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Top Ways to Fix iMessage Not Working

Selena Lee

Apr 27, 2022 • Filed to: Frequently Used Phone Tips • Proven solutions

iMessage not working! Don't worry; you are not alone dealing with this frustration. The issue is quite common with many Mac and iOS users out there. After multiple attempts, if your iMessage isn't working well, then there are certain things you can do to fix it.

After all, you can't let these issues keep ruining your messaging experience at iMessage. Hence, this article aims to guide you through tips and tricks that may help fix the problems arriving with iMessage. But before we jump to the tricks, let's try to spot the exact issue to discover an appropriate solution ahead.

Part 1: Why We Need Offline Music Player for iPhone

Before we go to fix iMessage not working, read on some common issues that might cause trouble with iMessage. In other words, these are the issues that you might encounter with iMessage.

  • "iMessage Saying Not Delivered."
  • "iMessage Sending from Email."
  • "iMessage is Greyed Out."
  • "iMessage Not Activating."
  • "iMessage Not Syncing on iPhone."
  • "iMessage Not Sending After Switching to Android."
"iMessage Not Sending After Switching to Android."

Part 2: Most Helpful Music Player for iPhone Offline

After knowing the most common issues that keep arriving in iMessage, it's time to break down a list of quick fixes. Below we have covered a list of best-possible solutions to ensure iMessage keep working well on iPhone, leaving no room for error and frustration.

1. Check if iMessage is down

If iMessage not working on iPhone, the first thing you can do is, check if iMessage is down. If it happens then, that means the iMessage server is down, and in that case, there's nothing to worry about.

Possible that everyone is encountering the same issue as it has happened cause of the server that backs it up, so wait for a few minutes. Or communicate with your friends and ask them if they are also dealing with the same trouble.

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But there's a good thing about iMessage. If the iMessage server is down and gets back to normal after some time, the user will automatically see a green bubble into text that might show blue when messages are unsent.

2. Check iMessage Internet Connection

Checking internet connection is good if iMessage is not working on iPhone. The issue isn't in the iMessage but in the internet connection in most events. You must have a good Wi-Fi signal or a cellular data connection to ensure the flow of iMessage stays smooth, free of flaws.

If you find trouble in-network, simply turn off and on the Wi-Fi router. Alternatively, you can turn on and off the Airplane mode if you use your own smartphone's internet.

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Use your other devices and browse anything against a high and low internet speed for further assurance regarding internet speed. If everything works fine, then the problem is unique.

3. Turn Off iMessage and Back On Again

Before you do anything, the easiest way to get over your iMessage issues is to turn your iMessage off and back on again. The step tends to refresh iMessage, and after a few minutes, you may get your iMessage back in its good working state. The quick-fix works pretty well in case of message notifications are not working, or messages can't be sent from your device or vice versa. Here is what you need to do:

Step 1: Simply head to "Settings" and tap "Messages"

Step 2: Turn off the "iMessage" feature.

3-nji ädim : Indi iPhone-yňyzy öçüriň.

4-nji ädim : Birnäçe sekunt garaşyň we açyň.

5-nji ädim : Indi ýene "Sazlamalar"> "Habarlar" -a giriň we "iMessage" -ni açyň.

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4. “iMessage” -iň dogry gurnalandygyny ýa-da ýokdugyny barlaň

"IMessageim işlemeýär" diýmek bilen howsala düşmezden ozal, köşeşeliň we iMessage sazlamalaryna gaýdyp, zatlary dogry ýola goýalyň. Bu siziň etmeli zadyňyz:

1-nji ädim : "Sazlamalara" gidiň we "Habarlar" -a basyň.

2-nji ädim : Indi "Ibermek we almak" opsiýasyna basyň.

3-nji ädim : Telefon belgilerini we düzülen e-poçta salgylaryny görersiňiz.

Step 4: Locate the section "Start New Conversations From." Here, look at your phone number to see if it is checked or not.

Step 5: If not, you need to tap on it. This will activate your number for iMessage.

5. Reduce Motion to Solve iMessage Effects Not Working on iPhone

Sometimes users can get frustrated when visual effects are absent in their iMessage while showing on their friend's phone. To simply put, you see a heart or a thumb bubble upon holding on to the speech bubble. Similarly, lots of visually fun elements are available in the list that make the experience with iMessage exciting.

But in your case, if you don't see these effects, perhaps you might have ticked the "reduce motion" on-off. So go to your iPhone "Settings" and tap on "General"> "Accessibility"> "Reduce Motion"> off.

6. Reset Network Settings

Resetting network settings also helps me when my iMessage is not working. You can also reset your network settings by using the following steps:

Step 1: Visit "Settings" on your iPhone.

Step 2: Now, get to the "General" tab.

Step 3: Here, tap on "Reset" followed by "Reset Network Settings".

Step 4: Enter passcode when asked and confirm the resetting.

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The step will put the entire network setting on the reset to ensure you can re-connect your phone with the internet again.

7. Update iOS on Your iPhone/iPad to Fix iMessage Not Working Problem

If nothing works out, consider looking at your iOS version. Perhaps it might not have been updated to its newest version. That's why bugs are arriving. So, whether iMessage notifications are not working or messages aren't sent, try to update your iOS and see if it works for you. To do this, here are the steps to be followed.

Step 1: Open "Settings" in your iPhone and go to "General".

Step 2: Tap on "Software Update" on the next screen.

Step 3: Your device will check for the updates and will show the result for the same.

4-nji ädim : Täzelenme bar bolsa, dowam etmek üçin "Downloadüklemek we gurmak" düwmesine basmagyňyzy haýyş edýäris.

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3-nji bölüm: “iPhone Messages / iMessages” -i kompýuteriňize ätiýaçlaň

Näsazlyklary düzetmek ädimlerini öwrenen bolsaňyz we iMessage-yň iPhone meselesinde işlemezligini düzeden bolsaňyz, näme üçin maglumat ýitirilmezligi üçin habarlaryňyzy tygşytlamak barada has köp zat öwrenmersiňiz? Dr.Fone - Telefon Dolandyryjysyny (iOS) hödürlemek - doly dolandyryş çözgüdi maglumatlaryňyzy birnäçe usulda dolandyrmaga kömek edýär. Gural ulanyjy üçin amatly we ulanmak üçin ygtybarly. “IMessages” -iňizi aňsatlyk bilen geçirip, kompýuteriňizde ätiýaçlyk edip bilersiňiz. Ony beýlekilerden aýyrýan aýratynlyklar:

  • Kontaktlary, SMS-i, suratlary, wideo aýdym-sazlaryny iPhone-da we iPad-da geçiriň
  • Diňe geçirmek däl, hatda zatlary eksport etmek, goşmak, pozmak we ş.m. arkaly maglumatlaryňyzy dolandyryp bilersiňiz
  • Iň gowusy, iOS 15-i we ähli iOS enjamlaryny doly goldaýar
  • “ITunes” -a zerurlyk ýok


Aboveokardaky makalada iMessage bilen iň köp ýaýran meseleleri ara alyp maslahatlaşdyk we iň oňat çözgüt tapmaga synanyşdyk. Lastöne ahyrsoňy hiç zat netije bermese ýa-da ýoluňyzy bitirip biljek aňsat çözgüt gözleýän bolsaňyz, enjamyňyzyň tor sazlamasyny täzeden düzüň ýa-da enjamyňyzy täze wersiýa täzeläň. Şeýle hem, “iPhone” -yňyzy “Dr.Fone” - “Telefon dolandyryjysy” -ny isleýşiňiz ýaly dolandyryp bilersiňiz.

Selena Li

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