“Android” -i mugt göçürip almak üçin iň gowy 6 tizlikli güýçlendiriji
2022-nji ýylyň 7-nji marty • Iberilen: Telefon maglumatlaryny pozuň • Subut edilen çözgütler
Modern Android smartphones are powerful devices - pocket PCs really - with a wealth of functions that only a few years ago would have belonged in the realms of science fiction. However, for all these technological advancements there is a cost, and invariably that comes in the form of reduced battery life. It’s all well and good being able to video chat with friends on the other side of the world, pay for your shopping with your fingerprint, or shoot luscious 4K video, but if your phone is dead by lunchtime then none of this feels quite so impressive. To resolve this issue, there are a number of apps that promise to prolong the life of your digital marvel. Task killers, RAM optimizers, and speed boosters seem like an obvious answer to the problem. Battery life is at a premium on smartphones, so anything that can save power is well worth your attention. Here we will look at various apps that promise to make your phone run smoother and for longer, to see if task killers, RAM optimizers, and speed booster apps are worth installing. Many people raise questions about how to speed up my Android, follow this article to search for the best booster for Android and to know how to speed up my phone.
If you have a question in your mind about a booster for Android, then you should read this list.
Part 1: Wondershare Dr.Fone
Ratings: - 4.4/5
• THE ALL-AROUND Android Manager
Dr.Fone's powerful multi-files manager makes it easier than ever to manage, import & export your music, photos, and videos with the push of a button, in real-time, all in one location. De-duplicate contacts, transfer data, manage your growing app collection, backup & restore. It's all possible with Dr.Fone!
• THE MOST POWERFUL Android Toolkit
Dr.Fone - Android Toolkit makes optimizing & managing your mobile device essentials a breeze. You can backup and restore all your important data, get into your android device without a password, easily recover your lost files or erase your mobile to protect privacy.
• Transfer Social App on PC
It also helps to transfer WhatsApp data from an Android device to Another Android device on a Computer and backup LINE/Viber/Kik/WeChat chat history with a few clicks.
Part 2: DU Speed booster
Google Play Ratings: - 4.5/5
One-touch speed diagnosis and acceleration to make your Android phone run faster than ever before.
Clean up your Android phone and SD card junk files with a single touch to increase your phone’s memory and speed.
Manage the apps installed on your Android phone to keep storage space clean and organized.
Test your upload and download speed in just one tap, and compete with other people worldwide for fun.
Quickly scan apps and files on your phone to protect your device from viruses and Trojans.
Concentrate system resource to support game operation, smooth gameplay and boosts FPS.
Part 3: Purify
Google Play Ratings: - 4.6/5
• Speed up Android
Automatically removes useless apps and always keeps the internal storage free
• Save battery power
Doesn’t allow any app to auto start and save the battery from draining out quickly.
• A quiet world
Mutes all the noisy apps and creates a quiet and beautiful notification bar.
Part 4: Hi Speed Booster
Google Play Store Ratings: - 4.6/5
• Goodbye Lags
Hi Speed Booster (Cleaner) is efficient to boost (clean) phone memory, and keep the phone running fast. It is so smart making the boost effect more durable than others
• Small Size
The size of the app is almost 1MB and is the smallest booster app
• Cache Exterminator
This app conducts a very thorough cleaning and doesn’t leave any junk behind.
Part 5: Apus Booster
Google Play Store Ratings: - 4.6/5
• Comprehensive Booster
Apus Booster is an excellent tool to release memory by more than 50%, and drastically speed up your phone.
• Cache Cleaner
With perfect accuracy, Apus Booster can be the cache cleaner to detect and clean cache junk, ad file, obsolete trash, memory cache, and other junk files to reclaim storage (but not music cache).
• Battery Booster
This speed booster specializes in effectively shutting down background apps running needlessly, which can boost RAM, speed up your phone, and minimize battery consumption.
• CPU Cooler
Detect and clean apps that cause overheating. In one tap, cool down mobile in seconds.
• App Lock
Keeping sensitive information secure from prying eyes is a big concern, but with our new built-in App Lock feature, you can easily hide any desired apps with ease.
• Ignore List
Apps added to the ignore list will not be forced to shut down when you boost your phone to accelerate its performance.
