Delete Plenty of Fish Account: The Ultimate Tutorial


Apr 28, 2022 • Filed to: Virtual Location Solutions • Proven solutions

So you're wondering how to delete your Plenty of Fish (POF) Account, right?

Can't cancel that POF premium membership?

Admit it. You've tried a lot of things. And something does not work.

You ended up saying: "Oh man, I can't get rid of my POF account! How can I do it?".

Well, look no further, friend!

In this complete guide, you'll get to know all the things you need to do and finally close this chapter of your life.

Let us begin.

Part 1. What happens when you delete Plenty of Fish account?

Imagine you're there. You have finally managed to delete your account permanently…

Now what? Is it over?

Well, partially.

Here's what happens:

  1. After deletion, you can't reactivate your account. Meaning you are not allowed to do so.
  2. No more access to your profile's data.
  3. Start enjoying your life again!

But here's one more thing that you need to know.

POF's Terms of Service Agreement say that they'll keep your information as long as they need it for business purposes... and at least for one year.

That means your data will be stored for some time.

And there is no strict policy about where your information is stored and for how long. Although they say – one year.

Part 2. Uninstall the POF app

Okay, a lot of us use the POF mobile app.

But you have to know that if you delete it from your phone, it won't delete your profile!

I can't stress enough how important is that.

So, how to uninstall the APP on Android:

  1. First, go to settings. Then click on Apps or manage applications.
  2. Then you can either look for the POF application by scrolling down or search for it if you have that option.
  3. Once you find it, click on it.
  4. Hit the Uninstall button and confirm that you want to do it.

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Part 3. Hide the POF profile

When it comes to hiding your profile on POF, it usually means that you won't pop up in any bar of images or search results.

What's the bottom line though?

Some users will still be able to contact you.

And they are mostly people that you have interacted with in some way.

People listed on your favorite list and know your username can search you using the "Username Search" option.

And now, how to hide your profile:

  1. Login to your profile. In the right upper corner, you'll see "Edit Profile."
  2. After you select that option, in the middle of the page, you will see a line of text that reads the following -"To hide your profile from others, click here.".
  3. You're almost there. Go ahead and click this link.
  4. That's it. You won't appear in the search results for POF users anymore.
  5. To unhide your profile, follow the same steps as you click on Edit Profile and then "Unhide your profile."

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Part 4. Cancel POF premium membership

You can opt to cancel your membership with Plenty of Fish at any time given.

But fair warning:

It should not be close to the billing cycle.

You might be wondering why?

You see, canceling your subscription on the due date or close to it will lead to the fact that POF's billing system will charge you again!

And you have to start the whole process all over.

Meaning, you need to be careful when you do that. It must be before the renewal date.

So, how can you stop POF from charging you?

Let's talk about the Android version first:

  1. Open your "Play Store" app. Then click on the three lines button at the left upper corner.
  2. Then, click "Subscriptions."
  3. From there, you will end up in a section called "Manage subscription".
  4. Find the POF application and click on it.
  5. At the bottom, you'll see CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION.
  6. Click on it and select an answer. It doesn't matter what you'll choose.
  7. Then you will be asked again to cancel it, and it will tell you about your billing period.

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And now, let's talk about the iPhone version and how to cancel it:

    1. We'll begin by going to "Settings".
    2. Go for it. Once you're there, tap on your name.
    3. After that, select "iTunes & App Store".
    4. Now, at the top, you should see your "Apple ID". Tap on that.

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    1. From there, select "View Apple ID".
    2. Once there, scroll down and hit the "Subscriptions" menu.

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  1. Now, you should be able to see your active subscriptions (meaning: you are paying every month).
  2. Select it, and scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Now, you should see "Cancel Subscription". After you choose it, it will ask you to confirm it.

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Part 5. Permanently delete the POF account

It doesn't matter if you have found someone special or you're just tired of POF, there is always a way out.

And I'm not talking temporarily.

It's forever. And for good? Who knows, it's up to you.

And please remember to end your subscription before that. Why? Because upgraded accounts are not transferable.

Now, here's the best part, how to delete it:

    1. The fastest way is to log into your account and select "Help."

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    1. ამის შემდეგ, გადაახვიეთ ოდნავ ქვემოთ. თქვენ უნდა იპოვოთ სვეტი "როგორ წავშალო ჩემი ანგარიში". დააწკაპუნეთ ბმულზე, როგორც ეს ნაჩვენებია ქვემოთ მოცემულ სურათზე.

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    1. თქვენ საბოლოოდ მოხვდებით POF-ის ანგარიშის წაშლის გვერდზე.
    2. თქვენ მოგეთხოვებათ უპასუხოთ რამდენიმე კითხვას, როგორიცაა თქვენი მომხმარებლის სახელი/პაროლი, რატომ წაშლით თქვენს ანგარიშს და ა.შ.

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  1. მას შემდეგ, რაც შეავსებთ ყველა მონაცემს და უპასუხებთ მათ კითხვებს, დროა დააჭიროთ დიდ წითელ ღილაკს, რომელშიც ნათქვამია: „გასვლა/დათმობა/ანგარიშის წაშლა“.
  2. Ის არის! თქვენი ანგარიში წაიშალა.

ან იყო?

ნაწილი 6. ანგარიშის წაშლისთვის დაუკავშირდით POF-ის მომხმარებელთა ცენტრს

ცნობილია, რომ ყველა ნაბიჯის შესრულების შემდეგაც კი... თქვენი ანგარიში ისევ იქ არის.

სიურპრიზი! არ არის წაშლილი.

საზიზღარი, eh?

ამ შემთხვევაში, უმჯობესია დაუკავშირდეთ POF-ის მომხმარებელთა განყოფილებას და მოითხოვოთ თქვენი ანგარიშის სამუდამოდ წაშლა.

შეხსენება : POF-ს არ აქვს ტელეფონის ნომერი. ნუ ეცდებით ინტერნეტში შემთხვევით ნაპოვნი ტელეფონის ნომრებზე დარეკვას.

ახლა კი აი, როგორ შეგიძლიათ ამის გაკეთება:

    1. შეგიძლიათ დაუკავშირდეთ POF მომხმარებელთა მხარდაჭერას ონლაინ მხოლოდ მათი დახმარების ცენტრის მეშვეობით.
    2. ამისათვის თქვენ უნდა შეხვიდეთ თქვენს ანგარიშში.
    3. შემდეგ დააწკაპუნეთ ბმულზე „დახმარების ცენტრი“ (როგორც ნაჩვენებია ქვემოთ).

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  1. ბმულზე დაწკაპუნების შემდეგ, გამოჩნდება ახალი ფანჯარა (ქვემოთ ნაჩვენები), სადაც შეგიძლიათ დაწეროთ ელფოსტა მათ მომხმარებელთა მხარდაჭერას და აღწეროთ თქვენი პრობლემა.

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ვოილა! შეუძლებელი გააკეთე! ახლავე, მიულოცეთ საკუთარ თავს, გააზიარეთ ეს თემა და დააკომენტარეთ, თუ სხვა რამეს გვკითხავთ!


Alice MJ

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