine birnäçe ulanyjy tarapyndan ulanylýar. Şeýle-de bolsa, Kies 3-i Windows ulgamyňyza köp kynçylyksyz gurup bilersiňiz. Dowam etmezden ozal aşakdaky şertlerden habarlydygyňyza göz ýetiriň.

Operasiýa ulgamy: Windows (32 ýa-da 64 bit)

Ekranyň ölçegi: 1024 x 768 (32 bit ýa-da ondan ýokary)

Mugt gaty disk ýeri: Iň azyndan 500 MB

RAM (iň az ululygy): 1 GB

Prosessor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz ýa-da ondan ýokary

Goşmaça talaplar: .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 ýa-da ondan ýokary, Windows Media Player 10 ýa-da ondan ýokary, DirectX 9.0C ýa-da ondan ýokary

After meeting these requirements, you can just download Samsung Kies for Windows 7 from here or here. There are plenty of other sources to get Samsung Kies. You can also get different versions of Samsung Kies here.

Part 2: Install Samsung Kies on Windows 7

By now, you must have downloaded the new version of Samsung Kies. Afterward, you can just follow simple instructions to install it on your system as well. It has been observed that most of the times Kies doesn’t really malfunction on Windows 7. Nevertheless, chances are that you might get an error while installing Samsung Kies download for Windows 7.

Bu ýalňyşlyklary soň bu ýazgyda nädip çözmelidigini size habar bereris. Ondan öň bu aňsat ädimleri ýerine ýetirip, Windows 7 üçin iň oňat usulda Samsung Kies 3 göçürip alyp bilersiňiz.

1. Göçürip alanyňyzdan soň, ýeri açyň we Kies gurnawçysyny işlediň. Başga bir hasabyňyza giren bolsaňyz, gurnaýjyny administrator hökmünde işledýändigiňize göz ýetiriň.

run as administrator

2. Bu, Kies üçin ýörite gurnaw ussasyny açar. Kies-iň guruljak ýeri bukjasyny size habar berer. Gurluşyň ýerleşýän ýerini üýtgetmek üçin elmydama “Üýtget” düwmesine basyp bilersiňiz. Şertleri we şertleri okaň. Everythinghli zat dogry ýaly görünýän bolsa, olara razy boluň we "Indiki" düwmesine basyň.

open installer wizard

3. Simply follow the on-screen instructions to install Samsung Kies for Windows 7. Ideally, you won’t get any error at this point and the installer would be able to run successfully. After completing the operation, you will get the following message. Just click on the “Finish” button to exit the installer and run Kies on your system.

installation completed

4. After launching Kies on your system, you can connect your phone to it using a USB cable or wirelessly. That’s it! You can now access all the added features of Samsung Kies without much trouble.

launch ssamsung kies

Part 3: Samsung Kies Crashes on Windows 7

After installing the Samsung Kies download for Windows 7, you can use the software as per your wishes. Though, it has been reported by many users that the application crashes in between or malfunctions while running on Windows 7. If you have also experienced the same, then try to implement these solutions.

1. Try updating Kies

If you are running an older version of Kies, then chances are that it might crash frequently. One of the best ways to solve this problem is by updating the application. To do this, open Samsung Kies for Windows 7 and click on the “Help” section. From here, you can check for updates. Make sure to update the tool to a newer version to resolve any issue.

update kies

2. Reinstall the USB driver

There are times when even after running the Samsung Kies 3 download for Windows 7, the USB driver doesn’t function properly. To resolve this issue, go to Program Files > Samsung > Kies > USB Driver (or any other location where Kies is installed) and look for the file “SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones.exe”. Just double-click it and make sure it is installed properly.

3. Syncing Issue

Sometimes, a syncing error also causes Kies to freeze out of the blue. To resolve this, visit Tools > Preferences > Device and check all the items under the “Initialize System Log” option. Additionally, go to Control Panel > Programs > Default Programs > Set Default Programs > Outlook and make it as a default option. This can also resolve the syncing issue on your computer.

setup outlook as default

4. Editing the configuration file

The older version of Kies also has an issue that can be easily fixed by editing its configuration file. To do it, visit the folder where Kies is installed and look for “kies.exe.config” file and open it in Notepad. Now, you need to ensure that the commands <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" /> and <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" /> are included in the file. Afterward, you can just save the file before exiting and run Kies again.

5. Take the assistance of KiesHelper

KiesHelper is a specially designed tool that is used to resolve the crashing issue. Whenever your software gets crashed, open the task manager and locate KiesHelper. It will initiate the program and will let you surpass the persisting situation.


We hope that after following these suggestions, you would be able to resolve any kind of Samsung Kies for Windows 7 error on your system. You can simply follow the provided instructions to install Samsung Kies on your system and use it to manage your data. If you are still facing any problem regarding Samsung Kies download for Windows 7, drop a comment below and we would get back to you in no time.

Alice MJ

staff Editor

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