Part 6: Super Cleaner
Google Play Store Ratings: - 4.6/5
• Fastest optimization
Memoryady güýçlendiriň. Gerek däl zatlary arassala. Telefonyňyzy 90.5% -e çenli tizleşdiriň. Iň kiçi, iň çalt, iň akylly telefon optimizatory. Telefon Booster telefonyňyzyň ýadyny artdyrýar, ulgam keşini arassalaýar, batareýanyň ömrüni tygşytlaýar we birnäçe sekundyň içinde oýunlary çaltlaşdyrýar!
• Ykjam ululygy
Bu programma 2MB-den az, ýöne optimizasiýa bilen baglanyşykly ähli maglumatlary jemleýär.
• Awto gereksiz aýyrmak
Bu programma, gereksiz ululyk belli bir çäkden geçende ähli gereksiz zatlary awtomatiki usulda aýyrýar.
Bu makalada şu gün “Android” üçin iň güýçli alty sany programma barada söhbet etdik. Häzirki wagtda üçünji tarap web sahypalarynda iň oňat tizligi güýçlendiriji we başga hiç bir programma bilen bäsleşip bilmejekdigini öňe sürýän köp programmalar bar, aslynda köpüsi ýasama bolup çykýar, şonuň üçin bu programmalary göçürip alanyňyzda seresap boluň we synap görüň diňe Google Play Dükanyndan ýa-da resmi web sahypasyndan göçürip almak.
Telefony pozuň
- 1. “iPhone” -y süpüriň
- 1.1 “iPhone” -y hemişelik süpüriň
- 1.2 Satmazdan ozal iPhone süpüriň
- 1.3 “iPhone” -y formatlaň
- 1.4 Satmazdan ozal “iPad” -y süpüriň
- 1.5 Uzakdan süpürmek iPhone
- 2. “iPhone” -y pozuň
- 2.1 “iPhone” jaň taryhyny pozuň
- 2.2 “iPhone” senenamasyny pozuň
- 2.3 “iPhone” -yň taryhyny pozuň
- 2.4 “iPad” e-poçtalaryny pozuň
- 2.5 iPhone habarlaryny hemişelik pozuň
- 2.6 “iPad” taryhyny hemişelik pozuň
- 2.7 “iPhone Voicemail” -ni pozuň
- 2.8 “iPhone” aragatnaşyklaryny pozuň
- 2.9 iPhone suratlaryny pozuň
- 2.10 iMessages-i pozuň
- 2.11 Aýdym-sazy iPhone-dan pozuň
- 2.12 “iPhone” programmalaryny pozuň
- 2.13 “iPhone” belliklerini pozuň
- 2.14 iPhone beýleki maglumatlary pozuň
- 2.15 iPhone resminamalaryny we maglumatlary pozuň
- 2.16 “iPad” -dan filmleri pozuň
- 3. “iPhone” -y pozuň
- 3.1 Conthli mazmuny we sazlamalary pozuň
- 3.2 Satmazdan ozal “iPad” -y pozuň
- 3.3 Iň oňat iPhone maglumatlary pozmak programma üpjünçiligi
- 4. “iPhone” -y arassalaň
- 4.3 “iPod touch” -y arassalaň
- 4.4 “iPhone” -da gutapjyklary arassalaň
- 4.5 “iPhone” keşini arassalaň
- 4.6 Iň ýokary iPhone arassalaýjylary
- 4.7 “iPhone” ammaryny boşadyň
- 4.8 iPhone-da e-poçta hasaplaryny pozuň
- 4.9 “iPhone” -y çaltlaşdyryň
- 5. “Android” -i arassalaň / süpüriň
- 5.1 Android Keşini arassalaň
- 5.2 Keş bölümini süpüriň
- 5.3 Android suratlaryny pozuň
- 5.4 Satmazdan ozal Android-i süpüriň
- 5.5 Samsung-ny süpüriň
- 5.6 Android-i uzakdan süpüriň
- 5.7 Iň ýokary Android güýçlendirijileri
- 5.8 Iň ýokary Android arassalaýjylary
- 5.9 Android taryhyny pozuň
- 5.10 Android tekst habarlaryny pozuň
- 5.11 Iň oňat Android arassalaýyş programmalary

Elisa MJ
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